Monday, August 13, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Red Meat - Teen Choice Awards

They were like pimps hoping they could catch the eye of this not even old enough to drive teenager and somehow bring her over to their lair. There was no such luck. She is the most in demand underage teenager sex object out there right now and not even the most famous person in her family. The most famous person in the family, also not old enough to drive has been sexually involved with an executive for almost two years and he basically makes sure she will get all the way to A list. He is easily three times her age, but even he didn't have the money for the other family member.

The other family member is with someone younger, but still almost three times her age. He is also a billionaire and made it a priority that the media he controls and he controls one of the biggest media empires ever created, features her as often as possible in as few clothes as possible and in the most sexually suggestive ways possible. He has raped her multiple times even though both parties would say it is consensual. How can someone so young consent though?

Any influence from elder family members has gone the way of the million (yes million) dollars deposited in their bank account each month and the on call private jets and personal chef all paid for by the billionaire. He is never giving up this trophy. Well, until she turns 18. It will be interesting to see if he somehow makes it all legal and look normal somehow when she turns 18. 


  1. Maddie & Mackenzie Ziegler?

  2. +1 Maddie was one of the few underage winners.

    This is sick and these parents should be ashamed

  3. Good enough for me Dena.

  4. Nevermind, one of them is 18 so no dice.

    1. Google says they are 14 & 15 years old

  5. Omg! I read she was born in 2002 and according to my math that made her 18. Math was never my best subject.

  6. When I saw Maddie's name on the list of winners I was actually shocked because I didn't think she was that big especially since she's not even on Dance Moms someone pulling the strings would make sense

  7. Good grief, $1M/month plus private jets and other goodies, just so you can have the jailbait of your choice? I guess when you've got billions, a million isn't that much, but still, that's some serious dedication to doing the wrong thing.

    1. No pussy is worth a million bucks a month. I guess perverts are pathetic losers as well

  8. Zieglers, with Rob Fishman or Darren Lachtman (Brat Netword) being the guy with Mackenzie

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. saving the world,of course 🤨

  10. He'll probably dump her when she turns 18.

  11. Here's a 14 year old Mackenzie Ziegler telling us "Making pizza isn't as easy as it looks."

    I'm sure her handlers got a good laugh out of that. Laughter at US, that is.

  12. This s so darn sad her parents need their asses beat to one inch of their lives.. This is nothing short of selling your child to the highest bidder. My goodness how can they spend that money knowing their daughter is being treated like a sex slave..

  13. Damn, a million month plus perks doesn't even secure both sisters? Im other blinds, underage starlets are easier to procure than extra ketchup in your fast food order.

  14. Whats worst though is that ENT has all this information and clearly knows all the players in this ring of filth but wont go to the press. I wouldn't even say the authorities because in LA they are all on payroll, but the press may could get this started.

  15. So the Ziegler with her Boyfriend on instagram is a fake BF? Is that the one he is paying one million for?

  16. The press doesn't have any time to spare for crime stories right now; they're busy telling people what opinions not to listen to.

  17. @pkelly, Interesting guesses, but are they billionaires and do the ages match?

  18. IDK.
    Have JoJo Sewa and her giant hair bows gone over to the dark side yet?

  19. Wasn'T Mackenzie given a big recording contract? Even though there was no buzz about her being a great singer,mainly a dancer,not as good as her sister. I know it is very uncool to say this,but I can't be the only one uncomfortable with Maddie's Sia videos. Maddie is an exceptional dancer, but on small devices she looks like a naked 6 year old in the Chandelier video, and the video with Shia LeBeuof? Ask yourself if you would let your kid do it, that's all.

  20. Ugh ew i really hope this isnt true

  21. If this is true, then I agree with Trapped. Add the older men pedophiles to those beaten.

  22. Did not know it was one of the Ziegler girls in that reprehensible Sia music video.

    How can anyone pimp out their children? I would not let a man paw my daughter for five minutes for a billion dollars, knowing the sense of betrayal she would feel that I could never earn back. Love is priceless. LOVE IS PRICELESS.

