Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Today's Blind Items - They Helped Him

This celebrity was probably A- list at his peak. Even now, because of his name you would probably know him. He kind of has a thing which makes him a celebrity. Without that thing, no one would know who he was and we wouldn't be talking about his love of underage kids that he likes to molest and force himself on. The crazy thing is that he has had at least two celebrity girlfriends help him find his young victims. Both of them are complicit.

The first was someone who had experience with a boyfriend who liked underage sex partners. He used her to help find victims because she knew who to call. As a former yachter who was also a celebrity in her own country, she knew who to call and with her A list boyfriend's money, the underage teens would appear like magic. Most of the time that is where her participation ended. Sometimes she would hold them down for the boyfriend if the teens wanted to get away. For the most part though, the teens were hired and did as they were told. This relationship is what first attracted the subject of our blind to her. He heard rumors. The thing is though, he didn't have much money to spend and had always found them on the streets. He specialized in teen runaways. They knew him and he knew they had no one to turn to so he used them and exploited them and would give them $20 after he used them for days on end. Even he had his limits on how to access them though, so he turned to his second celebrity girlfriend. She had street cred and because females on the street knew her and felt like they could trust her, they would go home with her and she would take turns raping them with the subject of our blind. This went on for months and months and both of them loved finding teens that were younger and younger. The female celebrity had all the money though and was spending it like crazy so she decided to explore the life on her own and dumped the subject of our blind. On a side note, she is still doing the same thing with her current partner. If anything, she is even going younger than she was before.

Since that time, he still prowls the streets but is getting a reputation in LA for what he does to the teens so he has had to go to different cities and the buzz is growing louder and louder to the point where police are starting to look into all of this and all of these celebrities will hopefully be going down soon. 


  1. Hmmm Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese?

  2. I do not know the answer to this blind but I would like to point out that us women are often evil participants in pedophilia. It is sickening and men are not the only culprits. I hope the people involved get arrested. The victims pay for this abuse for the rest of their lives; often turning to substance abuse, etc.

  3. “He kind of has a thing”? Could you be more vague, entern?

  4. Hollywood elegance.

  5. Does Enty report this stuff to the police??

    1. Exactly. Either report it or consider yourself just as guilty

    2. I often wonder why, in cases where minors are involved, Enty does not step up and alert the proper authorities. But I'd like to believe that it's because Enty doesn't have any 100% solid irrefutable evidence that would stand up in court, and also doesn't want to get entangled in something that could endanger his or his family's lives.
      Even if Enty gets this sort of information from a reliable source, unless he has hard evidence, it could easily be dismissed as conjecture or libel. That's not to say he couldn't give an anonymous tip to police with good reason, but who knows if he has or has not done that? I think by now we all know that law enforcement is not as competent as we would like, and the law itself regularly makes exceptions for those of the right monetary bracket.
      Sad, but it shouldn't all fall upon Enty's shoulders. He is more of a middle man -- a messenger type who can get the word out to the people, and hopefully help kindle a fire under the asses of these rapist fucks. We should be praising Enty for putting the information out there, rather than deriding him for choosing not to risk his own neck in a game of chance.

  6. I am not sure about the Marilyn Manson guess. He seems twisted enough to do this but the blind states that the male subject did not have much money to spend and I think MM would have plenty of money.

  7. Is David Copperfield the a list boyfriend?? Magic as the clue

    1. David Blaine as the subject of the blind??

    2. I read this as two guys. The subject of the blind and the A list boyfriend who dated the same girl

    3. God I don’t think it could be Blaine.. he was with Fiona Apple for a long time (met him several times), and once with her and they were very sweet. Also as a rape survivor I don’t think she would have anything to do with this...

    4. David Copperfield is filthy rich- not him.

  8. It sounds like Enty got this from a police source.

  9. So who was A list but is no more, that has a gimmick that made him famous, that has burned money?

    1. Rob Kardashian

    2. Yep! Rita ora for the hatching star in her own country and blac chyna for the street cred and being known to young ppl.

  10. Copperfield, while a horrible person, owns and island. He's got a ton of money.

    Marilyn Manson too, I would think has a lot of money.

    When I was reading this, I thought of Paul Reubens/Pee Wee Herman. But that's just a wild stab in the dark.

  11. Joe Francis... lots of exes who are famous.
    Kimberly Stewart/Rachel Hunter maybe. Also Tamara Mellon

    1. Also dated Kylie Bax who was really only famous in NZ her home country.. very little here.

  12. Yes, yes. It's all coming out soon. Of course it is. We'll wait here.

    Enty is almost as bad as this stupid QAnon thing.

  13. Copperfield's worth nearly 1 billion as of a couple years ago. It's not him. You're looking for someone that is not "loaded" but has a unique asset, shtick or a famous name.

  14. So it's a guy who's known more for his name and one "thing" than for his career, and he's never had a lot of money. So we're not talking about a successful movie star or musician. It could be someone who only got bit parts but is recognizable for a weird face or one iconic scene, for instance.

    @Guesser, yeah, I figure the only way some of these blinds could be legit is if Enty has a cop source.

  15. It sounds like someone who is famous because of their name or maybe who they dated, or a reality show. Someone famous but not rich. Manson and Copperfield are rich.

  16. Vince from the shamwow commercials? That's all I got, whoever this is is famous as a cult hero, not anybody really famous like those mentioned already.

  17. Joe Francis is also a person of interest.

  18. Going to the police is completely out-of-fashion.

  19. A- notoriety. It's not Vince.

  20. Carrot Top ever date celebs?

  21. Joe Francis is a creep but he is reportedly still worth $50 million US.

    1. He claimed bankruptcy due to all his legal issues and lawsuits etc

  22. @sandybrook,good guess,remember when he almost got his tongue bit off? If not him,someone along those lines,famous for a short time.

