Friday, September 28, 2018

Blind Item #10

Our favorite A- list mostly television actor from a long running hit cable show cheated on the actress girlfriend again, this time at the party for the season premiere of the show. Our actor has never met a corner or private space he can't use.


  1. One good thing about using multiple alts on this blogger page you don't have to worry about fucking up and using the wrong avatar when posting under the different names. Amirite tranny? It was hilarious when you fucked up like that then tried to say you didn't, fucking idiot.

    1. Why whomever are you referring toπŸ˜‚πŸ™„

  2. Sandy, I love it when youre salty lolol

  3. Again, I don’t understand the “tranny” remarks. Transphobia is hateful, friends. If you don’t like someone, insult their character, not their gender identity.

    1. No hate intended, Sandy's a mechanic. Transmissions are a BITCH.

  4. OT: Even I have been getting skeptical of Enty & aware of the DM rehash we've been getting lately, but I stay for those few blinds that seem to be authentic tips. Today I saw at least 2 entertainment headlines that (at least IMO) confirmed blinds we've seen here recently.

    Just wanted to share the little burst of renewed faith that there are some diamonds in the dirt here :)

  5. with Melissa?? What's the deal with those two?

  6. I love TWD, but he looks just as grubby as Daryl Dixon in real life.

  7. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Cheated on BOTH his girlfriends I think you mean, unless it was with Melissa McBride in which case it's fine with the little English girl he's got knocked up and set up in NYC. Those two have an understanding,while Diane Kruger hates them both and i'm sure the feeling is mutual.

  8. You mean he has another gf besides Diane?? πŸ˜‚

  9. If this is Norman haha! I mean you can't really cheat on someone you have never claimed as your gf before. But, okay... Meanwhile, the twd premiere was everything we should have gotten last year except diane had to crash it. I bet she was pissed as fuck watching Norman and Mel walk together, hand in hand no less. Sort of de-legitimizes his evening with diane at the critic's choice awards completely, which diane keeps using as proof they are a "couple." This woman will never learn. Move the fuck on he just isn't that into you and it SO shows...

  10. TWD sucks and Reedus is a sleaze ball. Women that hook up with him or think they can be his gf need their heads examined.

  11. He's a very busy guy that Norman

  12. Trans "women" are mentally ill men, most of which have extremely vitriolic attitudes towards actual women. Don't defend them. They are not your friends. Go to their blogs and forums to see what I mean or, better yet, ask their ex wives about what life was like trapped in a loveless, sham (often violent) marriage to a tranny.

  13. A grown adult person who believes they're a cat, is deemed mentally ill.
    While an adult person who believes, they are a gender-fluid, feminist lesbian with a penis, is nowadays hailed as some sort of hero.

    Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck if you chop off your bits, inject yourself with hormones, or whatnot, but your freedom ends, where my freedom as a parent, is being infringed upon.

    I will not accept grown ass men in women's toilets, where little girls go.
    I will not accept kindergarten reading time with a bearded, low-voiced fairy godmother.
    I will not accept the government brainwashing - Hitlerjugend-style - of impressionable children.
    I will not accept the deliberate confusion of kids, by not using correct personal pronouns.
    And I will certainly not disregard basic genetics that show there are exactly 2 genders.

    Motherfucker, I AM A PARENT, and I don't give a flying fuck about your confused sexual identity, MY CHILDREN COME BEFORE YOUR HORMONAL IMBALANCE, keep it at home, where it belongs and don't you dare interfere with me raising my kids!!!

  14. This thread got off topic fast. Shock. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    Norman Reedus - don’t get the attraction, his behaviors is gross. He maybe needs to start putting something on the end of it though. @unknown/@uptomyneckinit - interesting!

    1. Did I fall down the rabbithole in Alice in crackland? Off topic for real! Im just wondering who he cheated with. #reedusisamanwhore #nevercommits

    2. Did I fall down the rabbithole in Alice in crackland? Off topic for real! Im just wondering who he cheated with. #reedusisamanwhore #nevercommits

  15. @Depeche Model "there are exactly 2 genders"
    Intersex people don't exist?

    Your post is bloody disgusting, btw, it's so cowardly when people hide behind their children because they want to hate others.

  16. Dixie: there are humans with two X chromosomes, and humans with an x and a y chromosome. That's it. There aren't any others. Those are the 2 genders assigned to us by nature.

    Now, sexual preference is another thing. It's different to gender. In fact, it has fuck-all to do with gender.
    I believe it is indeed innate, but nowadays it is apparently it's not cool enough anymore to just be gay; to be cool and a true 'controversial victim', you have to be some sort of freak show , who'll get with anything and anyone, at anytime. It's very fashionable to be some sort of fluid, whatever the fuck that means, everything0fucker. And heaven forbid anyone rolls their eyes at this: they will immediately labelled as something-phobic Hitler-Nazis.