    Today's CDAN has been very emotional for me. This is horrible horrible horrible stuff.

  23. Agree with Scorpio that this should be taken to the press. Anyone who knows these two are being abused and has the sources to confirm it, has a responsibility by law to go to the authorities, but at the very least the press will do. Even a detailed report to child protective services who MIGHT actually do their job and investigate it would atleast be something. I would think the victims would be interviewed with a child psychologist present, and again MAYBE they could sniff out the truth. I say might and maybe because I don’t have a ton of faith, but every once in a while they do come through. Besides thinking no one will do anything isn’t a good enough reason to be silent.

  24. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The Press? They're bigger whores than anyone - they know who signs their checks, they won't cover something like this unless it's approved by their editors, or the story is so big and out of control they have to, to cover their butts.

    Don't expect help from the press. That's just naive. The studios and agencies own them.

  25. Yes, maybe they should to go the New York Times! You know that newspaper with CEO MARK THOMPSON, the man who was heading the BBC during the Jimmy Savile (pedophile/rapist/necrophile) coverup. MARK THOMPSON, who lied during BBC's Savile investigation and was exposed before he started at the Times and, for some reason, still got hired!

    Then, The New York Times ombudsman Margaret Sullivan (a true heroine) wrote about their new CEO MARK THOMPSON's shady past....but she was soon out of a job and the New York Times decided it didn't need an ombudsman any more anyway.

    But the New York Times, run by CEO MARK THOMPSON sure spent a lot of time telling us "Pizzagate" was a hoax. And publishing editorials telling us intolerant defenders of children that "Pedophilia is a Disorder, Not a Crime."

    So three sick psycho pervert cheers for New York Times CEO MARK THOMPSON, hero to pedophiles everywhere! He'll help bury any story that might otherwise help innocent child victims!

    You can go to the press. You might even find a sympathetic reporter. But that story will never see daylight.

  26. Really the question is whether the press has been recently bought, or have they just always been bought? Older generations had reverence for the press the same way generations before them had reverence for religious leaders, priests, pastors, nuns, etc. Now no one is trusted, no one sacrosanct.

  27. I'm confused about the Mackenzie Ziegler thing here - my daughter is obsessed with her, but when I see her pictures on IG or whatever else, she is dressed like a normal teenaged girl. If anything, I see her in a lot of hoodies and sweats and typically not all dolled up or anything. I guess I haven't seen anything inappropriate outside of the whole "vape-gate" drama.

  28. maddie zeigler is 15 years old.

    3 times her age would mean the man she's been sexually involved with (ugh, euphemism practically) would have to be 45 years or older.

    mackenzie zeigler is 14 years old, and if the guy is 'AT LEAST' 3 decades older then he's OLDER. so probably 45-60 years old

    excuse me while I go throw up.

    wow, its gonna be brutal for them when they age out of this

  29. I wish ronan farrow read this goddamn site.


  30. The adults hanging out at the Teen Choice Awards should feel about as cool as the people who were out of high school but back at the prom.

  31. The press will only run this story if the principals confirm this is happening. Same with the police: they can investigate, but if no one owns up to what's going on nothing will be done.

    So for everyone here screaming at Enty to go to the police or the press, you have no idea what you are talking about. And how do you even know he hasn't already called in a tip?

  32. "this should be taken to the press."

    So they can figure out it's bullshit? Nah, you should know that yourself.


    "sure spent a lot of time telling us "Pizzagate" was a hoax."

    It was. It is. Unless you've unearthed the torture chamber in that building without a basement, that is. But you haven't have you.

    " New York Times"

    That's a mighty raging hard-on you have for that paper that's uncovered more pedophilia than your child loving friends on 4chan.

  33. I need a bath after reading this one. UGH

  34. Oh plot <3

    Spending time on this site is like watching James McAvoy in Split. I cant figure out if this site is truly just some gossip site from a Hollywood insider, the twisted fictional fantasies of some dude in his grandmas basement or some weird agenda from this Qanon business.