  23. @J, yeah, it sounds like the police had to hear about this through the grapevine, and will have to do an investigation to identify victims and then convince them to talk before they can get on with investigating the perpetrators.

  24. To add to the not Copperfield comments, he dated Claudia Schiffer for a long time and she was definitely more than only famous in her home country.

  25. Q is gaining steam as he enters the mainstream.

    Michael Avenatti is aware of Q and soon so will you.

    1. I met Q last night, staying up way too late and went down THAT rabbit hole too.

      Pretty fucking cool if u ask me

    2. Yeah sort of hard to deny that level of autistic attention to detail (a real life superpower) as "just the paranoid delusions of Thomas the Tank Engine enthusiasts"
      That's why #TEAMGEELJIRE thought it was a good idea for the Twain to meet. Here of course. Our hatred of account registration is the only thing preventing us bringing CDAN to Zero Hedge.

      Really a neat and unique project on an unprecedented scale

  26. Yes Guesser he is famous in a cultish way like a POS like Puck from MTV or Vince from commercials. Also someone who isn't very rich from being famous. I'll throw Puck in I doubt he's had any g\fs like those types Enty mentioned though.

  27. Maybe it's that creepy Andy Dick guy... he seems broke

  28. You are all wrong actually. Himmmm #2 is actually associated with this person and you would be shocked to find out who it is. Apparently Himmmm 2 walked in on one of the person in this blind having his way with someone he should not have. Not wanting to cause a ruckus Himmmm 2 excused himself and left immediately. I believe he spoke to you Enty about this a few months ago. From what I hear though the guy throws one hell of a party.

    1. Don’t be so nasty. I’m just giving you my insider info. You know I own Hollywood?

  29. Why don't you fuck off fake himmmm? Stupid fucking troll jackass

    1. Fake himmmm is also geeljire

    2. That’s how you treat me for giving you insider information? Wow. What a cunt. Maybe you need to step away from the computer and a get a good fucking.

    3. I'm also the "sandybrook" account

    4. Really all of CDAN is just 2 people having discussions on multiple accounts.

  30. So it's someone broke that had a boost of fame that had two celeb girlfriends. Don't think any of the guesses so far fit but I also have no clue as to who it could be.

  31. There are three men and two women mentioned in the blind. The main subject (let's call him Bob) is a man who peaked at A- and whom we might know from his name and a "thing" about him. He's never had much money, so he's made a hobby of molesting teens he picked up on the streets.

    He got two women to help him procure teens. The first woman (Alice) was a former yachter and a celebrity in her own country, with an A list boyfriend (Carl) with whom she was already sharing teens that she would buy/hire with his money (probably from overseas). It doesn't say why Alice started sharing with Bob, or why she stopped.

    The second woman (Eve) picked up girls off the street because she was enough of a celebrity that they recognized and trusted her. She eventually dumped Bob because he wasn't contributing anything to their arrangement, and now she has a new boyfriend (Dan) she's molesting teens with.

    Now Bob is back to picking up teens on his own on the streets in LA. One clue: it says the street kids know him, so his fame has to be recent enough for them to know about.

    1. Thank you Cail for clarifying. That’s why I said copperfield for the A list boyfriend.

  32. For whatever reason, I got a Verne Troyer thing. But he's dead. So is Tattoo. Dinklage is still big (sigh) so it's not him. I just think there is some physical thing about the guy that makes it obvious. Maybe I'm wrong.

  33. Steve-O as the blind?

    1. And porn star "Dee" as the first girlfriend. She was married to a convicted pedophole. Possibly Kat Von D for the second girlfriend?

  34. The Steve-O guess definitely turned my head, especially since I just learned about the tattoo he had changed. He had a tattoo of a baby screaming as it was being raped, with a toon version of Steve-O giving the finger. He changed that baby into an ostrich a few years ago.

    In the past couple days there were many people trying to share this information with a picture of the old tattoo and the revised tattoo, but it is being wiped like crazy. I found one live link, but I don't think it's safe to share it.

    If you look at Steve-O's list of GF's though, not sure I see one who fits the bill.

    1. I just saw the tattoo, sickening

  35. I've got lots of time on my hands, but I'll pass on the list of Steve O's girlfriends.

  36. Oh do fuck off with your hand wringing, appeasing bullshit, Nor Cal. Very few women are paedophiles. Stop sucking up to the mentals on here who faux cry "misandry" any time there's a blind about paedophilia/rape. It's pathetic and screams of desperation..

    1. Blind about women pedophiles and enablers, "THERE ARE NO WOMEN PEDOPHILES YOU MISOGYNISTS"

      Really what the fuck dude

      In 2000, Robert Swope, a conservative contributor to a Georgetown University newspaper, The Hoya, wrote an article critical of the play.[21] He suggested there was a contradiction between the promotion of rape awareness on V-Day and the monologue "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could", in which an adult woman recalls being given alcohol and statutorily raped at 16 by a 24-year-old woman[22] as a positive, healing experience, ending the segment with the proclamation "It was a good rape."

      Ah CIA feminism. The best wave.

  37. Hi Viking Song. How's your race purity crusade coming along?

  38. Steve-O dated Kat Von D. Not sure if any of these names fit the blind but other "exes" include Alyssa Lovelace, May Anderson and Nicole Richie.

  39. Steve O and Elisabetta Canalis.

  40. Like I said you fucking cocksucker FUCK THE HELL OFF!

    1. Are you having another breakdown? Who are we even addressing? I'm so confused. Your posts are incoherent and hard to follow. Also you seem very emotionally invested in them in an unhealthy way that's probably not good for your blood pressure. I believe this condition is called hypertension in English

    2. It's just the Turrets

      What he really meant to say was "Get off my lawn!!"

