Thursday, August 16, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Sacrifice - Bohemian Grove 2018

It has been well over three decades since the membership attempted this. Three decades of wanting to do so but afraid of the authorities who were anxious to learn any details about the two previous times it has known to have happened. It was fitting that it happened in that special room with the initials to begin the name. The two organizers of the sacrifice are two of the very top officials of the organization that resembles that room name.

They brought with them, a special guest. For one of the very few times ever, a woman was allowed inside the grounds. The foreign born escorts are actually ensconced in a secure area that is not within the camp itself. The only sex workers allowed on the grounds itself are the young men.

The special guest is A+ list in every sense of the word. All of you know who she is. She has also engaged in some of the most bizarre sex acts with each of the two men mentioned earlier. She has traveled the world with these men, separately and together, engaging in sex acts while pretending to be compassionate. Brutalizing young girls and women to fulfill whatever sick desires they have, knowing they do so with impunity because they are above all laws in those places. They control the law. They control the news. They control it all. The power has gone to their head.

The A+ lister has always felt a connection with the event because it is one originally established for artists and still pays lip service to that original mandate.

She brought two tweens with her. One male and one female. She began by drawing blood from herself and spreading it over her body before spreading it on the tweens. The tweens were then pricked with a needle and some of their blood was drawn which was then marked on all those who wanted to participate. Those who were chosen to participate then were allowed to explore the tweens how they wanted while our A+ lister encouraged them and participated herself When every man had finished what they had started, two large men came into the room who had not been there previously and took the tweens away. Most people assume they were set aflame in the annual ritual. Some people think they were given as trophies to a member who has been a long time supporter and has a fondness for young boys and girls.


  1. Hmmm is Kim K A+ list in every sense of the word?!?!
    Pammie A???
    Other than royalty and I can't see Queen Elizabeth 2 getting down with this I got nada.

    1. I think PAM is a good guess. She's sexually charged and artsy - so is Madonna. Madonna is into occult rituals though.

  2. Replies
    1. Angelina jolie was the first person to pop into my head right away as well

    2. Madonna or Marina Abramovic.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. St Ange and her thing for blood.

    5. I was thinking either Madonna or Angelina since both are involved in humanitarian efforts. Also, wasn’t it Madonnas birthday recently? I don’t know if that has anything to do with it’s a thought.

  3. Today is Madonna's birthday just saying....

  4. First thought was Madonna, who turns 60 today.

  5. Replies
    1. Madonna is in Morocco on her Instagram with her kids, so I don't think so. It might be Angelina Jolie.

    2. Then again, it could be Madonna if this happened several days ago. I'd bet it's Madonna or Angelina. They're both kind of hippie and think it's artsy to do creepy rituals. Honestly, I'd see Madonna doing it over anyone because she's been acting really weird online lately. It's as if she's having another identity crisis. She does do occult Illuminati symbols in performances, so she might think it's for the grater good, which is crazy.

    3. On second thought- if there's a room named after the UN, ANGELINA JOLIE would fit. She's traveled with the UN pretending to be compassionate.

  6. wow.
    This might be another long day

  7. Come the eff on. I read this site daily for entertainment but celebrity ritualistic sex with tweens? Ritualistic burnings? Sacrifices? If all this is true you would turn them in. I call BS.

    1. No it's not. Bohemian Grove is real. It's in Monte Rio, CA. The Bushes are members, Nixon, FDR, Walter Kronkite and many famous politicians and business men. Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger went as guests. I interviewed there and they wanted to hire me on the spot. They barely cared that I graduated from college. They just wanted men who looked young and would help the members with bags, food and they would find attractive. I declined the job for my safety.

  8. I'm in no way saying I believe in the adrenochrome concept but I bet Madge does. Anything to stay young, and it's always been clear she's not the brightest bulb in the circuit

  9. I thought AJ while reading, but Madonna probably better psycho.

  10. Liz Hurley. Bill Clinton. ?

  11. The A+ list woman is some kind of artist who has traveled the world a lot. We don't have much on the two men except that they're very powerful and top officials in an organization, but they might not be famous.

