Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 9, 2018

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress is doubling down on comments she made last year. The reason? She has no problems with casting couches and thinks it is a way to move ahead of others who won't casting couch. She thinks people who complain about it are just jealous of those who have done it and landed parts.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. I doubt she can even get casting couch work anymore.

  2. Broke down, used up skank.

  3. Not surprised! She is in room 23 for Christ's sake!!!!

  4. Oh that’s Rich coming from firecrotch.
    She really figured women out ! We all jealous haters who need CVS on our speed dial for Valtrex refills 🙄

  5. Yeah, nobody is couching Lohan. The only ones that are interested in that rancid snatch are Arabs with white girl fetishes.

  6. Tiger Woods, Dancing Boy, Kendull Jenner and Elon Musk!

  7. She has not had a decent part in a REAL movie since she was 10, so her value was being a child on the casting couch and not as an adult. she condones pedophilia and gives lousy "casting couch", as an adult....

  8. the funny thing is that she can't even get a part on the casting couch now even if she tried.
    no one wants her for anything, she's damaged goods. best stick to being a dubai porta potty girl, lindsay!

  9. She is a sad case, but she didn't get that way on her own. She had a lot of help.
    She isn't making false rape accusations for attention, or continuing the cycle of sexual abuse in Hollywood by becoming a "producer" etc. I think she can be given a little mercy. I don't even want to imagine what she went through as a young pretty girl in Disney/Hollywood.

    People can defend pedos and sick pedo jokes/photos/videos, but a woman who was taught at a very young age that her body was a commodity to be used by men for "roles" gets nothing but hate?
    Consider yourselves lucky you didn't have fucked up parents who dropped you off on Hollywood back lots in the morning and picked you up at 10pm at night, and didn't care why you looked so out of it and withdrawn - "she's just tired. A good night sleep and she can get back to it tomorrow!"
    "Don't you dare do anything to fuck up our paycheck!!!"
    It is probably too late now to hope she gets the help she needs. She will probably be dead in a few years.

    1. I'll pass but thanks ..she's all yours ..scabs and all ..and idc what happen to her she's a shit human being so spare us today

    2. Wow Neal, well put and so sadly true

    3. I love that she's trolling bullshit MeToo movement. I appreciate the clarity and the honesty. Esp after being a designated gossip site outrage object for, like, decades for openly and unashamedly doing exactly what most of them do on the DL.

  10. +1@Neal M. We Know what her parents are like. Lindsay was programmed from an early age. She is dead inside,I don't know if she can make it back.

  11. Thanks Guesser,

    I don't know for a fact, but knowing the type of people her parents are, I am sure when they started seeing problem signs with her, instead of getting help like a normal nurturing parent would do, they started the "here, take one of mommy's pills. You'll feel/sleep better etc." routine. There needs to be a lot more done to protect young people and women from sexual abuse in Hollywood - too bad the self serving power grabbers, and accomplices of the abusers took over the me Too movement.
    I would like to be hopeful that she could somehow turn it around, but anything short of leaving Hollywood and stripping herself of all the baggage and ego that came with her previous life, and maybe turning her life over to a higher power, if only just symbolically, would help. As long as she stays there, trying to get back in the game, she is a walking dead woman imo.

  12. While I agree with you Neal M about her having an unfortunate-parental -experience ,she also chose to be a certain way and lack respect for others on a whole (entitled,nasty, and ethically vacant). She also chose to continue to lean on her dad who I knew a couple years ago because his younger kids went to school with my daughter at that point. He was nice,charming narcissistic but also seemingly humble given his public persona. I don’t judge so we got on fine .... but she(Lindsey) was still his “best friend “ -his words as creepy as that is, and while being in the Mideast.. would still call him for money and back up. See,if she tried to remedy her life or stone for anything, she would have come home ,done rehab maybe seek out the victims she ran over etc.... but she fled and hides in a country that also holds little regard for basic human value. Certainly female value.
    I agree with you often but not on this.

  13. I wouldn't touch Lindsey Lohan with Angela's strap-on.

  14. @Tricia,it's nice you don't judge people,but I'm afraid Mr. Lohan put one over on you. His history of drug abuse and domestic violence can't be lay.ed at Lindsay's feet. He lost custody of the younger kids,as did Kate Major. You caught him in a brief moment of sobriety. It's well known Mommy was getting her some extra adderal as well. Young addicts basically have their brain rewired. Also,I think she is acting out her Daddy issues,maybe thinks he's the only one who can save her.

  15. Oh I agree... I knew his past, just didn’t let on about that too much. He was very present and active with those kids (she-Kate), non existent until her next couple arrests which was our community (at the time). Then he kids were gone, I don’t think he lost custody-he just moved from the negative press. I do feel badly about her childhood for sure, just think accountability has to come into hee vocabulary at some point in her life.

  16. She was in Prairie Home Compion as a young adult.

  17. That is one damaged woman. But she didn't get that way on her own - an entire collective of Hollywood creeps instilled this belief in her from a very young age. They taught her how little to think she is worth.

  18. Thanks for the replies to my comment.

    For anyone interested, I googled LiLo to see what I was missing on her, and found a FASCINATING article. Extremely well written, and holds your attention throughout.
    If anyone is interested:

  19. Here is an excerpt: (lots of inside scoops in the article as well on just the behind the scenes stuff of making the movie.)
    To set it up her future director is having a lunch meeting with Lindsey to discuss the movie that are going to start making soon.

    "… She proclaimed the director a jerk, her co-star a nightmare and the crew unfriendly. On it went. Schrader listened for a while. He looked stricken. He softly tapped his balding head on the table. Lohan asked him what was the matter.

    “That’s going to be me in two months. You’re going to turn on me.”

    The actress touched his arm softly. “C’mon, Paul. That won’t happen.”

    He chose to believe her. That summer, he developed a pet line to steel the less brave.

    “We don’t have to save her,” Schrader said. “We just have to get her through three weeks in July.”

    End of excerpt, but let me add that when she shows up for the first reading with the cast, she is late and her script has the names of her co-stars crossed out and hand written in are the names of actors she wants casted (like Jared Leto) and everyone can see it... lol!

  20. She strikes me as a woman who wipes her ass back to front.

  21. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Hey, maybe that movie being filmed on oceanfront property in Arizona....
    Lohan's perfect for it

  22. I assumed her comments were intended as reassurance for clients who've spent money her to reassure them their secrets are safe, and to encourage prospective clients to spend money. "I'll never #MeToo you! Call now! Operators are standing by!"

    She's already her generation's Dana Plato. She just has wealthier enablers and hasn't hit the end of the line yet.

  23. She was actually the best thing in A Prairie Home Companion. She actually had some talent. That noted, I would avoid her like Ebola now.

  24. Despite her constant yachting with her Saudi and Turkish friends her acting career and connections with Hollywood is long gone. Right now all she cares about is paying her growing debts and her lifestyle.

  25. She's a sociopath. People are only shocked that she was this honest on the record.

  26. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Neal M.: Very well-written comment. Her story is definitely one of the sadder ones. It's a shame: she was talented, beautiful, and people seemed to respect her at one point.

    I don't get why it's OK to criticize her but not Britney--people jump down your throat if you dare comment on that one.