      Old age is a bitch... then you become one

  41. Women never do anything fucked up. Consider Janice Hooker... she is a lovely soul.

  42. +1 @mihalini - From wiki:

    "Canalis dated American actor George Clooney for two years before breaking up in June 2011.[35] On 23 November 2011, Canalis and Clooney were among 200 witnesses accepted by a Milan court in the trial of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for allegedly paying for sex with an underage prostitute (Rubygate)."

  43. Elisabetta Canalis for the first? She was Clooney's beard for a couple of years

  44. Steve-O
    Elizabeth Canalis
    George Clooney
    Kat von D
    Rafael Reyes

    1. Porn star Dee fits in there for the first girlfriend. She was married to Robert baker who is a convicted pedo

  45. Maybe the thing is a meme or viral video.
    Like the Hide Yo Kids guy or Scumbag Steve ? I draw the line at Chocolate Rain. He's a good guy lol.

    Or something older than that.

    1. Steve O seems like a valid answer tho.

    2. Kat Von D sure has "street cred" and the money mentioned as a clue.

  46. I (unfortunately) saw the tattoo. Not cool. Who would EVER think of putting something like that on their body and who would ever tattoo something like that on someone's body? Only truly sick and evil people would ever do that. Sorry, not sorry. Steve-O is a disgusting POS.

  47. Yeah Steve is he's famous for being an idiot, he's pretty broke and an ass.

    1. Would you like if someone dug into your closet and exposed things about you Sandy? I bet you are hiding disgusting things in there.

  48. It may be easier to figure out female celebrities with street cred.

    Kat von D works, also cause it says "celebrity" not "actress" Others with street cred are Michelle Rodriguez.

    So summing up what others have said:

    Broke Celeb from LA Steve-O

    Foreign yachter / celebrity ex: Elisabetta Canalis
    Her A list ex BF = Clooney Doing this at his house in Como.

    Street Cred Female gone her own way = Kat von D

  49. 'he kind of has a thing which makes him a celebrity. without that thing, no one would know who he is.'

    not seeing how some of these guesses meet that description.

  50. E-mail me dick, I'll give you a free fucking ticket to look in my closet, and while your looking in it you better be saying prayers because you aren't coming out of there alive.

  51. Too bad isn't it you piece of shit?

    1. I am going to have my crack team of investigators look into you. I am concerned about your violent threats. Better hope they don’t find your kiddie porn stash you sick fuck.

    2. Sandy I am concerned you may harm yourself or others

  52. Ok send me an e-mail I'll send you my address and you can personally come look for yourself ok? Be brave now since I've threatened you and all show some balls!

    1. No sandy, I don't want to show you my balls. This is sexual harassment.

    2. I try to stay out of Florida. Just a bunch of sick fuck degenerates living down there, America’s dumpster, all our trash ends up there.

  53. Gee you sound an awful lot like this fake himmmm, you know goatfucker you even write the same style and you're both trolls and fucking idiots and useless wastes of time. What a coincidence huh shithead?

    1. I wish you would stop calling me fake Himmmm....
      Is there a real Himmmm? I thought Himmmm was supposed to be that child molester from VA Talley Griffith? Sheesh....make up your minds.

  54. Also sound a lot like Mikey mujadeen too himmmm another alt and very good friend of the goatfucker. He actually said those exact same words to me last month. Busted! But nice try though troll. Goobye asshole.

  55. Q is yet another Trumpanzee nonsense meme.

  56. Play nice or go away. #TeamSandybrook

  57. sandybrook is going off as if his vibrating butt plug got stuck up his ass, AGAIN.

    Rectal bleeding should be taken care of by a professional sandybrook, wouldn't want to create anymore anal fissures now, would we?

  58. @Melody Clark

    How so? Did you know Q predicted the NKo agreement months before it happened? And Iran is next.

    Hundreds of Human Traffickers being arrested?

    Cutting the strings.


    1. Pearls before swine..

  59. Oh look what crawled out of the hole under his alt name. What's the matter Mikey you don't like being busted for being a fucking troll and idiot who writes the exact same shit under two different names a month apart to the same person who is too smart for you to handle? GTFO you stupid stupid stupid piece of shit loser.

  60. What are you talking about sandybrook?

    I visit here as one persona for entertainment purposes only.

    You seem to live here, that's weird and creepy.

  61. Why did Rebecca Gay heart and her ex come to mind.

  62. Steve O seems to be the loser. Why would these women date someone like that? Will Clooney get exposed when this comes out? Did Steve have that tattoo when he was with her? Now she has a husband with a swastika tattoo.

  63. @sandybrook, lay low on this one. It is obvious now that someone guessed right so they are derailing the thread. They want the comments deleted. If you must, fight on a housewife blind.

  64. The more I look, the more it sounds like Steve o and Kat Von D. Steve O is traveling now from city to city for "his comedy tour". Kat Von D has a tattoo shop and street cred right in the area of LA where the runaways flock to.

    If this is real, I hope it all comes out.

    Not sure about Clooney. That doesn't seem right. Kat also dated Nikki Sixx, Jesse James (Sandra bullocks ex), Joel Zimmerman, and a couple of other celebrity slime balls that seem more likely to me than Clooney.

  65. Guesser - LOL. They triggered you today. You're better than that dude. #teamsandybrook.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. "This celebrity was probably A- list at his peak."

    Steve O was A- List? I guess I learned something new today. It seems like real stretch to me.

  68. this is a very sad blind on so many levels. I just hope that whomever this is about, will get their day in court...

  69. No clue but there's an extra special place in Hell for these folks.

  70. My feeling is that the right name is up there for the reason Guesser has already laid out, but I'm going to throw out Pauly Shore too. Mostly because I think he SHOULD be mentioned in a blind like this! All I got. For as long as the comments remain.

