Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Blind Item #10 - Emmy Awards

A producer of this daytime talk show was playing for everyone a voicemail from this A list host who just quit one of her jobs. It was a hate filled rant not only at the producer but mostly directed at the hosts who remained on the job our host just quit. It probably would not be a good idea for them to be alone one on one with her right now.


  1. Julie Chen and the talk

  2. She should direct her rant to her pervy hubby, not her coworkers. Women lash out and blame other women instead CV of facing the truth. Winder how long the happy couple will last?

  3. Let's be honest, she had no business being on TV in the first place, she should have counted every day as a gift. Now it would be kind of difficult being on The Talk when all the female viewers know you're only there because you ignored your husband cheating on you and harassing/assaulting other women.

  4. I love that producer, whoever it is.
    Bye, Julie!

  5. I think Julie is more upset she won't have any job period very, very soon. It's tough at her age to start screwing for jobs like she did when she was young.

  6. Pretty dumb to say things you probably don't want out in the world on a recording that's inherently in someone else's possession. How does she know that the VM won't be leaked to the media so everyone can hear exactly what she said and how she said it? Maybe she's too used to people not doing things because of the power Les has over them, but surely many people don't feel that threat anymore.

  7. Lmao why exactly is she mad at her coworkers?..... fuck Julie Chen MOONVES

  8. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The Host that remains is probably Osbourne, she is also a shit stirrer!

  9. Wow. Not only did Les Moonves true colors come out but now Julie's as well.

  10. Wow the petty pissing matches of the rich and famous,
    They’re just like us!

  11. She is no longer the power behind the the throne and her former 'friends'/co-hosts no longer have to worry about being fired (at least by her).

  12. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

  13. Why in the world would you get pissed at anyone that has something negative to say about Les? She better toughen up cause I suspect the worst is yet to come. I am sure she has a tidy little sum stashed away and can just go live a nice life somewhere but thirsty little homewreckers such as she never do.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Julie Chen duh. It’s funny she feels betrayed by her co-workers. Cause she supposedly got Leah Remini & Holly Robinson Peete fired.

  16. Oh Julie, talking like a kindergarten teacher to your audience won't earn you any jobs (unless one is named Diane Sawyer) unless the husband is there to help. None of the other employees is required to support Chen, at all. We sort of know she demanded it, though - Are you with me or against me?! - and the response must have been very muted.

  17. She's just mad because now she has to find someone else to sleep with on order to get work.

  18. That Hollywood Reporter story by Linda Bloodworth Thomas about Moonves was absolutely chilling. He ruined her career at the height of her success.

  19. Just go away Chen, take your parting gifts and scram. We won't have to suffer you any longer, but you will always have to live with yourself.

  20. @DDonna

    Yep that was a great article and very telling how the Hollywood Big Boy system works, not only to insure the only women around are fuckable, but to prevent any women from advancing beyond their rank as fuckable.

    It was, so far, the most damning piece I've read yet about the Hollywood inside system, in particular Moonves.

  21. @Ddonna and @plot in complete agreement. The end is near.

  22. Smart Producer. Rumor is she treated everyone like she was better than them. Will there be a leak of this VM? Let's see when that show wins about emmy now....

  23. Of course this is Julie Chen. When you've lorded it over your co hosts because you're the wife of the then head of the network you can't seriously expect them to walk out in solidarity with you.

  24. Someone needs to leak that tape. Pleeeeeeeeeze......

  25. If this came out Tuesday instead of Wednesday, after Chen quit, I might believe it. I don’t believe this to be true or at least, not chen.

  26. I am thinking this did come out on Tuesday @Woods.
