Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 6, 2018

With all of his money gone and no one in the family willing to share, this partner in crime of his permanent A list sister will do or say anything she wants if the check is big enough.

Randy Jackson/Janet Jackson


  1. So Janet got a big divorce settlement then? Because I somewhat remember Enty on the other board saying her ass was broke and she was shopping herself around to rich guys in the middle East.

  2. Maybe she was really good it, and is flush with cash again!

  3. I'm over this family.

  4. Well as we know she wasn't pregnant, faked being knocked up because the daughter she has never acknowledged was and the baby she gave birth to is now Janet's "kid" instead of grandkid.

    1. Tell me it isn’t so... dizzying!

  5. My original guess is the best: Hugh Rodham. In case you haven't noticed, I really hate Hillary Clinton, and if I have any opportunity to bring her name up in a negative blind then yee haw!!! Lol. I love Trump because he's a pussy grabbing REAL MAN. Love that guy. MAGA!

    1. Then you should be head over heels of ole’ bill

    2. No way much as you talk about her you get a boner just typing her name's like kindergarden when you pull a girls hair ..hey do you man no judgement she may be interested after all

    3. +100000 stupidpervs. Real J or fake J is a cankles luvin fool.

  6. He was the one who lost his money & ended up stocking shelves in a grocery store.

    1. @Thursday. That was Marlon when he lived in San Diego. He worked at Vons but quit to tour few years back

  7. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Randy, the invisible Jackson.

    Michael made mistakes too; so his wonderful father Joe would beat him up with sand bags.
    rest well MJ, in a better place than this.

  8. My parents are now dead. I am single w/o kids. Siblings are married w /kids. Never expect any money to come my way from them. They don't expect anything coming their way. As it should be.

  9. I doubt Janet has money. She was married to an Arab and the ceremony was done there so it means she gets zero in divorce and he gets custody of the child as the father has the right of the child until 13. Since she is living in US now she might be able to ask the court to give her custody but they can do nothing about the fact she wont get a cent from him unless she hands over the child to him. There is no such thing as child support cheque in the middle east. Girl should of done her research better before hustling herself there.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    @ Haywood Jablomee: I don't disagree.



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