Thursday, August 02, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Insider

This former child actor was A+ list. There was no doubt about it. It might have been for a fairly brief period in time back in the day but he was A+ list. Even though he never acts and doesn't seem to have any desire to really do so again on a regular basis, he is known by everyone. All of you know him. He has more secrets inside his head, then most. Not only was he the target of multiple sexual advances by industry executives, many members of his family shared the same fate. At the same time, an extended member of his family people forget about also has shared her stories to him about some of the sexual assaults she suffered through to land parts, especially the time she had to take several years off from acting after this former child actor turned A+ list mostly movie actor raped her for three days straight while they were starring together in a television show. She could barely walk and had almost a year of physical recovery from the beating she endured during the rape. Meanwhile, the actor is beloved today.

The subject of our blind also knows where bodies are buried (but not the literal ones written about in this space within the past month) about many upper level moguls/A+ list director/singers/producers who all befriended someone who was very close to our subject. He knows about the recordings, both visual and audio. He know what was done to whom and when because not only did our actor witness a great deal of it, he was also told a lot of it by the A++ list perpetrator/ringmaster of it. Our former actor is still close to the people who control a great deal of the knowledge/information and they are ready to talk too.

This is going to be the biggest door opener/take down Hollywood thing that has ever happened.


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