Friday, September 21, 2018

Blind Item #12

Is it cheating if your wife encourages you to sleep with other women as much as you want? That is the case for this former A list rapper turned A- list mostly television actor on a hit network show. He certainly takes advantage of her blessing.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ice t and CococAustin

  3. What about LLCoolJ?

  4. Probably depends on whether the wife is allowed to cheat too, an open marriage. Otherwise that's where the cheat part comes from, if they have to play by different rules it's cheating. Threesomes might be a gray area.

  5. "Is it cheating?" No. It's consensual (I assume) and encouraged, so good for them.

  6. Not cheating...but stupid comes to mind.

  7. So we are not even going to mention it? Beyonce gets accused of witchcraft by a former employee and not one peep from Enty? Cmon man, dont leave us hanging!

    1. I know...
      Entry on that one as well it was definitely a recent blind or 2!

    2. There's a lot of thing that dont get mentioned here sometimes. I thought Enty would have had a field day when Kevin Spacey was back in the news with more accusations awhile ago but there wasnt a peep.

    3. Nahh he's over Spacey and is on suspicious Ods

    4. Thanks for telling us. I'm going to read about it. I believe she does black magic.

  8. No. Sounds like they have an arrangement. If everyone's happy, good for them.

  9. It’s not cheating it’s an arrangement

  10. T.I. would be the rapper, they use the "he cheated" thing for the pap's right when interest in him is waning. His wife is also bi-sexual so if she's digging the woman she'll join them.

  11. Well what's the problem he's not cheating

  12. @yep

    Yeah, the DM article about Beyonce's drummer was brief and short on details, too. I sure wanted to know more. Maybe tomorrow...

  13. @yep, it's very obvious from the article and court documents that the drummer is having paranoid delusions, which is probably why her case got dismissed. It's not just supposed to witchcraft, it's also manipulating the drummer's finances and having her followed everywhere. It's sad and hopefully the drummer gets help.

  14. I was thinking LL Cool J on this one, actually.

    NCIC: Los Angeles, right? With Chris O'Donnell? CBS network show and been running for several years.

    Same can be said about Ice-T and Law and Order, though...

  15. Don't see Ice Tea stepping put ob Coco. Sems like she is in charge. LL Cool J has bern married to Simone 33 years. Bet at this point she doesn't care.
    My votes is on them.

  16. "There's a lot of thing that dont get mentioned here sometimes. I thought Enty would have had a field day when Kevin Spacey was back in the news with more accusations awhile ago but there wasnt a peep."

    A really industrious and bored person could probably trace who Enty is, or who he works for, or who feeds him info and tells him what stories to stay away from, simply by cross referencing which scandals are covered and which celebrities are protected/ignored with which entertainment lawyer represents the ignored clients.
    It may be more difficult as he probably gets info from other lawyers and PR people, and his clients or former clients probably give him bread crumbs as well, but I think you could get a pretty good feel for who the players are.

    1. Given the people he retweets and the women he claims to be friends with (example; "I bet you missed me at that party) I'm sure many people know exactly who he is and like you said; could narrow it down easily enough.

      He could just as easily be lying of course or even be multiple people. There's been several occassions where he's made mistakes or reposted info from else where.

      Between here and his podcast I get the feeling he cares more for attention and money. I wonder how important he can be as a lawyer given how often he shares personal information. Not exactly a lawyer I'd want to hire.

  17. Who the fuck wants to sleep with 2018 Ice T?

  18. That's called "Delegating."

  19. She obviously has a boyfriend

  20. That's the story HE tells. Don't believe a word.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. She knows, she's fine with it, it's not cheating.

    Adultery, sure, infidelity, you bet, but not cheating.

    It's all about the "who's it hurting" principle, people.

  23. ice t and coco used to be known for their threesomes.

  24. I don’t think it’s LL because his wife left him for cheating before - I agree it’s Ice T

  25. @Brayson

    Yeah, she is nuts but I'd still like to hear what the drummer has to say. What led her to that insane conclusion after working for Beyonce for years? The details might be delusional but I'd still like to know.


    Enty is not a lawyer and his connections are few (if they exist at all.) He does have a publicists sense of what will be viewed most often on this site however.

    1. I was speaking 'tongue in cheek', that revelation is of no surprise to me. Even if he was a lawyer, I'd doubt his clientele would be anyone important otherwise he wouldn't need to be here.

      Just following his twitter or reading the news will tell you who a few of his "sources" are.

    2. I know it wasnt @ me, but on Beyonce, I wouldn't be surprised of she was into vodou. It really isnt that crazy an idea.

      I know someone who had their puppy used in a ritual (killed) as a kid by a bruja because the dog kept pissing on her flowers. Doesn't matter which practice we're discussing, people take their beliefs seriously.

      That lady might be paranoid, but Beyonce thinking she has some tap into another realm/power is something a lot of people do believe in.

      Sasha fierce with Beyonce, Roman with Nicki, ect. I know it's blasphemous, but are their beliefs any crazier than any other religion?



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