  35. @Madame

    It looks like that last guess might be the correct one.

    CDAN was losing page views and it's major source of BIs disappeared with the legit press (like Ronan Farrow) absconding with it's pet source of BIs. Not that Enty ever had the real goods, he mainly just copied info shared on the comment boards of gossip sites, but now he's struggling after years of simple assed BIs pointing to the likes of Weinstein - easy for everyone to guess.

    So with the likes of AJ Benza (who used to comment here) and Gabe Hoffman (who cares, man, really CARES about children...not) they invited in 4chan and the Q crowd to keep the hits coming.

    It's also an attempt to have a big effect not so different from the Incels of 4chan. It's ugly, much like the Hmmmm blinds who direct most of their ire and degradation towards women, the site is now run by very nasty brand of extremely envious people (who never got their big break in HWood, boo-hoo) who use women and young girls, imaging them totally submitting and degraded, to achieve page views.

    Note how often in the comments the words "Burn it all down" are written. Angry teenagers in the bodies of sad older men, and if it's more than a half dozen egging on the vile hatred of the casual commenters, I'd be shocked.

    1. @plot I'm not saying I know so much about this site, its history or motivations but what you said makes sense. It seems like ever since Himmmmmmm posted that long rant about guessing blinds, the vibe around here hasn't been the same. For example, I really dont get why politics get brought up in comments SO MUCH. I'm not even talking general views, more like random vitriol that really has nothing to do with the blind or comments. They seem hell bent on inflaming people. I used to lurk on 4chan out of curiosity and this site is really starting to echo some of the sociopathic overtones of 4chan.

      The 4chan crowd, in combination with the conservative conspiracy theorists who jump to the most ridiculous conclusions, have made browsing this site feel a bit toxic. Maybe we need to pray to Allah :p

  36. Lol "CDAN was losing page views because I said so"
    Ronan Farrow as "legit press"
    Female CDAN posters are "angry teenagers in the bodies of sad older men"
    "Page views" that MyLeftWing could have never acheived

    Everyday you wake up, you should thank Allah you don't have to prostitute yourself to a political party and then STILL have to pimp your son out to the NCAA in order to justify your own existence.

  37. Since Plot-TWISTED brought up the JAMES ALEFANTIS basement lie, here's JAMES ALEFANTIS of Comet Ping Pong talking about his basement:

    "Our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in."

    JAMES ALEFANTIS owns multiple properties on the block where Comet Ping Pong pizza is located. There's another restaurant and an art museum called Pegasus. One of them clearly has a basement.

    Search around (not on Google) and see if you can find JAMES ALEFANTIS's Instagram feed.

    Pedo-defending is soul-killing work, Plot-TWISTED. I can't image the life you lead or who you might really be. There is more to our existence then our time on this earth.

    1. Also
      The point they like to contend is that any/all of the abuse took place in a specific basement and if it didn't everything else isn't true.

      Then you get into that whole DC tunnels thing and the Podesta art collection and David Brock beach house and it's just all fake Russian lies spread by Republican despite enmity of pedophilia being a political

      well for some reason on this stupid meaningless Hollywood gossip blog we talk about the Hollywood industry which is known neither for its Republicans nor its goyim

    2. Plot is self-admittedly mentally ill to the point of disability, DDonna. This is not hard to find elsewhere in her lengthy record of internet writings.

  38. @DDonna

    "where Comet Ping Pong pizza is located. "

    Which still doesn't have a basement or a torture chamber!

    you lose.

  39. @Madame

    "Maybe we need to pray to Allah :p"

    The faux Muslim among us does that for everyone, in his own faux way.

    Yeah, it's toxic as hell! I see glimmers of the old CDAN now and again, but mainly it's populated by people who want to cozy up around the fire and discuss their delicious pedo hunting, laced with Outrage! naturally.

  40. @Plot
    How do you know? Been there?
    Not even the police deigned search the place.

  41. Are we really having a discussion over fricking architecture? I don't care if there is a basement beneath Comet Ping Pong. I don't care if there are no basements in the US or the world since mankind's inception.