    1. I pinched him the ass several times, because he was wearing assless chaps at a concert, when I was a teenager. He didn't capitalize, it just annoyed him. Not sure it would be him.

    2. I pinched him the ass several times, because he was wearing assless chaps at a concert, when I was a teenager. He didn't capitalize, it just annoyed him. Not sure it would be him.

    3. Maybe he wasn’t attracted to you. Him not going after you doesn’t really mean he didn’t go after other underage people

  71. @mike

    "Did you know Q predicted the NKo agreement months before it happened?"

    Did you know that there is no NK agreement, that they are still developing their nuclear weapons even though Trump promised to built big hotels on their beaches?

    There is no agreement, no treaty, no detente, nothing more than a handshake and Donny ran away.

    "Hundreds of Human Traffickers being arrested?"

    Hundreds of people rounded up but how many have been charged? Next to zero last i checked.

    GOD you are easy to con!

  72. "PotPourri said...
    this is a very sad blind on so many levels. I just hope that whomever this is about, will get their day in court..."

    It really is. This isn't gold diggers trying to become rich and famous and doing things to make it and regretting it later, these are desperate and troubled young runaways being completely preyed upon.

    I hope they get their days in prison, and maybe a shank in the back.

  73. Right, I've never heard of Steve-O so I googled him and recognised him as 'Jackass' - not that is something I would ever watch - and he is one evil creepy looking dude. I have seen pics of his tattoos and he has among many others: upside-down crosses, pyramids, and I can't remember much else, but much sick Illuminati satanic stuff.

    @Ddonna Tartty - you can still see his tattoo of a man raping a screaming baby: if you google it someone's Twitter feed: Liz Crokin Twitter (along with comments, obv.) Sorry but I don't know how to post links on here.

    1. Just google Steve-O baby tattoo, is easy to find

  74. Yep, that old Satan and all his worshippers come in announcing themselves. Nope, nothing in the Bible about Satan more than likely being the wolf in sheep's clothing, the guy sitting next to you on the train, the most pious acting person in church.

    1. How do you feel about a tattoo of man raping a screaming baby? Is this also something you support?
      I'm not sure what it would be like be a woman (allegedly) and not want to protect other women and children.
      Can you tell me how that feels?
      Try to stay focused k? Instead of bringing up "ebil cristuns" and "goo goo ga ga" baby talk that you ways revert to.
      Just the question, I'll write it again.
      "how do you (plot) feel about seeing a man rape a baby?" yes, even on a silly make believe tattoo

  75. Guesser

    "It sounds like Enty got this from a police source."

    And it makes no sense at all. If Enty got his stories from a police source, the police source would have already been fired for leaking that much information. It would require dozens of different police sources, all of them working on child abuse cases.
    Besides, if the police source was thinking that leaking the stories would result in some actual investigation on the cases because of some popular pressure, they are clearly not doing a good job, as none of these stories posted here had produced any actual development.

  76. Criss Angel who dated Lindsay Lohan

  77. I remember when this site used to be fun.

  78. Unfortunately for us Brits, Enty would have said 'foreign born' for this Steve-o cunt, as this particular piece of dogshit was born in London.

  79. To paraphrase Enty "they appeared like magic"
    I still think this is a magician type.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. It's obvious the CDAN crew hit the bullseye, and once Clooney's name got dropped it was all hands on deck to waylay the thread via the usual clowns. Too late.

    I just tried to look at pictures of Kat von D and Rafael Reyes together, and after reading everything here I literally began to feel ill. Time to get offline for a while. These people must be stopped.

  82. Well, there is no way he would simply call George Clooney and A lister with no mention of his 2 academy awards, 6 nominations, and 4 golden globes, 12 nominations, and god knows how many Emmys (1 with 4 noms).
    I am fairly new here but he/them are always dropping those clues in when appropriate.
    This would be HUGE if it was Clooney.
    I know some people hate him, but let's be for real.

  83. Steve-O is probably the right guess, here.

    That said, I remember all the goth teenagers carrying their lunchboxes outside the alternative clubs just waiting to scam their way in to hang with "Spooky Kids" on South Beach or Commercial Blvd in Ft. Lauderdale. My little sister might have been one of them..

    The '90's were fun.

  84. I remember years ago when Steve-O was on Stern he talked about most of his tattoos being the result of dares or lost bets. Somebody else would get to dictate what embarrassing image he had to put permanently on his body. He was proud of not giving a fuck what happened to his body, in the same way we would put a nail through his scrotum or whatever nonsense. I didn't know specifically about the baby rape tattoo until recently, so I couldn't say for sure but it's possible he was "made" to do it in one of his dumb stunts.

    1. *"he would put a nail" not "we", I wasn't involved, nor is my handle a tribute to his name. LOL.

  85. How about John Wayne Bobbit? He dated open stars, didn't he?

  86. "none of these stories posted here had produced any actual development."

    This needs to be posted on every single one of these Hoping for a Pedo stories.

    People imagine they are better investigators than the cops. They aren't, and neither is Saint Q.

    Where are the results people???????

    Yet they ignore Manafort and a whole score of GOP reps who indulged in all kinds of sexual games with not exactly consenting foreigners. So special. Completely ignored by Q and our gang. Heh.

    1. "Where are the results?"
      *plot still a creepy failure who doesn't understand procedure either*

  87. Seth Green. That thing he does. Robot chicken. The celeb girl Clare Grant. Lots of teens look up to her.... This is becoming big news.

  88. @Camel Fucker

    So where are the indictments, darlin'?

    Where are the arrests?

    Where are the statements by PDs investigating?

    You imagine yourself quite on top of things. Where are the results, even a person held for questioning, of all these alleged (and oh so lurid) investigations that Q imagines for you?

