Monday, September 10, 2018

Blind Item #11

He really likes to test the limits of what she will put up with. This A- list reality star hooked up with his A- list ex and told his current celebrity girlfriend all about it. They are taking a break for a few days. She always said she wouldn't leave him, but the ex is kind of a touchy subject.


  1. They just aired the episode where Kourtney gets mad at him for introducing Sophie to the kids/ she released an interview about how "love/dovey" their relationship is lol

  2. That’s so gross and fucked up. She needs to leave before Kourtney gets pregnant with his child and she looks like a total idiot in the public eye

  3. Whoa, that's what he's famous for, I thought he was a dj or something lol

  4. I don't want to live in a world where Scott Disick is A anything.

  5. @ unknown she WILL get pregnant with his baby whether they last or not. This was what she has said all along. She wants her kids to be FULL siblings, not half, and and she wants more.... as for some reason her not being full blood with her two Jenner siblings bothered her somehow? Even if they hate each other, she will pay him for some of his sperm or screw him for old time sake. Kids are fashion accessories and storylines to this spawn of Satan clan.

  6. Nobody’s married here
    What’s the big Dealio?

  7. Marriage is so passe. Got to keep cranking out those babies.

  8. The Lord and Kourtney

  9. I don't know why Kourtney would want another baby. She already ignores the 3rd one. It's like she stopped caring after she had him. She was always with her kids in the past. The past 3 years she is always on vacation somewhere without them.

  10. Why doesnt Kourt ask Justin Beiber for another sperm donation. Reign is 200% his child!

  11. I know they are doing this for ratings, but why bring the children into this mess and up their minds. That's child abuse.

  12. @inknown She is an idiot... Obviously... duh.
