Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Your Turn

From a reader

What hobby would you do as a full time job if you could?


  1. Replies
    1. 😂
      Mine would be high crimes and corruption cheerleading

  2. I do hobbies full time now.

  3. Get paid to read blinds

  4. High speed police chases

  5. Daily Mail Moderator - mwahahahaaaa

  6. Fashion blogger. Think Aimee Song. Makes a fortune off of going to fashion shows, getting designer clothes for free and travels a lot. The ideal life for me.

  7. Golf!

    (Yes, I suck at it! But I always think I'd get better playing more.)

  8. Definitely read books...or even try to write one!

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM


  10. Artisnal baking....gotta be artisnal or the youngins won't buy it...

  11. Does masturbating count as a hobby?

  12. Animal rescue, fostering, and temperament analysis.

    1. YEAH but then if you get emotionally-attached to the furbaby you foster, you’d end up wanting to keep them in your home and next thing you know, you’d be hoarding pets.

      Maybe you can be professional, but me personally I’d stick with the pets I already own. 😻😽😻😽

  13. Make paper. I enjoyed it when I did it. And make books.

  14. Makeup, but I don't have enough confidence in my skills for it :(

  15. Pirate. Or cult leader.
    I just want people to fear me and give me all their money.

  16. Booping animals noses.

  17. Write bad erotic fan-fic based on popular characters, change the names and make millions selling the resulting work to bored moms and Hollywood.

  18. Using water cannons to clean liberal, hipster and millennial scum off the streets. But if that’s not possible, riding my Harley across the world.

    1. Can I heeeelp?

      I think I hate hipsters and millenials as much as you do!

  19. I always wished I could be a television critic. I already love watching television and share my opinions, it would be nice to get paid for it lol

  20. professional sleep study participant. is that a hobby? it should be a hobby.

    1. How much do people get paid for doing that?! 🤑🤑🤑🤑

  21. Travel
    Work with animals

  22. Own a bar. But that is actually do-able!

  23. Leather crafting, belts, shoes, purses...

  24. Singing and playing music on guitar, piano and cornet. With others mostly, not a soloist. (nerd alert !) I would do it all damn day !

  25. Planning vacations or reading things on the Internet.

    1. YEAH planning vacations are fun.

      You could start an “Itinerary & Planning Firm”.

  26. Probably acting. There was a time where I tried to make it real, but it didn’t work out (don’t like the way the business is run where I live, and also kept getting myself into icky #MeToo situations). Plus, someone made me look really bad by posting an unflattering video of me forgetting my lines at rehearsals (despite there being a good version of me doing my monologue perfectly) so I think my reputation is a bit messed up right now (I’m just lucky that I’m not famous and nobody gives enough shit to circulate it so it’s not “floating around” the Interwebs). I got one good review—which I tweeted to “clear my name”, but now everyone in town probably thinks I’m an incompetent shit and I didn’t have my lines memorised just a fortnight before opening night anyway (NOT TRUE, I was mostly off-book but I was just thrown-off because Regina George crashed the party and recorded ours rehearsals). It’s over I guess? Heh. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Just to be clear when I say it’s a “hobby”, I mean I do really get real-life theatre/short film roles (and sometimes I have ‘alter-egos’ which are characters I play IRL but not in a surface cosplay-like way).

    And I don’t mean that in a sense that I enjoy pretending to love a man I’ve never really been attracted to just so he’ll marry me and I can take advantage of him for life (although most men can see right through that if you look a certain way—but to be a gold-digger and feign true love when you don’t look like a typical trashy-Instagram-model-with-a-silicon-butt takes real-lie acting skills and determination; but yeah you had him fooled, so you totes deserved to be on that Oscars red carpet you’ve always dreamed of for yourself, your thirsty ass reeeeally worked hard for it LOL). That’s just cold and heartless and cruel, SMDH... But you win, baby. Woo-hoo. 🏆

    I know what hobby I DON’T want as a full-time job, tho: WRITING! I used to read the Sunday columns and I could always sense when the resident author really had writers’ block but had to produce something. The first article/non-fiction I got published was written out of frustration and started as a “Letter to Editor” (I was 15 and reeeeally stupid and angry) and the first short story published was written in a day after getting the idea in the shower. Then I tried “sitting and writing” but then everything came out contrived/pretentious... 🤮 So I stopped doing that and I never force/push myself now.

    I’d rather have a boring day job to support myself while pursuing hobbies (and also so I can save the creative juices [energy] for myself).

    This is why I don’t look down on “one-hit wonders” (I’m still not sure if Enty says it like it’s a BAD thing or if he’s just being matter-of-fact when he uses the term in descriptions). IMHO it’s better to just have a few reeeeally good pieces. It’s like that Plato quote, “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

    And now I have said too much, and therefore I shall shut up now.

    Im afraid to see how long this post will be once i press the “Publish” button. 😣😂


    1. EUW.Ueuw taht was long. And disgustingly navel-gazing. 🙈

      Sorry Enty. 😂

      Bye. 🥓

  27. Anonymous5:46 PM

    jazz vocalist and animal rescue

  28. Ice Sculpting + Stained Glass Windows

  29. Swimming and shoe shopping. And skin care.

  30. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Photography. Preferably landscapes and wildlife.

  31. I'd like to be retired but it won't ever happen. Ain't no money for that.

  32. Underwater basket weaving.

  33. If I had the time I'd wanna take a few months off to wax geeljire's back....

    And find a cure for Sandybrooks turrets