    1. More strawmen, specious arguments, racial slurs, and rhetorical questions from plotta poundstone

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. @plot the communist America hater

    Deep State: FIRED

    James Comey, FBI chief
    * Peter Strzok, top FBI investigator (reassaigned)
    * Lisa Page, top FBI attorney (reassigned)
    * Andrew McCabe, Acting FBI Director and Deputy FBI Director
    * James Baker, FBI General Counsel
    * Stephen Laycock, Head of FBI Counterintelligence
    * James Rybicki, FBI Chief of Staff
    * Peter Kadzik, DOJ Asst. AG
    * Preet Bharara, US Attorney, Southern District
    * Bruce Ohr, Former US Associate AG (reassigned)
    * Sally Yates, Acting AG
    * Dana Boente, Former US AG Eastern Virginia district
    * Mary McCord, Acting Assistant AG
    * Hui Chen, DOJ Antifraud expert

    1. "Communist america hater" is giving plotta poundstone way too much credit and if she weren't now actively combing Dem talking points from other sites to post disinformation about the confluence of Hollywood, the DNC, and pedophiles, wouldn't merit mention nor response.

      But "poorly renumerated political operative" is still a political operative and not a civilian.

    2. A list of people Trump got rid of because he was afraid of them actually following the rule of law in the investigations of him and his cronies. He thought he'd be able to push around and control his own appointees, but so far he's been disappointed by how they've held their ground. Hence, his periodic Twitter meltdowns. AL CAPONE!

  91. First time commenter... long time. Lurker.

    I’m going with Tom Sizemore and Elizabeth Hurley for the first helper. Don’t ,know the time frame of the blind items stardom but she dated Hugh Grant (who clearly liked prostitutes) and he was a list. She also likes yachts. She also seems to br loved up with her own nephew.

    For the second helper...I’m going with Heidi Fleiss. She had street credit because the runaways knew that if Heidi invited them to her circle/brothel that they would get paid. Her partner is Dennis Hoff, who owns the bunny ranch... lots of money in that.

  92. Lol if you think women can't be scumbags - check out - Myra Hindley and Rosemary West.

  93. Like the Joe Francis guess. I mean, it's kind of his whole history, right?

  94. @mikem

    None of those people you listed has been arrested for anything nor questioned before Congress about your exciting Pedo Hunting.

    So, where are the results of these "hundreds" of pedos arrested you keep talking about? Come on, if you aren't asking your Q that question, you're seriously stupid. Or do you invent excuses for Q because you are nuts?

  95. Hey plot, when what you call "results" come rolling in fast and furious, you will be nowhere to be found in these threads. Until then, enjoy trolling, and in the meantime, loser your daily dose of libtard cock juice to a half quart, and a gallon on weekends. We all know how you soyboys like to get down with each other.

  96. Hey Plot,
    You're not alone. Many of us see that these guys are trans[parently trying tp push narratives against liberals (or perceived liberals) and just biting back when called on it. They keep coming back, often with multiple accounts, but it's blatantly obvious they're pushing an objective. Its a shame CDAN is on such a crappy platform that it's not so easy to swat, or even track them, but anyway, wanted you to know, we all see these agenda-driven fakes too.
    I will now eagerly away the supposedly shocking crass reply, that sounds like all their other "blah, blah blah-jizm soyboy"-attempts at a putdown, from the 4Chan/Cernovich/Russian Disruption Industrial Complex.

    1. Lol this clown here agreeing with plot and advocating swatting

  97. Hey Sandybrook, I immediately thought of Vince from Shamwow too. In fact, that might as well be his whole name at this point. Because he's only known for that, Shticky and Slap Chop. But he cemented himself as a well known pseudo-celebrity. Not as famous as Billy Mays. But when you see Vince's face you know it's Vince from Shamwow.

    Plus didn't he get into some trouble quite a few times? He beat up a prostitute.

    However, Vince was born in Israel and I'd think this blind would say foreign born if it were about him. He's also a former Scientologist and has had all kinds of lolcow level legal battles. He even tried to sue the Church of Scientology and the creators of There's Something About Mary. He claimed they stole ideas for that film from one of his. He's nutzo that's for sure. He's also married since 2014. The blind doesn't mention marriage.

    But Vince Offer was the first guy to pop into my head. This has to be someone who isn't some huge celebrity but everybody would know who he was because he has a "thing" he's known for.

    Street artist maybe? I don't know.

    I doubt it's Marilyn Manson. He's rich. And likely too high all the time to even get it up anymore. I don't know about any pedo stuff. But I read that he claimed the infamous van kidnapping polaroid where one of the victims is thought to be Tara Calico was a fake. The reason was that he said he and a girlfriend (not sure which) used to stage violent murder and kidnapping photos then leave the photos in public places for people to find and be freaked out by. If he's not bluffing to mess with people that's really disgusting.

    I believe the polaroid is genuine. Tara Calico's parents think the girl is their daughter. Other photos of the same girl popped up too. Although one is thought to be a prank. The girl looks like she's laughing and she's wrapped in gauze on an Amtrak train. People would see that on the train and become alarmed.

  98. @Jon

    " when what you call "results" come rolling in fast and furious, you will be nowhere to be found in these threads"

    That is not my usual MO.

    So where are your results? Okay, let's back up even further. Has Comey (a republican) been questioned in connection with your Precious Pedo Hunt? Yates (also a republican?) Preet?

    Oh and to show you how off your Precious Pedo Hunt is, Dana Boente (a republican) has not been fired, nor is he under any investigation.

    The one thing that the list has in common, though, is that they all verified the Trump conversation with Comey or they were working on cases against Trump Corp. Ain't it sad that Donny doesn't realize that cases don't disappear when people are fired. He's an idiot like that.

