Today's Blind Items - All The Little Boys
This actor was A+ list back in the day. The biggest movie star on the planet. It was at a time when there were several leading men battling back and forth for that title. What knocked him from his perch? Not what so much as who. This permanent A list mostly movie actor is the source of that world famous rumor which got spread by word of mouth and knocked our actor down to A- list. A for show wedding and marriage that made news everywhere didn't really stop those rumors. Our actor had no way to address the rumor without answering questions and discussing it more, so sought other ways. When the marriage to the superstar didn't work, he turned to someone else. No, not a woman, but someone he thought would really boost his image. It gave him a different image, but it never really brought him back to where he once was.
His most recent ex says the actor blames the person he turned to. He says the person he turned to was more interested in finding young boys who were drawn to the person like a moth to a flame. He had a choice of literally thousands of boys and when our actor would want to see the person, he often had to wait days or weeks because the person just wanted to be with his "harem," he called it. Even when the person would travel the globe, there they would be, tagging along, a group of a half dozen boys for every week he was traveling. A three week trip? Twenty boys, a new one for each night. Our actor never said anything to anyone and just continued to make people believe the person was something else. It almost seems as if our actor embraced that kind of do anything attitude because that is when our actor became sort of a menace on set and in public and continues to do so up to today. It is also interesting that our actor no longer talks about the other person in such glowing terms. How could he? When the truth comes out, and it will, how will our actor look when it turns out he knew and said nothing.
His most recent ex says the actor blames the person he turned to. He says the person he turned to was more interested in finding young boys who were drawn to the person like a moth to a flame. He had a choice of literally thousands of boys and when our actor would want to see the person, he often had to wait days or weeks because the person just wanted to be with his "harem," he called it. Even when the person would travel the globe, there they would be, tagging along, a group of a half dozen boys for every week he was traveling. A three week trip? Twenty boys, a new one for each night. Our actor never said anything to anyone and just continued to make people believe the person was something else. It almost seems as if our actor embraced that kind of do anything attitude because that is when our actor became sort of a menace on set and in public and continues to do so up to today. It is also interesting that our actor no longer talks about the other person in such glowing terms. How could he? When the truth comes out, and it will, how will our actor look when it turns out he knew and said nothing.