Thursday, September 20, 2018

Blind Item #12

A few weeks back , I told you of the strange circumstances which led to this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress sleeping with a producer so her ex could land a part he wanted. Well, turn about is fair play so the ex is paying all the big expenses ( rent and a car) of the new boyfriend of our actress. 


  1. Wasn't it Michael Sheen?

  2. I can't recall if this was Matt Smith & Lily James or someone else?

  3. Which would make Kate Beckinsale the fucked for role one.

  4. @Sandy that was the popular guess but I don't think we've gotten a reveal yet (unless I missed it)

  5. Awww makes sense since Sheen is her daughter's father so gotta keep him working to pay for their daughter's needs/wants @sandybrook.

  6. I don't think so either Ophelia.

  7. Absolutely Montana but I bet she makes more per role than he does, although he works a lot more it seems.

  8. That's one f*cked up family.

  9. I know money oughtn't be the issue, but why is she going out with a guy who can't afford to pay his own rent. It says '......paying all the big expenses.' which means she'd been forking out for it if it was already part of her expenses?

  10. FWIW, AGC went with Beckinsale

  11. @Anna, why is that guy going out with a woman who would f*ck other men for her ex's career? Sounds like a well defined relationship right there. She's a whore, he's a gigolo, and the ex is apparently a pimp. Great role models.

  12. Awww what a big happy family
