Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Item #11

I find it pretty interesting that this permanent A list designer has been spending more time on red carpets and at events while her daughter is dying.


  1. Maybe it’s because her name is Donatella but her face reminds me of the ninja turtles..

  2. +1 her face is orange like another male jerkoff we all know amirite?

  3. Well yeah but her face also looks like a semi backed over it several times and she survived the ordeal.

  4. Maybe she's still pissed her daughter inherited 50% of the fashion empire.

  5. How is Allegra dying?

    1. ALLEGRA? did she name her other kids Zyrtec and Claritin?

    2. Anorexia. She had a NG feeding tube for a while. I guess she has relapsed. Wow

  6. LOL, @Sandy!
    @CarolMR Allegra has anorexia

  7. Thanks, Tuesdi. That's a shame.

  8. Allegra is a fairly common girl's name in Italy. It means lively or happy. Ironic.

    1. That's interesting, Carol... over here it's an allergy medication, as are the other 2 names I mentioned #pharmacyhumor

  9. She's dying? I mean, for how long has she been dying? Is Donatella not supposed to have a life during her daughter's disease? Anorexia can last for years and years. I don't get this blind, really.

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I think they should make some regulations in the Fashion Industry. To ban size zero. Back in my days... 1994 when I started modeling.. I was pushed to 49 kgs/51kg at 1.73 cm tall (Im italian so we use cm and kg). Its a DISGRACE!! These fashion standards should be considered Suicidal and moderated by Regulations. These sick individuals are making yohng girls ill and are directly responsable for their deaths.

  11. Does anyone even like skinny models? They don't seem very attractive. If we wanted to see clothes on a hanger we'd go to the store. Give us some curves!

  12. Donatella Versace. I feel so bad for Allegra. Her illness has nothing to do with fashion though, I think in her case it's a reflex of growing up with a narcissist cokehead mom obsessed with plastic surgery. Family dynamics has a lot to do with EDs. I hope Allegra recovers someday, she never got over her uncle's death.

  13. I mean we're all in the process of dying when you get down to it.

  14. Oh sh!t Steve, you just lost 22min right there! ;)

  15. I don't think because she's doing a lot of red carpet events means she's not thinking about her daughter. ??

  16. Also, just to be pedantic,because that's all I've got today, 1.73 cm is half an inch. 1/2 inch to 110 lbs is...a bit heavy?

  17. Picture of her Daughter are horrifying. It's so sad.

  18. Allegra has been anorexic for a long time but she was looking much better for awhile. Maybe being "better" triggered a relapse.

  19. Had anorexia and was an ad model- too short for runway.

    Anyhow, I ended up in the hospital with anorexia at age 30. Doc told me if I lost another ounce, he would order tube feedings. For some reason, one day while I was there, I looked into the bathroom mirror and my body looked like pictures of concentration camp survivors. My husband told me he could see the striations of my jaw muscles when I ate or smiled. Whatever it was, something clicked. Took years of therapy but I now have healthy eating habits.

    BTW, ALL of the women who were inpatient with me had been sexually molested. It's pretty common. I hope this poor girl, Allegra, can get the help she needs.

  20. Kaia Gerber. Same deal.

  21. +1@pixiegothy: Having a mother like that, never getting over the death of her Uncle, and 9 years of ballet can definitely cause an ED. Heartbreaking.

  22. My cousin had anorexia. She was five-foot-seven and down to 90 pounds. She was on the verge of death.

    It took an intervention from her immediate family, long-term hospitalization, medication, and tons of therapy to really help her.

    The medications that treat obsessive-compulsive disorders really helped her. She is now a normal weight, can keep a job, and even got married.

  23. The designers like how their clothes look on underweight models. I would think they are hangry a lot of the time.

    I had a flight attendant friend treated for bulemia. She went to a rehab and then joined a group for eating disorders. One of the young women in her group died of a heart attack.

    Offspring of celebrities don't fare too well. Some are well adjusted but many of them seem unhappy and engage in high risk behavior.

  24. Laura Ramona: I work in the fashion industry and you're correct. Having said that, surely you'd agree that it's not all up to fashion regulations. In Italy (and France) especially, I see middle aged (and older) women who live on Diet Coke and cigarettes, their normal diet, which they pass onto their daughters. These type of women WILL NEVER see food in a normal way, no matter what runway models look like. They will always want to be skeletal, no matter what.

  25. For once, I agree with Depeche. The biggest predicator of eating disorders in young women is if their mothers are obsessed with fashion, food, and weight. Yo-yo dieting in mothers also correlate with both overweight and anorexic daughters.

  26. Anorexia is no joke. Had a brush with it when I was 16 after a boy I was dating told my already-skinny self that I'd look better with my hips bones jutting out. I barely ate and exercised for hours but after a few months of this realized he didn't give a fuck about me. So I dumped him and started eating again but have since struggled with being overweight ever since. It's so hard being a woman just trying to make a way in the world sometimes. If Donatella Versace's daughter is really dying, there's nothing wrong with putting aside work for the time being to be next to her child. It's not sexist to suggest this is what she should be doing. It's about the human instinct to love your child above all else. Where would you want to be if YOUR child was dying?

  27. She is. My friend works at Cle clinic and has seen her a few times.

  28. This is terrible news @cass, I hope Allegra pulls through this and gets all the help she needs.



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