    The part about the organization resembling the room name that starts with initials is interesting. Something with a cross in it, maybe.

  12. What a bunch of garbage. Your a "Full Retard" if you believe this. What happened to this site???

    1. Whey two let them have it! You’re intellectual prowess is unmatched Unknown!

    2. Dear Unknown,
      "shit eating fuck face" requires hyphen--i.e.

  13. I call bullshit on this one. But hey Melania.

  14. hillary. that blind reads like a Q drop.

    1. Clinton is NOT a member of Bohemian Grove. It's a club for men who tend to be conservative. I interviewed there and was hired. It's very creepy.

    2. Clintons are NOT members of Bohemian Grove. It's for men who are usually conservative, such as Bushes, FDR, and Nixon went but hated them. I've interviewed there and was hired. It's very creepy.

  15. Your a "Full Retard"

    Well said!

  16. Replies
    1. Killary would NEVER have sex with a boy !!!!

  17. I think “while pretending to be compassionate” sounds more like Angelina Jolie than anyone else.

    1. Plus there is that video of her when younger wasted off her ass and talking about one ritual whe participated in. She's probably trying to out a hex on Brad.

  18. It's Madonna and cabala/qaballah/kabbalah
    Stealing African children for what?

    1. Check her Instagram. Her adopted daughters are dancing rather gross for their age and are in tacky Moroccan bikini type things. Inappropriate. Madonna is warped.

  19. I’m one of those tween. We chilled with Madonna at Denys and she gave us autographed copies of the Get into The Groove single. Btw that perv Dan Quayle is handsie af.

  20. Anonymous10:38 AM


  21. Found this :

    "Apparently there is an UNDERGROUND lounge (sign spelled U.N.derground"

    1. So is the organisation the U.N?

    2. That makes the A+ lister Angelina Jolie

    3. Yes GROSS! IT'S HER! Read my earlier comments. I've been to Bohemian Grove.

  22. You know, I'm prepared to think the very worst of our so called movers, shakers and betters but when it comes to improbably detailed bollocks like this then even I am prepared to yell "BULLSHIT!"

  23. @Jojo Says the person who can't even tell the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. The irony is laughable.

  24. Anonymous10:43 AM

    for some reason I thought of Burning Man.

  25. Dammit @nonyabusiness you beat me to it.

  26. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I was reading this and Marina Abramovic was the first person who popped into my head but how you view her and her status I am not sure.

    1. She's not famous enough. Everyone doesn't know her. This one is Madonna level fame. Known worldwide.

  27. Madonna was also my first guess

  28. Yeah. Organisation is the U.N.
    Angelina Jolie has been a goodwill ambassador for years and is the Special Envoy to the UNHCR so this is about her.

  29. I say AJ because it says she traveled the world with these men while trying to appear compassionate-perfect fit for her UN role.

  30. Enty has a step by step breakdown of what happened in this secret ritual how exactly?

  31. Angelina Jolie - known for blood play. She appears good natured, but she does travel to parts of the world where sex trafficking is abundant. Don’t know which media moguls this could be about.

  32. For extra credit: can anyone think of a person from the past with the first initials U.N., after whom a name at the Bohemian Grove could be named?

  33. If it's true it's AJ, she was into drawing blood with Billy Bob and she's half crazy as f--k.

  34. As much as i want to believe this because i'm into conspiracies: how would this information even get out lol let alone who in the bohemian grove who also attended this "ritual" until the end would go back home after this and be like: I better send this to CDAN this would make a bomb-ass blind. Also no talks of any recording or anything like that which usually makes these stories a lot more believable.

  35. Member this video of AJ explaining a sexual ritual involving being beaten? She also had to kill her snake.

  36. Marina Abramović, she is def A+ list in the art world. She did all that spirit cooking for Podesta

    This blind sounds like fanfic based off that.

