Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

August 21, 2018

Video Music Awards

This foreign born still one hit wonder got in the face of a guy who was trying to take advantage of an obviously very drunk woman who had somehow got separated from her friends at an after party. She then held on to the arm of the woman and steered her through the party until her friends were found.

Iggy Azalea


  1. "Did you ever know that you're my hero,
    And everything I would like to be?
    I can fly higher than an eagle,
    For you are the wind beneath my wings."

  2. Yes, got in before all the comments accusing her of trying to keep all the clients for herself. ;)

  3. If you want to make money you first need to remove the free alternatives to your services.

  4. Yes, how dare she stop some pig raping an inebriated woman. The more you misogynistic pricks spew your bile, the more you prove to women that you are nothing more than parasites unworthy of the agony and suffering of childbirth..

    Out of interest. Does the same apply to men? How many times have you been drunk while out socialising with friends? Is it OK for a man to try and lead you away somewhere so he can stick his dick in you?

    Thought not.

    1. I've been wasted out of my mind and been pounced on on by fat/ugly chicks before. I felt regret he next day but didn't give a fuck at the time. Or for very long after.

      You are comparing apples and oranges.

    2. This Viking Loon is an easily triggered mental patient, huh? Must be a joy to be around IRL. What is the over/under on cats she lives with?

    3. Are we county the dead cats, too?


      The poor things don’t deserve to be dragged into this BS hooman drama. 💛

  5. Iggy got rid of competition

  6. Good for her. Being a hooker doesn't mean you don't have a conscience or compassion (it can).

    That's nice, she's a real person, good for her.

    1. I really don’t understand how people think that.

      To my understanding, many sex workers (the ones who do it by choice/not trafficked) were sexually abused as children. Or they were hooked on drugs and got caught up in a mess with their dealer (not to say addiction is an excuse—I have an addictive personality myself and I take full accountability for my own actions as an adult). But really I’d take a step back before judging “hookers”.

      But that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. Scandi: Yer talking skeevy streetwalkers. There are just as many whores who were never diddled and only addicted to the money/lifestyle. And that doesnt even count the semi-pros who were hook up/party girls that got behind on bills that month because if a Macy's sale and rent some pussy to cover the gap.

      Gaddam Craigslist was so much fun before that a-hole killed the rubdown whore.

    3. And it is a well established fact that whores have no souls. The eyes are the windows to a woman's soul, but the anus is the window to a whore's. It is either dark and empty or full of shit.

    4. Wow, Count. That thing you just said about “eyes being the window to a person’s soul” reminds me of the “Twin-Flame” theory... 👁 I had no idea you were such a romantic! 🥀

      You know what I always say about twin-souls is: “Twin-Flames are like a pair of butt cheeks, so much shit comes between them.” 🌚💩

      *DISCLAIMER: Scandi Sanskrit does not actually believe in the “Twin-Flame” theory which she reckons was made up by an abusive/manipulative person (with the mentality of a cult leader) in an attempt to manipulate/gaslight their partner to stay and put up with their BS (because there are bad apples in every system of belief—in case you haven’t noticed).

      Namaste, baby! 🌝✌🏼

      *Quietly tip-toes out of the room before some Tumblr lunatic hunts her down to murder her*

    5. *Walks back in to do her obligatory Kanye shrug*



  7. @VikingSong, ffs STOP with the agonizing childbirth shit. I've had 2 before you go assuming I'm a filly and not a mare. Jesus, if you have kids or a man, I sincerely hope you don't shove that crap down their throats on the daily like you do here. If you do, I promise you, you are resented at home if not hated.

  8. And then she tried to get with her... Men!



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