  99. Lol, not swatting. Let me scroll up and see what I-
    Oh, poor use of words on my part. I didn't mean "swatting" like doxxing and then calling the police to their house. As far as I'm concerned that's attempted murder. And a poor platform would actually make that easier. I meant reporting abusive accounts and getting them closed.

    But yeah, I maybe a clown, but I think Plot's got it right. There's a whole contingent here (you too, Geeljire? - I don't pay a ton of attention to the account names) who seem to be pushing massive pedophile conspiracies which always seems to be beyond believable scale or with perpetrators who don't make sense (but are usually outspoken liberals.)

    Many of the old ENTY blinds are plausible, some even credible despite the fact that some involve conspiracies. Those are usually pretty small tawdry ones though with known players (or at least about whom there have been whispers for years). But a year or so ago, the tone of this site's comments didn't have a constant political undercurrent. And the QAnon stuff is a real giveaway that it's nonsense and being intentionally introduced.
    But whatever, enjoy your roleplay.

  100. Poor plot

    And this after just one month in office!

    Feds Make Record Gains On Human Trafficking As Global Networks Broken Up

    by William Craddick

    Thu, 02/16/2017 - 14:23

    While the mainstream media's attention has been fixed on political drama in Washington D.C., federal and state law enforcement have been quietly working to dismantle a shockingly large number of human trafficking and child abuse networks across the United States. The busts in America come at the same time as a number of other successful international law enforcement operations against networks engaging in human trafficking of women and children.

    Since the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th, 2017, the number of trafficking arrests for human trafficking in 2017 have doubled the total numbers provided for the entire year of 2014 by the Department of Justice. Each individual law enforcement operation has been listed below for reader convenience:

    Domestic Trafficking Busts

    January 27th: 42 arrested in Memphis, Tennessee during a human trafficking operation led by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. Arrestees included a medical professional, engineers, a law student, a tow truck driver and construction workers.

    January 29th: 474 arrested, 27 adults and 28 sexually exploited children saved in an operation spearheaded by more than 30 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and task forces in Los Angeles, California. The bust of the sex ring was the largest human trafficking operation in United States history and was largely ignored by the media.

    On the same day, five individuals were arrested in Bucks County, Pennsylvania as part of what authorities described as a fetish-themed child predator sex ring. The Pennsylvania Attorney General stated that the arrests were part of an ongoing investigation and that they believed the child abuse sex ring involved more victims and predators.

    February 1st: 11 women rescued in an operation lead by the New Orleans Violent Crime against Children and Human Trafficking task force. No arrests were reported.

    February 5th: 108 arrests were reported in Illinois as what was described as part of a national sex trafficking sting operation occurring in 15 different states.

    178 individuals were arrested in Texas on the same day as part of the same John's Suppression Initiative. Arrestees included the sports agent responsible for getting Roger Clemens the highest ever single-season Major League Baseball contract.

    In addition to the arrests in Illinois and Texas, 464 other individuals were arrested in the same interstate operation on Super Bowl Sunday. Police stated that six minors and 86 adults were rescued during the operation.

    February 10th: 160 individuals were arrested during an immigration crackdown in Los Angeles, California. 150 of the individuals arrested had criminal histories, many including child sex offenses.

    February 13th: 22 arrested, 15 adults and 2 child victims saved at Detroit's North American International Auto Show.

    February 14th: The FBI raided the adoption agency European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in Strongsville, Ohio. In December the State Department debarred the agency from continued operation, citing failures "to adequately supervise…preventing the sale, abduction, exploitation, or trafficking of children."

    February 15th: 11 men were arrested during a child sex sting operation in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. One of the arrestees was working part time at a local Christian school.

    42 individuals were also arrested in Polk County, Florida as part of a child pornography and sex offender investigation.

  101. International Trafficking Busts

    January 27th: 13 individuals were arrested in connection with a pedophile ring in Quebec, Canada. Several of the arrestees held positions as teachers and scout leaders.

    February 5th: 9 individuals were arrested and 31 children and women rescued during a police raid at the Kaliko Beach Club resort in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Users online speculated that the arrests may have been related to an announcement two days earlier from the Clinton Foundation that they would be quitting their projects in Haiti.

    February 10th: Six men aged 20 to 66 were arrested on child pornography charges involving 168 underage male victims in Japan

    February 13th: 16 suspects were arrested and 24 children freed by the Ghanan Police Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (ATHU) from the the Volta Lake in the process of being transported to other parts of the country to be sold into forced labour. Online users have pointed out the the now closed Clinton Global Initiative partnered with a program known as The Post Harvest Project (TPHP) in the Volta Lake area of Ghana, though at this time there is no definitive indication as to whether the arrests were related the project or not.

    Notable Individual Arrests

    February 13th: Jeffery Sandusky, the adopted son of disgraced child abuser Jerry Sandusky, was arrested on child molestation charges. He is accused of solicitation of statutory sexual assault, solicitation of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, six counts of unlawful contact with a minor and two counts each of solicitation to photograph or depict sexual acts, sexual abuse of children and corruption of minors.

    February 15th: A man was arrested in Wayland, New York on charges of Possessing a Sexual Performance of a Child and Promoting Sexual Performance of a Child. Users online speculated that the individual was the Chief Analyst for the New York National Guard after a Linkedin profile was discovered under the same name as the arrestee.

    Additionally, a newly appointed special prosecutor in Cleveland, Ohio reopened over 70 child sex cases according to reports on February 14th. A Jane Doe Plaintiff has also filed a new civil case on January 26th against notorious billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein and his associates Ghislaine Maxwell, Lesley Groff, Sarah Kellen, and Natalya Malyshev. The charges relate to the underage sex ring being run by Epstein that was uncovered in 2005. A pretrial conference will occur on March 9, 2017, in New York City.