    1. No. She's not famous enough. This is worldwide fame like Madonna or Angelina. Practically Everyone around the world knows them.

  37. The current Secretary General for the UN is Antonio Gutteres who previously was the UN High Commisioner for Refugees. Traveled with AJ And multiple pics of them together.

  38. I found the entire AJ clip.

  39. Powerful monsters above the law ritualistically molest rape murder tweens with the help of a world traveled A+ female celebrity

  40. I know they don't teach history in schools anymore, but everyone knows that plenty of societies throughout history have practiced ritual sacrifice, right? And this doesn't necessarily even go that far; it leaves open the possibility that the kids lived. I can understand saying "I don't believe so-and-so would do that," but why is it ludicrous to think that out of billions of people on the planet, there are *some* who want to do it and will do it if they have the money and power to get away with it? I don't get the knee-jerk "that could never happen" reactions. Of course it could happen.

  41. lol @Unknown

    I haven't any idea who you are, but I love you.

    Your reply is, by far, the best comment of the day.

  42. I agree with the Ang guesses, because she’s bi, talked about blood play, and supposedly has a UN dude as a side piece.

  43. Abramović isn't A+ "in every sense of the word." This is someone on Jolie and Madonna's level, if not them.

  44. @Cail
    I remember being horrified in 8th grade when my crazy social studies teacher did a couple of lessons of human sacrifice amongst the Aztecs and Mayans

    I think this is one of those "the choice to know will be yours" kind of things...
    Most people don't want to believe.
    99% will be sick when they finally get it.

  45. The a+ celeb is gaga

  46. How could it be Jolie if it happened over 30 years ago? She would have been 10. Madonna would have been about 30.

    1. No he's writing that they just did the ritual, and the last time they did this ritial was 30 years ago.

  47. Dancing boy for one of the diddled kids.

  48. Marina Abrovich as the woman.

  49. No the bl implies that it hasn’t been tried for 30 years. Sounds like the weird shit Jolie used to get into with blood play and pretending to be compassionate. She’s gone totally mental since the split with Brad so it wouldn’t surprise me at all

  50. Anonymous11:55 AM

    It didn't happen 30 years ago, it's been 30 since they did this.

    And it's bullshit. The Bohemian Grove is a dumb men's club, in the woods. Everyone wants to believe they're doing woo woo rituals and shit, but it's just rich dudes hanging out in the NorCal woods, getting drunk and deal making.

    This site is quickly becoming a low rent Coast To Coast, no wonder the 4chan shitheads are here.

  51. Where is the PPT (Pedo Protection Team) today?

  52. Angelina works too/is into the same shit but hasn't been A+ here recently

    Madonna is Madonna

  53. @unknown
    That makes you one of the "cannot be saved"

    This site gets "awesomer" every day...but most of us "shitheads" aren't from 4chan.
    We lurk in other places and come here for fun.

    My vote leans towards Angie, world traveler, kid shopping, UN ambassador, UN executive hookup dude, batshit crazy, weird blood sex thing with BBT...
    Sad about Brad.

    However - could be Madonna too. Unicef charitable stuff, whorey old lady pelvic thrusting performances, world traveler, kid shopping...batshit crazy.

    Not sad about Sean or any of her other men.

    @himmmm I don't think you are helping today.

    1. Not Hillary , she’d never have sex with a boy !

  54. How does anyone have access to this runout unless they were there ?

  55. The name of the organisation that resembles the room. Red room = Red Cross. On whitehouse dot gov you can read all about how in 2005 M. Trump was awarded goodwill ambassador by the American Red Cross. She served for four years. The Diamond centennial Red Cross ball was held at mar a lago, remember that fabulous red carpet? So to die for, don't ya think? The description of Mrs cheeto on whitehouse dot gov specifically uses the word compassion in describing her. ( clever, clever enty) . A+ ," all of you know" is her. Enty uses permanent A+ for madonna . Cheeto is A++. That is if any of this story is actually real. Or is it? *wink*

  56. I had read somewhere that Angelina Jolie likes to cut herself and let the blood drip on the person she is having sex with. The "compassion" description pretty much points to her. I wonder why they let her in when they wouldn't allow Hillary to crash the party.

