Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blind Item #11

I wrote about these two a couple weeks ago and things are even getting worse between the foreign born A- list actress and her foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor co-star. This press tour now has them doing as much as possible separately. You get the sense that they just want to say f**k off to each other and be done with it.


  1. Gosling and Claire Foy

  2. Claire For and Ryan out!

  3. Guess things are a whole lot different when Emma Stone is not your co-star.

  4. They looked totally chummy in the mail the other day

  5. But why, can anyone shine a light on the reasons? Was she immune to his charms or did he refuse her advances?

  6. yepthatsme I think there was a blind saying that he tried to hook up with her like he does with everyone and was super offended when she rejected him & badmouthed her

  7. Guess he's as sh!tty with the ladies as he is with his acting.

  8. Yes! I wonder too what the reason might be, jealousy, cultural differences, bad mood? They have it all, should be happy about their jobs!

  9. Fake moon landing propaganda movie will not get my money.

  10. All the evidence points to that humans have no business being conscious in space, it destroys the human body. Best bet is some sort of shielded cryo or stasis until they reach their destinations. Of which the only possibilities are lifeless rocks floating in space. Whoopee, bunker life, what an exploration.

  11. @ Brayson87

    have you seen 'Half Nelson'

  12. If the moon landing was faked, how come the Russians or the Chinese have never revealed it was a hoax?

    By the way, DDonna, there are many fake things that are just evil propaganda, and that you should stay away from for your own security. Vaccines, hospitals, health check-ups, hygiene, seat belts, books, exercising, healthy food, etc. The world would definitely be a better place if we, well actually if you didn't follow these fake rule for something like a few years.

  13. Anybody seen that so-called Chinese "space" footage that has the air bubbles escaping from the suits' masks, revealing that it's all being shot under water? Yet nobody in the USA govt. points out the Chinese lies.

    It's a big club and you're not in it, moron. I'm not in it either, but at least I know it exists what's going on.

    1. Earth is flat too. Fact. And dinosaurs are a hoax.

  14. Never understood his appeal

  15. Brayson87 said...
    Guess he's as sh!tty with the ladies as he is with his acting.


    pixiegothy said...
    Never understood his appeal

    +! to both! ^^^
    Ryan Gosling looks like a serial killer. He gives me the heebie jeebies.

  16. @Angela,there is more leverage with knowledge than making things public. A better question is why wasn't the moon exploration taken further? And most people that disbelieve the moon landing base their belief on scientific facts,not conspiracies or being flat Earthers.

  17. @Ddonna Your tinfoil hat is slipping.

  18. Oh please, there's footage of them all over European media being chummy with each other, he seems to get on better with her than Emma Stone. This site really wants Gosling to be some immoral, sociopathic con man, huh?

  19. So my teacher wasted our study time watching the moon landing on tiny black and white tv in 1969??? Sure looked real to me with good old Walter Cronkite. Put a lid on it DDonna and talk about it on some Christian blog.

  20. Watch Fact or Faked. They did an episode on recreating the moon landing. With everything else that they were able to recreate they branded "Fake!" . They were able to perfectly recreate the moon scene but were like "Ummm, yeah, but it's real." They seemed a little shaken.

  21. I wish the moon landings were faked, what a vast waste of taxpayer's money.

  22. @ Guesser

    You may be able to blackmail someone about a one-time event with few witnesses.
    It wouldn't work with the Moon landing because you can't get absolute secrecy from a program that required thousands of people to work together, and resulted "supposedly" in six different teams landing on the Moon over the course of three years. Or else you have to kill everybody who may spill the beans over the hoax. There has never been a suspicious death rate for people who were involved in the Apollo program, and, if I were Chinese or Russian and I knew that it was faked, I would have revealed it at some point, to take credit for the info, before some conspiracy theorist would talk about it.

    Also, they gave up on Moon exploration because the whole program had mostly been a matter of pride for America after the Soviets beat them with the first satellite, the first living being in space, and the first human being in space. When they won the Moon race, they focused their resources on more reasonable targets (the space shuttle program), and they also lost a big part of their fundings due to the oil shock and the economic crisis that started in 1973.

  23. Just watch the old Godzilla movies or lost in space. That's how advanced technology was back then. What a waste of brain cells you waste on shitty conspiracy theories when you were not even alive to watch it back then. Write your own fictional novel and put your resources elsewhere.

  24. I challenge anyone to read Dave McGowan's "Wagging the Moondoggie" without subsequently questioning their faith in the moon landings.

    If the moon landings were not faked, NASA has certainly worked to create doubts about their veracity. The amount of lost documents, research, technology white papers, video and film is unfathomable otherwise.

  25. You can not pass biological matter through the Van Allen belts. Just because you watched the "moon landing" on a black and white TV doesn't mean it actually happened. Those who believe the moon landings were real ask yourselves why NASA claims the reason they haven't gone back is because they've "lost the technology."

    They didn't have email, mobile phones or vape pens in the '60s, but you actually think they really live streamed from the moon?

  26. Why not? Technology has enabled for a long time people like you to talk through their own asses.

  27. I have come to the conclusion that Donna Tart is nearly as mentally retarded as plot. Not quite there yet, but almost. Congratulations to Donna.



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