    I do care if pervert mf's are hurting children.

  42. Is it just me or is every Teen Choice blind about an underage person having sex with an older one?

    There's no way Enty could get all of this "inside information", because the powerful blind subjects would never let any misdeeds get public.

    Because I think most of these are made up, I'm starting to think Enty gets off on these pedo blinds. When you spend so much time talking about this world (you know, like those alt right figures that are obsessed with it), at a certain point you're just indulging in some kind of twisted fantasy. Kinda disgusting.

  43. " She is the most in demand underage teenager sex object "

    sounds like Millie Bobby Brown

  44. @Paul

    "How do you know? Been there?"

    Oh dear. You DO know that all building specifications are filed with city zoning offices and you DO know that if a basement were constructed in that building that it would take not only a pile of city approvals but also a massive construction DO know this...and that all this information is available to the public, if not online, by a visit to the appropriate office...


    "Because I think most of these are made up, I'm starting to think Enty gets off on these pedo blinds. "

    Or his buddies like Cernovich and the 4chan army does.

    Yeah, they are all bullshit. Anyone with 2 working brain cells can figure Enty has no access to any of this sort of knowledge, ergo, he's inventing shit for his intended audience (and probably giving the finger to those of us who are on to him.)

  45. @Plot
    So what do you make of Alefantis? A fine upstanding citizen, with shady pedo connections and a pedo-themed Instagram account? What the fuck is the Pegasus Museum, a museum closed to the public?
    For the record, I don't think he really conducts any hard-core pedo activities in his establishments, except for the music concerts, just grooming. Scouting and recruitment if you like.
    In any other less corrupt jurisdiction, Alefantis would have been investigated. There's enough circumstancial evidence to warrant an investigation.But he's well connected and even has an army of bots like you to defend him and troll boards like this one. Now tell me, assuming you were a normal human being and a parent : would you let your kids anywhere near Alefantis? I sure wouldn't.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. @plot,

    Absolutely. I wouldn't be surprised if Cernovich and many of his pedophilia-obsessed pals have large stashes of child porn on their computers. It's often the ones that scream the loudest about something that are the most suspect (see the dozens of ardently anti-gay Republicans who've been caught in gay affairs).

    It's bothersome enough that a site that purports to be "entertainment" focuses so much of its subject matter on the exploitation of children.

    It's disturbing on a whole other level when you realize that the audience Enty is trying to attract with these pedo blinds is conspiracy-minded to the point of lunacy. They're the type that a) uses the information to brand all celebrities (and Democratic politicians, for that matter) as pedophiles and b) places so much belief in these stories that they're willing to walk into a pizza parlor with an automatic weapon -- causing danger in the real world.

    At a certain point, Enty is being as irresponsible by promoting this nonsense as Alex Jones is by calling school shootings a "hoax" and survivors of shootings "crisis actors." I find this a very sad turn of events for a site that I started visiting just a year ago. I can only hope that none of the site's content leads to another incident like the pizza parlor one. It could be tragic.

  48. @TruthSayer
    Go away, FBI bot!

  49. Another conservative crackpot tactic: calling anyone who questions their lunatic theories/behavior "bots," even though everyone knows most of the bots out there are deployed to provide support to Trump, as they did during the election. Nice try!

  50. "would you let your kids anywhere near Alefantis?"

    Since it's not likely I will ever be in the presence of this guy, nor do I know who he is, the question is moot.


    "Go away, FBI bot!"

    You have no idea what a bot is or what it does, do you.


    " I wouldn't be surprised if Cernovich and many of his pedophilia-obsessed pals have large stashes of child porn on their computers"

    No need to be surprised, just take a look at the overwhelming number of 4chan posts that focus on raping preteen girls. Yeah, these are the guys that folks like DDonna depend on to uncover the truth in the Great Pedo Hunt.

  51. @Plot,

    Absolutely. The hypocrisy of these folks is stunning.

  52. (((Ralph Lauren)))?

  53. William Randolph Hearst?

  54. (((Ben Sherwood)))?



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