  57. Kellyanne Conway, and here is my proof:

    This made me laugh @Unknown: "This site is quickly becoming a low rent Coast To Coast"

    it's only funny 'cuz it's true

  58. Somewhere out there, some thirsty screenplay writer is wanting their idea for their script back!! This is complete b.s.

  59. I re-read this after reading all the comments.

    "A+ list in every sense of the word...."

    "every sense of the word"? So A+ as in "has 'A' as an initial, 'plus' another initial"?

    Then there's the comment and link to "U.N.derground," and the reference to the United Nations guy Angelina Jolie is seeing on the side.

    So we're talking Angelina Jolie, the United Nations and two top officials, one of them probably U.N. Secretary General Antonio Gutteres.

    My guess about why they tried this again after 30 years is because the satanists are LOSING and they've got to ramp up the sacrifices to baal and moloch to new levels in hopes of stemming the tide.

    But they can't and won't. The planet is entering a new age and their time is past. They know it, too, but they can't help but continue to try and hang on. It will be great entertainment watching them fail, again and again, though there tragically will be victims in their desperate wake.

    1. Didn’t consider the simple A for Angie clue. Thank you.

    2. And "lip service" could be a clue. I think the person they want you to guess it is has big lips. Angelina. But I don't believe this. Someone would blow the lid off this whole thing.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I can't be "saved"? You're so full of shit, if anyone tried to squeeze in one more ounce, you'd explode. You probably slosh if you take corners too fast.

  62. Angelina Jolie & the United Nations fit the clues the best.

    No one thinks of Madonna as a do-gooder.

    Not everyone knows of Abramovic. That person is pure evil.

  63. Here's what notorious DC pedophile David Brock and his organization, Media Matters for America, think of the 2018 meta.

    While the unhinged conspiracy theory known as “QAnon,” or “The Storm,” has been gaining traction online among President Donald Trump’s supporters since October 2017, it was Tuesday night when it finally jumped to the mainstream in the form of shirts and signs that were prominently visible at a Trump campaign rally in Tampa, FL. Supporters of QAnon believe “a high-level government insider with Q clearance” is anonymously posting clues informing the public of Trump’s master plan to undermine the “deep state” and dismantle pedophilia rings supposedly linked to powerful celebrities and politicians.

    While the theory has its murky origins on 4chan and 8chan -- message boards best known for serving as the source of hoaxes and organized harassment campaigns -- many prominent right-wing figures, websites, and social media accounts have helped amplify QAnon. And the consequences of its unfettered growth could be dangerous. A man is facing terrorism charges in Arizona for using an armored vehicle to stop traffic on a bridge near the Hoover Dam with demands and letters clearly inspired by QAanon. Similarly, “Pizzagate,” a pedophilia-focused conspiracy theory fueled by Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential election, inspired a man to open fire inside a Washington, D.C., pizzeria.

    Below is a growing list of right-wing media figures, politicians, websites, and social media accounts that have carelessly amplified QAnon by either evangelizing its tenets to their followers or neutrally presenting the conspiracy theory through their influential platforms without clarifying to their audiences that the whole thing is a baseless canard.


    1. I swear, paedophilia has become the new communism. Can you imagine Q anon during the McCarthy hearings? The stupidity of believing a pedo ring was being run out of the non existent basement of a DC pizza parlor, is truly epic.There's a sucker born every minute and they all have internet connections.

    2. Where would a pedo ring be run out from? Curious as to the known locales for such things .. 🤔

    3. Alice H is on a literal script

    4. Thanks G. I was reading about all this last night. You word it far better then I can. It's very interesting stuff but scares the shit out of me also.

    5. Maggie T : Um... the Vatican? I'm pretty sure that they have a basement. Also, Trump/Sessions disappearing all those "illegal immigrant" kids comes off as suspicious as hell.

