Thursday, August 30, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 3, 2018

This former A list mostly television actress who is probably a permanent A- lister but hasn't had a show in a few years is being regularly cheated on by the man she wants to marry. The actress, who in addition to an iconic role has other middling hits just keeps taking the guy back because she doesn't want to be alone.

Courteney Cox


  1. lol @ desperation.

  2. Her and Jen two birds in a feather.

  3. I would imagine that this is a difficult age for women who are alone, or saddled in a bad marriage. She could achieve both.

  4. plot twist: he's cheating w/ed sheeran!

  5. She got divorced when she was 49? Good timing. That's like an athlete demanding a higher salary right after blowing out both knees.

    1. Oh ok divorce is for the younger folk good to know I'm supposed to stay in a shit marriage cuz I'm old ..

    2. He was a total boozer weirdo. What else was she supposed to do?

  6. Cail, she's a jenius.

  7. I see women of her age living the DREAM life where in live in NJ.
    All the Wall St, finance, hedge fund millionaires...she should date out of the biz and in her own age range. She would strike gold.
    These type of wealthy men don't marry or date women under 40. Being 45+ with a nice body and nice persona, even better in their eyes.

  8. Good to know, M Styles, should Mr Meat fall off his perch.

  9. Dammit Courteney, you're better than this, and you can do so much better.

    Please please PLEASE kick his trifling ass to the curb and move on. He is soooooo not worth it.

  10. M Styles is right in that there's plenty of men interested in, and even appreciative of, +40 women, but they're all outside of Hollywood. Plenty of men are looking for girlfriends or spouses who have already had their children and have mature intellects and tastes.

  11. They all look the same now puffy lips and frozen fat swollen face ..I'm shocked by what passes for him an these days

  12. I don't know how anyone could get wood for that plastic surgery disaster, much less stick it in her.

    1. I guess some people like fat worm lips and paralyzed face that's puffy and gross. I agree wtf makes these people think that looks good oh yeah the public ..

  13. So tired of these freaky faces people it gets worse every year people talk shit about k Klan but these freaks are just walking around with these fucked up faces and actually think they look good ..I'm over this fluid shit I'm over this plastic shit ..I'm over people whinning when you make a joke

  14. If she wants younger dick she has to put up with it.

  15. Shoulda just stuck with David, it seems...

    1. Yes @cee kay. Heard he is well endowed.

  16. Those wealthy, high-powered, older single East Coast men want women who won't embarras them socially. They have set social networks and want someone with class, style, manners, and taste.

  17. Am I the only one who wishes she'd reuinte with Michael Keaton? That would be an awesome full-circle romance! Supposedly the main reason they broke up all those years ago was because he didn't want any more kids. Well, time has taken care of that - she has Coco, and her baby-making shop is surely closed - so why not? Please universe, oh please! We need a legitimate, good old-fashioned romance!
