Thursday, August 16, 2018

Your Turn

From a reader

What books or stories would you send to Hollywood to help stop reboots?


  1. What has 100 teeth and eats weiners?

    A zipper

  2. I Am Fifteen and I Do Not Want to Die

    Number the Stars

    License to Quill

  3. As far as stories, whatever original idea some kid fresh out of film school writes.

  4. Man-kzin wars and rifts

  5. I want to see A Very Corporate Affair series of books made into either a film or a series.

  6. The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham because reboots aren't stopping.

  7. All of Jonathan Kellermans books

  8. Stuff by Harry turtledove

  9. VALIS
    Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldtritch
    Robert Harris' Imperium trilogy
    The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler
    Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
    The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

    And back to PKD, I always thought Flow My Tears would make a great film.

  10. I'd love to see a movie about the legendary Miss Stevie Nicks.

  11. Colleen McCollaugh's (sp) "First Man in Rome"Series.

    Ron Chernow's "Hamilton" - bring the musical to the screen or do a dramatic movie.

    Pope Brock's "Indiana Gothic" a story of adultery and murder in an American family. Takes place in 1900 in Daviess County Indiana.

  12. Donna Tartt's "The Secret History"

    1. @OB "The Secret History" would make a fantastic movie.

    2. +1 OB. I never made the connection, @DDonna, loved the book and have gifted copies to friends instead of loaning mine!

    3. Its been floating around Hwood for years if I remember correctly... I think I remember hearing Goop had optioned it with the intent to star (as Camila? I don't think so!) but the project didn't come together and then she got too old.

      Thank god for small favors

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Robert Caro "The Power Broker"

  14. "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara- my favorite book of 2016

    "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman (Reese Witherspoon has the rights to this...hope she doesn't screw it up.) - my favorite book of 2017

    "My Year of Rest and Relaxation" by Otessa Mosefegh - my favorite book of 2018

  15. "A Confederacy Of Dunces" - crazy that the funniest book ever written has never been turned into a movie.

    and a personal fave - Tom Robbins' "Still Life With Woodpecker"

  16. The Guild. by I.M. Wolf

    Masterpiece in its simplicity

  17. Anything by Tim Dorsey

  18. I would love the dream of making “A Confederancy of Dunces” into a movie come to fruition.

  19. Literally anything. But films are dead except for kids fare and horror movies, long live the stream.

    But you know they could actually try to make some good video games, just not Fallout Andromeda, eh 76 yeah.

  20. Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. If they made this book into a movie, it would absolutely have a plot and not be just guns, running, fighting, explosions. And no super heroes. All that is one long bore.

  21. Some good suggestions above. My pick would be the Lensman series by E.E. Smith. Very old fashioned space opera, but the SFX tech is there now, and studios love long science fiction-ish stories now, so I think an update would work.

  22. The Power of the Dog or The Cartel by Don Winslow. Excellent books about Mexican drug cartels and how Americans fuel the violence by using drugs from cartels.

  23. Nico Walker's book Cherry is such an honest tale of what we've become I think a movie that made the story more accessible would allow other people to tell similar stories.

  24. None.
    Come up with new ideas/scripts and create.
    Novel idea, but it may catch on

  25. The Eight, by Katherine Neville

  26. Yep, A Confederacy of Dunces. I think Hollywood would mess it up, though

  27. The Passion of Molly T. by Lawrence Sanders

  28. They’re making my favorite book Good Omens in series right now - very nervous about the results.

  29. Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut
    All of the stories in "The music school" - John Updike
    The cats of ulthar - H.P. Lovecraft
    All of the stories in "The King in Yellow" - Robert Chambers
    The sandman - Neil Gaiman
    Clock without hands - Carson McCullers

  30. I'd send them my book:

    "Mylon Siclair - Space Cowboy"

    It's available on Amazon - if interested.

  31. Nothing with Asian main characters in it because then Hollywood would just steal the idea and whitewash-cast a vapid white girl with a Paris Hilton accent to play her. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Sunsolicited advice for writers: If you’re writing an Asian/African/Indigenous character, make sure that his/her background is an integral part of her identity and storyline that it would make it impossible (i.e. ridiculous) to whitewash. It’s practically the only way to keep Asian actors working without being a whiny SJW.

  32. The Master and Margarita.

  33. Island of the Sequined Love Nun by Christopher Moore

    Starring Jeremy Irons, Scarlett Johansson, and Seth Rogan ... I was going with Johnny Depp for a while, but, meh.

    1. Island of the sequined love nun is such a great book. I forgot about it.

  34. Aren't there only 5/6 ways to write a screenplay? Meaning plot, protagonist, antagonist, denouement,etc? Like Tricia said - get creative and plug in the particulars.

  35. The Dance by Dorothy Parker

  36. IS ANYBODY ELSE WATHING THIS “Local Attraction” iTS NOT A REBOOT and it's brilliant: 💛😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💛💛😂😂😂😂

    Stupid funny 🍻

  37. Make it or break it, Gilmore girls, hardy boys etc.. we need some funny family friendly shows and most definitely Friends back

  38. Anonymous7:46 PM

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  39. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Richard Dolan's "After Disclosure"

    A serious treatment of UAP's.