  64. I just can't get behind all these Bohemian Grove stories, sorry/not sorry. It always sounds so ridiculous and baseless, I just can't believe it.

    1. All your UNICEF pennies were used to rape children in places you couldn't point to on a map.
      Sorry not sorry?

  65. Too much for me, and too descriptive. I noped the F&*# out.

  66. "A+ in every sense of the word" = someone who did really well at university. @Coconutcrazy

  67. A.J. The blood, the do-good the need for money...

  68. this one has the stink of sexual fantasy, part of which is all of us trying to figure it out.

  69. I just sent this blind to Brad Pitt. This should get him full custody of the kids, for sure!

  70. Except for putting them ablaze,is this any weirder than NXIVM or other cults? It sounds like Angelina,her UN connection s. Tell this to Brad's lawyer!

  71. @Green Tea,jinx!😉👍

  72. Wait until it ties in with William Hague, notorious cabal closet case

  73. I wonder if Enty masturbates while he writes these. He seems to get off on the idea of pedophillia.

  74. Madonna fits for most of it and it being her birthday, otherwise it would sound like Angelina Jolie. However for the men, they said something about the initials, and Bohemian Grove would be BG or Bill Gates. Other than that only Boy George rings any bells outside political people. Unless it flips and becomes GB or George Bush who has been attached to the Grove before.

  75. Yes, yes, more fake news bullshit blind items, nothing to see here. Go back to sleep, sheep.

    Not as if the pagan origins of Easter reference Ishtar/Astare, an ancient Sumerian "goddess of fertility" that human babies were sacrificed to (with their blood being used to paint eggs to be gifted to said entity to procure favor). Doesn't matter if we don't believe in it or others such as Baal, Moloch, Lucifer etc. and other pagan bullshit - some truly evil people DO believe in them and perform all sorts of awful acts in their name.

  76. Folks, I really think the site is A/B testing us to see how far absurd a story we'll believe.
    That said, I think it's supposed to imply Angie.

  77. This is absolute horseshit.

  78. They sacrificed Andy Gibb. Face it.

  79. Madonna - (((Kabbalah))).

  80. The internet was supposed to be the great equalizer. Who controls the media? Powerful, moneyed interests. But the internet was the place where the truth seeker could flesh out a story and tell the truth to millions of people. The reality is that the internet is where conspiracy theories take flight and the truth is buried under a giant pile of bullshit. I can't believe that no one has ever taken a photo or smuggled in a recording device into the Bohemian Grove to document the goings on. Why is that? Because the ridiculous tales are untrue. And it is the same reason that the only good video we have of Bigfoot is from 1967 despite the fact that anyone with a cellphone can shoot a movie with said cellphone. Because it is all false. I do believe pedophilia is rampant but these ridiculous tales do nothing to stop it. In fact, it taints the whole anti-pedophilia faction as crazy. Case in point: "Pizzagate." A pedophilia ring in the basement of a pizza parlor that in reality has no basement? You are being played and the real perpetrators are running free.

    The fucking internet man.

  81. Even I do not believe this. Keeping dropping Acid Enty! This is a big BORE fest.

  82. Hillary Clinton without a doubt

  83. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Sounds like Angie, she talked about losing her virginity at 14 and cutting her boyfriend during sex just to feel an emotion.

    Madonna is a good guess, but I don't think anyone would describe her as compassionate.
    I hope it's not Pam. She might be a bit on the crazy side, but I couldn't see her doing something like this.

  84. Marina A or AJ. Maybe Pam Anderson? But she not an artist. Probably Marina. She’s an evil slag

  85. Yep, Hillary, Sandy the pedo and Podesta.

  86. Elizabeth Bathory levels of Horror!

  87. WOW so many of you do not want to open your eyes and see the truth. STUFF like this happens all the time all over the world. For those of you that think this is "fiction: just go on YouTube/Google and type in Bohemian Grove. SURE it is normal for politician, wealthy tycoons etc... to gather in the woods and burn effigies of wooden owls. The truth is there for those that seek it.

