Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #13

She is pregnant, so this former A list singer has given up the coke, but not the wine. Just no more two bottles a night drinking. 


  1. Her pictures remind me of diabetes! Good lord that poor child if true

    1. Chestica all the way to pre diabetes. Love ya sad auntie

    2. Thank u @drew!!!

    3. Off topic but work with someone whose name is Chestica

  2. I doubt she is that selfish. Just have an abortion ffs.

  3. I think chunky Jess is pretty but I'm not a shallow soulless human just yet

  4. sadly, I have a relative who drank and smoke cigarettes and pot all throughout the pregnancy, and had a baby with a lot of physical and mental issues. She now martyrs his disabilities as her badge of parenting.

    Lots of people do this. So sad.

  5. Yeesh, I feel like the coke would have been healthier for the baby than the alcohol.

    1. Nooo @brayson . Both are equally devastating. Even cigarettes create health issues for the infant. Coke kids have my issues you would not believe.

  6. I forgot Jessica just announced her pregnancy.

    I read the earlier "gave up coke" blind, so I was all, "KATY PERRY IS PREGNANT?!?"

    Totally wrong yet again. :)

  7. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome kids are truly messed up. And, typically aren't "fixable". The kids are probably better off if the mother is on coke. That said, our doctor said that a glass of wine a day won't matter.

    1. You need a new doctor. Or are u in Europe. Coke is better said no one ever.

    2. Kids exposed to any drugs are liable to have truly devastating lifelong consequences. Kids exposed to cocaine may not have the physical features of FAS but they can have severe behavioral and psychological issues. Meth is just as bad as coke.

  8. @Bestman Sounds a bit like Cardi B's future.

  9. She looks SO uncomfortable and bloated.

  10. Expecting Mothers use to drink and smoke while pregnant. My Nan was actually advised to smoke as doctors in the 50s believed it created less stress for the baby as in just giving up. True story. Women never drank to excess back then but my Mum and Aunt are absolutely fine and both highly educated. It's scare mongering. As long as you're not a raging alcoholic and smoke 50 a day it hardly effects the baby.

    1. You can disagree all you like but as most mothers weren't aware of the 'dangers' back then, their children weren't walking around with stunted growth and was only in extreme cases.

  11. One or two drinks, may not harm the baby, but 2 bottles of wine a night will!!! Give me s break!

  12. @Amy very common for the doctors to advise the pregnant mothers to relax with a smoke and a drink and most of the mothers of my peers as did mine took their advice. It is fear mongering. Before the FAS and low birth weight comments start, moderation is key.I am not talking three packs of smokes and a bottle of scotch a day. Common sense-folks used to have it.

  13. @cebii It's absolutely true that occasional alcohol is fine. But two bottles a day...that poor kid.

  14. Two bottles per DAY!?!? Full blown alkie and she isn't off in rehab? A baby on the way? Yeah, that's going to work out just fine. Can we say band-aid baby? I thought she was done having kids. Good luck kid.

  15. For those saying one drink and a few cigarettes a day was considered OK way back when, Please consider that in 2018 pregnant women are already inevitably consuming a lot of chemicals since Monsanto has poisoned American farmland. Even organic produce and wheat flour has traces of Monsanto poison due to the water runoff and air pollution.

    Therefore to give your baby the best possible chance in life to be physically and mentally healthy, unselfish women abstain and are super careful.

    Then again so many mothers today secretly are using surrogates so there's that factor to consider when observing any celebrity.

  16. carrie underwood...?

  17. Enty said SHE IS NOT DRINKING TWO BOTTLES A DAY. She used to, but cut way back because of pregnancy.

  18. Um, I think drinking any amount of wine a day is pretty bad when pregnant, no? Taking medical advise from the 50s is also a bit silly considering the fact that they said kids could smoke and now people in their 60s and 70s are dying of lung cancer pretty much everywhere.

  19. orangesoda - no. Drinking 2 bottles a day is undoubtedly horrific. But the occasional glass of wine (NOT every day!) is actually recommended by doctors still today in mediterranean countries, and they have some of longest ages of living in the world.
    In Spain, Greece, Italy and France doctors recommend a couple of glasses of red wine per week, which is great for blood circulation. In Northern European countries a couple of glasses of beer per week are very acceptable, in fact there are many benefits to drinking beer while pregnant ON OCCASION.

    Moderation is the key, in everything. And each country or continent, has their own views on what's acceptable to do during pregnancy. For example unpasteurised cheese is illegal in the US and an absolute no-no for pregnant women, while in France doctors believe that it's better to eat unpasteurised cheese, once week, than to stuff yourself with heavily processed garbage for 9 months.

    And in Japan and Korea women eat raw fish while pregnant, and they too have high living numbers.