  102. And this sums it up nicely

    Now that I have your attention, as a preliminary, I refer you to a current thread that deals with something similar:

    "Conspiracy theorist" – never forget it was coined by the CIA”

    According to some sources, ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined by the CIA to denigrate and shut down talk that challenged the mainstream (cabal) narrative about the assassination of JFK.

    So what about the expression ‘cult’. As in “Qanon is a cult”?

    Before we move to deny the label, perhaps we’d better consider how and why this label is being used in the first place. Where does the term come from, and how did it arrive at its current meaning, and why are these questions relevant to the Great Awakening?

    TL;DR summary: Qanon is facilitating and fostering the emergence of a completely new culture by encouraging critical thinking, open-mindedness, questioning existing narratives, and long-held established mainstream ‘views’. The use of the expression ‘cult’ in modern terms, like the use of the expression ‘conspiracy theory’, has been used to shut down views and ideas that threaten the Cabal’s narrative and control of power, resulting in a culture that has been exploited and used to attack ALL faiths, religions, beliefs and freedoms.

  103. History of the word 'Cult'

    The expression "cult" in its modern usage is widely understood in a very negative way – i.e. “a group with socially deviant or ‘novel’ beliefs and practices” Cult - Wikipedia

    Online Merriam-Webster gives as its first definition “: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious 2); also : its body of adherents – i.e. the voodoo cult, a satanic cult” Cult - Merriam Webster

    In the 1600’s, the English word cult meant to worship or offer homage. Later, it came to mean simply a particular form or system of worship. The word originally comes from French, (culte, 17th century), the Latin root of which is ‘cultus’, meaning "care, cultivation, worship, reverence". The Latin cultus, btw, is the root of other common English words such as culture, cultivate, etc., which have all retained their generally positive meaning.

    Later, cult or ‘culte’ came to mean a primitive system of religious belief, and the rituals thereof, and then the meaning shifted to mean “devoted attention to a particular person or thing” (early 1800’s).

    Again, from Wikipedia: “The terms cult and cultist came into use in medical literature in the United States in the 1930s for what would now be termed "faith healing", especially as practiced in the US Holiness movement.”

    The expression really hit the mainstream, however, in the late 60’s and 70’s in the USA, and was essentially used to label any new religious movement (NRM) or group that was unorthodox or challenged orthodox religious theology or views. The secular (militant?) anti-cult movement came to charge ‘cults’ with mind-control and brainwashing. (Where did they get that idea from .... hmmmm? Clowns Are Interesting?).

    This assertion of mind-control gave rise to and legitimized the phenomenon of ‘deprogramming’ – essentially kidnapping new converts and breaking their new faith under very CIA like conditions.

    In this way, driven by militant secularism, the term ‘cult’ became a weapon, often taken up by mainstream religious institutions and groups, against those with beliefs that challenged the norm.


  104. So what is going on here?

    As Q readers, we should be able to recognize a few elements that the modern pejorative use of ‘cult’ has with ‘conspiracy theory’:

    One, an attack on unpopular or unorthodox views by the ‘mainstream’, because they are not ‘mainstream’.

    Two, the hijacking or a term that is then weaponized in ad hominem attacks on something that is seen as a threat to the existing status quo.

    Yes, the expression ‘conspiracy theorist’ has been used in exactly the same way, just with a different target.

    So how has this expression 'cult' been used? Consider these questions.

    •Coined by who?

    •For what purpose?

    •Then pushed by who?

    •To mobilize who?

    •To control and manipulate who?

    •To suppress what?

  105. How Truth Emerges in History

    Consider the reality of how truth is revealed and experienced, historically, taking the example of Christianity. When the Christian religion began, was it different in any way from what we would today label as ‘a cult’ (modern usage)?

    Here’s how the Romans saw Christianity:

    “Christians are cannibalistic, incestuous, ass-worshiping magicians who practice dangerous superstitions. Or at least that is what early critics thought.” Defending the cannibals

    “CAECILIUS THE PAGAN: You Christians are the worst breed ever to affect the world. You deserve every punishment you can get! Nobody likes you. It would be better if you and your Jesus had never been born. We hear that you are all cannibals--you eat the flesh of your children in your sacred meetings.”

    Why early Christians were despised

    The truth is, all of the world’s faiths (and many important new non-religious ideas) began in this way – inspired by an individual moved to teach initially unpopular and unorthodox views about reality, belief and truth, with a high level of awakening, transformation, realization and dedication experienced by those who responded.

    In fact, these factors (awakening, devotion (commitment), loyalty, transformation) are common to all religious reformations and new religious movements. The fact that evil can sometimes abuse these does not detract from their essential value. In fact, these factors are also the very values that ‘the powers that be’ have wanted to bury by taking the expression ‘cult’ and weaponizing it against any new spiritual movement or idea, good or bad. (cf: Cultural Marxism ‘control the language, control the narrative).

    From a historical perspective, new religious groups and movements have always risen throughout history to revitalize, reform and redirect failing or corrupted practices and faiths. How many iterations did Christianity go through in its course to bring liberty culture to the world?

    Dozens. Hundreds. How many prophets arose in Israel to challenge the corrupt - leaders or people – and redirect a new initiative of faith to move the providential process forward?

    In Christian history, Jesus Christ transformed Judiasm and opened up a completely new dimension in monotheistic belief – “God is my Father and your Father”. Yet, he was killed. St. Francis of Assisi brought (attempted) reformation to a very corrupt Catholic church. Luther was ‘a heretic’, and would have been burned if they could catch him. The list goes on.

    Awakening, devotion, redetermination, change, transformation - these are good things. These are things that evil wants to suppress. They are things the Cabal, the devil, corrupted power, want to suppress, and at all costs. Why? Because “.... know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. Real slavery requires keeping a people in ignorance of their true power and value (which is why Q continually reminds us of this point, too.)