    The only people who are hating are your ilk: you hate loving and protective mothers and fathers who wish to raise well adjusted kids, you think it's fine to brainwash children from a young age, and hate that we parents won't let you! Your tactics are exactly what Nazis did in the Hitlerjugend and what islamists do: get them young, so you can hold them into being what you want them to be, instead of just letting them be what they are: oh the motehrfucking irony!
    I'm not the one hating, I don't give a shit what you morons do or who you fuck, but you care about invading women's toilets with adult men.
    And btw, I'm not hiding behind my children,I'm not a coward, I will stand in front of them and protect with all my might, come what may, you fucking libtard, and I will fcertainly, ucking tell you all of this to your pimply face, covered by hideous purple hair, when you finally crawl out from your safe space, capisce?

  17. Just to add to @Depeche Model I've actually been a little girl and I don't know what the fuck you think happens in women's toilets but we just go into a stall, do our thing, then wash our hands. That's it.

    And to believe that a transgender woman would go through all the therapy she does, lose all the family and friends that she probably will lose because people like you exist, and maybe go through surgeries too, just to get into the woman's toilets is beyond absurd. Any guy can dress up as a woman and get into woman's toilets, hating transgender people wont stop men from being about to do that! Your argument is just ridiculous.

  18. Dixie: you just totally made my point "Any guy can dress up as a woman and get into woman's toilets.."

    There's no use in trying to reason with mentally ill people. They just call everyone 'hater' and throw insults at you, before they contradict themselves. Thank you for proving my point.

  19. You've totally missed the point! Guys who just want to get into women's toilets do not need to go through all the shit that being transgender brings, any dude - straight non transgender dudes - can pretend to be a woman and get into woman's toilets.

    I mean, I'm honestly not sure what you think women's toilets are like, you don't need a passport or anything stamped to say 'yes this is a woman.' You can just walk in!

    People do not go through becoming a transgender woman just to get into toilets, it is fucking stupid to even think that they do.

  20. It is interesting that most of the pedophile defending social justice warriors normally all over that kind of shit, are magically OK with Sandybrook dropping the T-word all over the comments lately, for, the, sole, purpose, of, insulting, another, commenter.

    Anyways, I'm joking, T-Bombs away.

    (I think Lark V is onto something with the commas.)

  21. Dixie, I'm a woman you moron. I know what women's toilets are like. And they don't have somebody standing outside them, asking anyone who wants to use them, for their history of psychiatric help for gender confusion. You are the one who's missing the point.

    You are so obsessed with the toilets. What about the brainwashing that occurs in liberal schools today? You think that's acceptable? You probably think dropping pronouns from grammar is normal too.

    You fucking social justice warriors are just pushing waaaaaaaaaay too hard. More and more people are turning away from your fascist psychotic ways, and more will in the near future. You want everybody to accept you, but you don't accept anyone. Not boys who like playing with cars, or girls who like to play princess. You are the ones who scream 'accept us the way we are' but you accept nobody the way they are.

    Your days are numbered. There's only so much bullshit people are going to take before they fight back.

  22. And now fuck off, I've felt my IQ drop by a few points with this exchange. It's time for your purple hair dye job, or to add another hideously disfiguring tattoo to complete that ubiquitous sleeve hideousness, all you goose-stepping zombies have.

    You all try so desperately to be different, yet comically, you're all the bloody same.

  23. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Wow do you guys work for Norman Reedus in his distraction department? Good work.
    Seriously though slamming people for their gender identity sucks big time.

  24. @ Depeche Model Yeah, I'm just gonna stop replying to you after this post, your obviously a fucking idiot and there is no point trying to discuss anything with you. But one last post,

    I'm obsessed with toilets?? Your the one who for no reason brought up toilets, not me!

    WTF are you even talking about?? Nobody is telling boys they can't play with car toys, nobody is telling girls they can't be a princess! And what the fuck does any of this have to do with transgender people?

  25. I've been gone for a few days and apparently have missed #trannygate. I feel very left out.

  26. Wow. Leaves his pregnant by IVG donor girlfriend alone to diddle around. Oh Normie, such a classy move. Cant wait to see how they paint this picture once baby is born. #iaintnobabydaddy

  27. Serious question here...Did Norman cheat on DK with a transgendered person? I think I might’ve missed something. Not sure why this blinds comments are full of transgender debates, instead of Norman having some fun at the premiere???