    Yes it does seem like Angelina Jolie and the UN. Her poor children. She is broke and desperate now.


  88. you can see Madonna online laughing when she hears someone got raped

  89. Lady Gaga dumb asses

    1. That's a good guess. It's either her, Angelina or Madonna. Madonna is in Morocco. I just have a feeling it's Angelina because she was a goodwill ambassador for the UN.

  90. Angie. And for those of you who really don't believe in Bohemian Grove, there are plenty of accounts from ex-workers on Youtube. Look before they disappear, censorship is running amuck these days.



  92. I just want to thank @Thonker for making me laugh so hard my hubby woke up to check on me. I've been a truth seeker since my teens, and I completely agree.

    For those that missed it the first time:

    "As much as i want to believe this because i'm into conspiracies: how would this information even get out lol let alone who in the bohemian grove who also attended this "ritual" until the end would go back home after this and be like: I As much as i want to believe this because i'm into conspiracies: I BETTER SEND THIS TO CDAN THIS WOULD MAKE A BOMB-ASS BLIND"

    I'm in no way implying that these things don't happen, though.

  93. I’m going with Angelina. She is involved with the CFR which is known for child trafficking. Also she had numerous problems with her adoptions. Basically she got those kids from child traffickers. She is scum.

  94. @Melissa

    I think there was only one problem adoption - Maddox - where she basically dealt with a for-profit child seller who was later sent to Cambodian prison.

    The others were legit, weren't they? The only other story I heard is that Ang wanted to adopt a Russian or Ukrainian kid but the source for the child was trying to scam her somehow so she backed out.

    1. I don't dispute your claims of suffering from mental illness and disability

      This shit is pathological

  95. @plot There was some controversy about Zahara's adoption because her mother is still alive. AJ says she was told that the mother was dead and that she had no way of knowing otherwise. AJ criticized Madonna for not dealing with a country with legitimate adoption procedures. Madonna had to throw some money around to get the adoptions in Malawi.

  96. Since the owl is a symbol connected to Bohemian Grove, maybe the first part of the name of the room is "owl" and the first initial of the woman is O ... Oprah Winfrey? Everyone in the world knows who Oprah is. Her show was even popular in Iran via illegal (some even self-built) satellite dishes. So many pictures of Oprah with Weinstein ... some with her pushing young girls towards him. If the compassion is all an act, then she's an A+ actress.


      Oh hey remember this

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. two large men came into the room who had not been there previously and took the tweens away. Most people assume they were set aflame—

    Oh give it a rest, Entern...

  99. "Case in point: "Pizzagate." A pedophilia ring in the basement of a pizza parlor that in reality has no basement? You are being played and the real perpetrators are running free."

    Actual case in point: James Alefantis owns most of the business and retail property in the area of Comet Ping Pong, including what was the "Besta Pizza" shop 2 doors down in the connected series of storefronts. That has now been renamed to "Buck's Fishing World". That store has a large basement.

    Here are some examples of James Alefantis social media

    These people are beyond sick

  100. What @Himmmm said.

    I enjoyed how this is an "annual ritual" except for the bit about it hadn't been done in 30 years.

    I also like when conspiracy theory sellers call those who aren't buying it sheep because they DON'T blindly sign on to what is obviously bullshit. Totally makes sense!! Baaaa baaaa.

  101. @Cheryl

    Oh I hadn't heard that (or forgotten it, either way.) Thanks for the information!

  102. @Cheryl

    Oh I hadn't heard that (or forgotten it, either way.) Thanks for the information!

    It's pointless for Ang to criticize Madge for anything, when Ang greased the wheels herself with her money. Unless Ang went through the strict procedures for adoption, like Sandra Bullock did surprisingly, she has NO room to talk.

  103. Can't find Jon Voight listed as a BG member, but Clint Eastwood is a known long-time member, and they are pretty close friends.

    That would give AJ an in for making it onto the grounds.