    So, new ideas, unorthodox beliefs, dedication and transformation – often radical – these are not bad things. In and of themselves, they are neutral. The real issue is, as Q (#1295) points out, "Be careful who you are following".

    So that's the caveat. Discernment is important. Legitimate examination, critical thinking, these are critical. But so is an open mind, a courageous and open heart, and sincere humility (lack of a fear of being wrong). All of these elements are necessary. Be careful of who you are following, but also don’t shut down or run away from ideas, just because they threaten your views.

  106. The Rubric So.

    Coined by who? For what purpose? Then pushed by who? To mobilize who? To control and manipulate who? To suppress what?

    You can use this rubric to analyze ‘conspiracy theorist’. But we can also use it to examine ‘cultist’, too.

    The expression ‘cult’ in its modern sense was coined by secularist and entrenched ‘forces that be’ for the purpose of denigrating and suppressing what they considered a threat to their power and control (new religious reformations and movements). The expression was taken up and pushed by the Mockingbird Media, always happy to cash in on hysteria and further ingratiate themselves to the Cabal and it’s puppets. It was used to mobilize often sincere but sometimes fearful people and sheeple, large mainstream groups, to control them, and manipulate them into shutting down their minds and any – ANY – Challenging perspective. (Protect the orthodoxy at ANY cost. Even if it means using fear, arrogance, or an unwillingness to confront difficult ideas.) The target was suppression of any new awakenings, any new spiritual movements or religious reform movements that challenged those powers that be.

    This approach was so blithely and completely adopted and bought into by an unsuspecting public that now it is completely mainstream and no one barely bats an eyelid at this label “cult’ – unless you happen to belong to one of those unpopular or unwelcome ‘cults’.

  107. Do we buy into Evil’s narrative? Or what?

    Even if you belong to one of those groups labeled as ‘a cult’, you may well rush to say “No, no. No! I’m not in a cult! We are not a cult!”. But if you do this, you actually, inadvertently, simultaneously, end up doing two things:

    One, reinforcing the controlling Cabal-type narrative (“new ideas, movements for awakening, unorthodox religious or faith views are bad. Wrong. Evil. Shut them down, or else.”) and

    Two, tacitly validating and reinforcing the methodology (tactic) of creating and using a ‘shut down’ narrative – any narrative – for an evil purpose.

    You still play on their terms. You just try to wiggle out of the kill box [], instead of disarming and immobilizing the weapon.

    And that’s how bad it is today. This is how deeply engrained and mainstream evil’s ways have become in our society. Evil uses our fears, uses our weaknesses, uses our comfort zones, to manipulate us and keep us as slaves. It sets up definitions and uses these to shut down truth.

    They want to prevent us from realizing this very important and fundamental truth: the only true way to freedom is a path that pursues, at parallel and simultaneously, both an internal path of self-accountability (confronting difficult ideas, and mastering them) and an external path of challenging and overcoming corruption, evil and slavery in our world around us.

    To rephrase that point: a true culture and society of freedom from evil, slavery and corruption can only come about when enough of the individuals in society challenge themselves to be better than they currently are, and keep themselves accountable to that virtue, and when enough of them also challenge the external, ruling evil powers, powers that seek to keep that very process of self-awakening, self-reflection and self-accountability from unfolding.

    So, go ahead, MSM. Call Qanon a cult. Call me a cultist, if you want. I do not care. I really don’t. Your words, your coined expressions, your manipulation and coded attacks - these mean nothing to me.

    I will not be defined on your terms any more. And I will continue to tell the truth. All your efforts are nothing more than an ancient and evil technique to shut me up and prevent Truth from Coming to Light. Well, too bad for you. Dark to LIGHT.

    So, kindly take your labels, and shove them. We will not be defined on your terms anymore. We are rightfully a free and sovereign people.

    Q1712 Your evil has no place in this world.

  108. "Qanon is facilitating and fostering the emergence of a completely new culture by encouraging critical thinking"

    Oh like the folks who don't question him when he promises Big Things on a specific date, and it doesn't occur of course, those folks are not indulging in critical thinking my friend.

    Those folks who nod their heads and moo like good cattle when Qanon says Sally Yates is a pedo? That is not critical thinking.

    Those who believe torture chambers exist in single floor buildings TO THIS DAY, are not critical thinkers.

    That is not a culture. That is a swamp of stupidity.

  109. You and the others try to pass pizzagate onto Q when there was never any connection, another lie by you.

    But Q does mention pedophiles and the sick things they are up to and how people in high places are blackmailed when they engage in pedophilia and other forms of human trafficking.

    plot, you sound like a pedophile

    1. There is ample evidence here to support your last statement,
      mike m.
      And can I just say, I LOVE how you only addressed one Itty bitty piece of what mike m presented, plot?
      You are truly a terrible person.
      I had such high hopes for you.
      But this past week and your support of the most Vile or creatures has showed us(the IMAGINED us) that you are truly bad. And a WOMAN? that's the worst part.

  110. Rita ora for first girl and blac chyna for 2nd

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. @mike m

    "plot, you sound like a pedophile"

    Is this the kind of critical thinking Master Q taught you?

    It sucks.

  113. Elisabetta Canalis and Steve O

  114. Sally Yates was never a Republican, and Comey is not one now. Plot lies again.

  115. Geeljire,

    Please have a word with your people, particularly whoever is running the Darwinite account. Ask them to remember that their characters aren't politically minded, they're just so outraged about the Pedos. Remind them of the target list. Comey is his own worst enemy and not worth our attention. Yates doesn't matter. Again, we're going for outspoken liberals entertainers, but if your team has any question, just have them follow the list.

    Rosie, you're on backup.

  116. If you’ve got something to say to me, say it to me. Pussy.



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