Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 21, 2018

Video Music Awards

When he was showing some people a few photos on his phone, one of the people pointed out the former A+ list athlete had an app on his phone that was basically a GPS tracker. The athlete had no idea it was on his phone, but I'm guessing that A list girlfriend of his wants to make sure he is not hitting the strip clubs or strippers.

Alex Rodriguez/Jennifer Lopez


  1. Is this what happens when you combine two hasbeens?

  2. Speaks volumes about the relationship if there is so little trust that you feel you have to resort to installing GPS trackers LOL

  3. Don't most phones have something there that provides your location especially if youre using WiFi? I took my phone out at a park and listened to music, when I got home the park wanted me to "like" it and comment on my experience there on it's page.

    1. Yeah, they geotag your location. But they don’t send your location real-time to a third party without your consent.

      When I went to Japan with my brother, we’d often split up do our own thing and I’d send my real-time location via WhatsApp if I got lost on my way to a meeting point. But that was with my consent and *I* was the one who sent the Bat-Signal.

      This guy had no idea he had a tracker on his phone. Never seen one myself but I imagine it looks like an Uber/Grab courier app where you can track where your driver’s at.

      Isn’t this illegal anyways?

  4. The only way to know that he "had no idea it was on his phone" would be to ask him, otherwise how would you know he didn't know?

  5. Probably "Find Friends" which is on every iPhone. Not a biggie.

  6. Exactly @Sandybrook, that is a good point! Most phones do provide your location. I recently left my home state for the day and I had things pop up regarding my location as well because of using WiFi

  7. J Lo is so desperate, this does not surprise me at all.

  8. This isn't a bad idea...in some cases. My husband and I both shared our locations with each other, only because our son committed suicide and we couldn't find him for a couple of days. If we'd had this on his phone, maybe we would've found him sooner.....

  9. Yeah, this is the ‘Good Boyfriend’ phone that JLo knows about

  10. She is so stupid, but I wish I could have seen the look on his face 🤣

  11. Sandybrook, the difference is that your phone is only sharing the location with you, it's not sending the information to another person without your knowledge. With a million marketing companies, probably, but not a specific person.

    1. That sounds illegal AF.

      But that’s just me. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  12. Oh thanks Brian that is a big difference, but I think a cop or someone looking for me might be able to use it to trace me. Sort of like the bridge pass and tunnel pass things you use to pay tolls.

  13. Sorry to learn that MsDrtMover.

  14. Alex Rodriguez/Jennifer Lopez/Grinder

  15. Yes, sweetheart some of these apps have real practical uses.

  16. ...or male bath houses? Ah hem..Alex Rodriguez is reaaaaal suspect. Plus Jlo's dating history has ALREADY proven that she doesnt mind a guy with "pep in his step."

  17. Both ARod & JLo have stepped up the pyramid to that spot where all of your peers have sex with both genders and so do you.