  104. It's angie, hence the 'lip service' comment.

  105. These blinds are increasingly ridiculous, and total click bait. Nice going, Enty. You're getting yours in the rush for fake news and QAnon bullshit (something created by a left wing 4Channer looking to entertain himself, BTW).

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. @Muriel Allen - "I can't believe that no one has ever taken a photo or smuggled in a recording device into the Bohemian Grove to document the goings on."

    There is video of one of their outdoor ceremonies ("cremation of Care" with an Owl, Robes, Torches, and everything. internet: "bohemian grove ritual video". Richard Nixon (who attended according to his own words in the white house recordings) described it as "the most faggy goddamn thing you could ever imagine."

    Whether the BI is factual, who knows.

  108. These are so tiresome. Obviously, there are real pedophiles, but the vast majority of pedos don't engage in pedophilia as part of some satanic ritual, and they certainly don't belong to some international pedo ring. People are pedos because they are sick fucks, not because it's the newest, coolest thing that all they're friends are doing.

    Think about this logically, if you're at a party and 1 of your friends brings in a bunch of kids to have sex with and you're not a pedo, what would you do? I'm pretty sure you would call the cops on them; I know I would. Most people aren't pedos and people don't become pedos just from hanging out with other pedos either.

    Most pedos (99%) act alone and don't let others in on their secret. In fact, most pedos live and die without anyone but their victims ever knowing how sick they really are. Most victims are not trafficked, nor are they part of any pedo rings. Most victims (99%) don't appear in child porn, and of those that do, not all are trafficked children.
    Pedos that do possess child porn usually get it from places like the dark web and have nothing to do with child pedo rings, meaning they don't actually know any of the people they're trading images with other than chatting with them online and passing along images they've found or maybe taken themselves as "trophies". Very rarely are they actually part of any organized crime syndicate. Most "pedo ring busts" are of this variety; people who molest or possess child pornography on their own and trade their own trophy images, but are generally lone wolves who trade info, tips, and other fantasies, but aren't really acting as one unit to get together in an organized fashion. The FBI will bust them in a pedo sting and as a "ring" because they traffic in child pornography, and they can bust them all as a unit for downloading the images.

    Most pedos are your neighbors, teachers, coaches, or priests; they are the people you trust and see every day. Are there pedos in Hollywood? Of course, but they are usually everyday normal people you would never suspect. It's not the rich, all-powerful "Jews' who run everything. Could it be them too? Again, of course, but the reason why they get away with it is because people trust them and they are innocuous, not because they are rich and powerful and can buy children.

    Most victims are not murdered and those that are, aren't murdered as part of some stupid satanic ritual, that stupid shit is not real. They are murdered because their molester fears going to prison, and they try to hide what they've done so they kill their victim. Again, this is normally found out and this normally makes the news. The stupid thing about these stories is we're told about the rich and powerful people who can pay for disposable children from countries where no one will miss them yet they kill their victims as part of some ritual, anyway? Yea, right.

    If you wonder how I know all of this, I not only know a lot of victims myself, and I volunteer with victims of sex abuse. If you all really care as much as you pretend to do I suggest you do something to help victims instead of just spreading bullshit on the Internet. This hysteria and helps no one and actually hurts real victims. How about voting for stiffer penalties for sex offenders, voting for initiatives that extend statute of limitations or doing away with them, donating to organizations that help victims of sex abuse, not voting for pedos like Roy Moore, not supporting the Catholic Church or anyone who does, or just not spreading these lies or hanging out in places like the Chans that actually distribute pornographic photos of victims all the the time. You guys are part of the problem, try to be part of the solution.

    1. You would think a "professional abused kid helper" would have some hard statistics instead of a bizarre appeal to authority in order to absolve Bohemian Grove.


    2. You notice all these "THINK ABOUT IT LOGICALLY" posters all like to deny this shit with claims of "NON! IT DOES NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY!" and nothing else? Just broad sweeping claims that there is no problem, but if there is, you'd only be making it worse.


  109. You lost me at "pedos like Roy Moore."

  110. @Phelps well technically he's an ephebophile, but go ahead and keep defending the guy who got banned from the mall because he wouldn't stop harassing young girls. It's interesting that the people who cry about everyone being pedos are the same ones who constantly attack real victims when they come forward. Meanwhile, the people they actually accuse of being pedos have never been accused and have no victims to speak of, only rumors and innuendo on the Internet. It's a strange world in which we live.

  111. Well, seems this one really brought out the shills trying to insult and ridicule anyone believing that such things go on. Hell yeah they do. I know, lived through it.

    1. You lived through what Stephen? Sexual abuse? No one has ever claimed that didn’t happen or never happens. Satanic ritualistic sexual abuse and torture at the hands of HRC, Steven Spielberg, Angelina Jolie, John Podesta, and pretty much every other famous person you can think of? Is that what you lived through? At Bohemian Grove? Sexual abuse is,unfortunately, all too common, the bullshit this story is claiming isn’t.

  112. I think that the fact that so many of you think this is fake and fail to believe anything like this could happen is exactly why this does happen and how they get away with it. Look up Bohemian Grove. Look at the secret tapings that are on youtube. How many kids go missing and are never to be found? Open your eyes people.

    1. If these societies are so “secret” then how come everyone knows so much about them and knows every little detail about what goes on there? I’m not part of some secret society and the only people who could describe what goes on in my bedroom are my husband or me; so I guarantee you wouldn’t find it plastered all over the Internet in great detail. No one finds it odd that there is always so much detail given when these are supposed to be “super top secret die if you talk” societies? Oh and there are YouTube videos too? This must be real then! GMAFB you fools.

  113. @Geeljire I never said there is no problem, exactly the opposite in fact. You just refuse to listen because it doesn't fit your batshit narrative that it's the big bad Jews that participate in some whacky ritualistic bullshit. I also never said I was a "professional kid helper", I said I volunteer with rape and abuse victims, and I have also known many abuse victims having grown up with them or been friends with them. I myself have survived rape and abuse attempts. I have never in all my years on this earth heard a single story from a single victim like the ones this website and you looneys make up, and I've heard some horrific shit. Most of it is pretty run of the mill. By that, I mean your neighborhood molester who gains your trust and touches you in places they shouldn't. They groom you and your parents, start abusing you, then tell you to not tell anyone, either by convincing you there is nothing wrong with it and it's "your secret" or that someone you love will get hurt if you do, either physically or emotionally.

    When it comes to the worst shit I've heard obviously that all includes abuse on children, but again no satanic shit. I've heard of parents looking the other way when they knew their children were being molested because the molester was the meal ticket. I've heard of parents allowing their children to be raped for drugs and money. I've heard of parents blaming children for their own abuse. I've heard of parents selling their kids for money. I've heard of parents giving their children drugs so they had a "drug buddy". I've heard of parents giving their children drugs and molesting them, but the majority of the stories I hear are about abuse by someone the victim trusted and knew well. I've never heard of satanic rituals, not once.

    I have heard of priests who abuse children and tell them that it's religious in nature and that God would want them to do it. I've also heard of priest's who have told children to swallow their jizz because it was the body of Christ, pretty fucking sick, but again not Satanic. For the most part, the sickest shit I have heard has come out of the abuse that victims have suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church, that seems to be an organized pedophile ring, IMO. They used their religion and the trust their victims had in God and the church to abuse them and keep them quiet and that is disgusting. Don't start accusing me of being anti- Catholic I was raised Catholic and most of my family is still Catholic, I just find the Catholic Church and what they've done disgusting. There are many really great Catholic people; the Church organization is the problem.

    Maybe you religious freaks want to rethink your affiliations because the worst abuse is coming from your clergymen. They not only abuse children, but they cover it up, and they are the definition of a pedo ring. If you really want to find ritualistic molestation look no further than the Catholic Church.

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  116. Hillary Clinton❓



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