Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 5, 2018

This A- list mostly movie actress laid off the coke at the event and an after party but the only reason is that she was coming off what she says is a three or four day bender which saw her partying then flying into town from vacation and then partying again most of the night and early morning hours before crashing for two hours. She was held together by a quality prep team last night.

Amber Heard


  1. And no one cared.

  2. Enty remembers now he hates her fucking guts. He forgot when she was divorcing Depp.

  3. It's amazing how many people believe her victimhood bullshit.

    Even with a criminal record going back to her teens. Even with her history of punching her girlfriend. The theft. The fraud. The scaming. The serial cheating. Drugs. Booze. Weird how no one wanted her career finished when she punched her ex-"wife."

    Even the misogynists who normally faux cry "misandry" any time the media reports about rape/DV attacked those of us who didn't buy her bullshit. I wonder if they would have done the same had she been chubby, less attractive and had cracked a joke about Trump..

    Oh and she'll defecate in your bed if you're late to her birthday bash.

    1. None of those things mean that she wasn’t abused though. I don’t like her at all. I definitely believe that the both of them are absolute nutjobs who abused each other. She just left her part in the abuse out of the narrative so she can get all of the sympathy.

  4. @Viking
    She didn't defecate, she let out her inner self.

  5. There's no evidence that he ever hit her other than her word. He did throw a phone which accidentally hit her, which he's never denied. That was it. I don't think he's a saint, but I don't believe her DV bullshit. She could have left anytime she wanted. He hadn't deprived her of an income or isolated her from her friends and family like abusers normally do. She dropped the charges against him...charges that only surfaced after he refused to pay her $50'000 a month, which even her own lawyer told her was excessive.

    She's a pathological liar who only got with Depp to get a step up in Hollywood. She's been grifting since her teens.

    1. +1 she knew what she was doing when they got married ..I think he's a good guy with issues and not a abuser none of the other women he dated has made a y claims like Amber..and yes if someone is passively aggressively baiting me when I'm shit faced I'm gonna throw shit too ..the problem with the cell phone video is context and lack of information ..and she has a history of domestic violence ...just another classless money hound

  6. Viking Song, she's like a whole bunch of others.

    Surprised you don't like her though, since she seems to be caucasian.

    1. She's too young for you and what would your girl Hilly say

  7. Oh, I see your angle. You think Johnny Depp's a cool guy. haha... figures.

  8. According to Enty's past reveals it was Johnny that got her using & hooked so she wouldn't leave him when he beat her.

  9. The real Himmmm refuted her beating claims and said she was the one who actually hit Depp.

  10. Appears in movie once. Earns A- status

  11. Oh look, the resident misogynist and hypocrite has arrived. Her being Caucasian has nothing to do with it, J, and the majority of rape/DV victims are telling the truth whether highly strung "males" like you like it or not.

    @ThursdayNovember Enty's wrong there. Heard was on the booze and coke in her teens, long before she met Depp.

  12. Viking Song, stop victim blaming. Don't you have crosses to burn?

    1. I bet your black..the way you throw racism around..

  13. @Joshg g - That's true. She's hit him and other people too, which has been observed by other people, but her fan club on here turn a blind eye to that. There's footage on Youtube of her hitting Depp after he played a prank on her. It's playful, but hard. Beaten women don't hit their boyfriends/husbands even in jest and certainly not with any weight behind it. Someone I used to work with would flinch anytime her horrible bastard of a husband raised his hand, even if he was just reaching for the pepper. Thankfully, with encouragement and support, she left him.

  14. Viking Song needs to go back to 4Chan with the other Incel trolls.

    Johnny's own employees have also testified he's a violent alcoholic, but ya know whatever...

    Heard was in high school in her hometown in her teens like the vast majority of US teens.

  15. Grow up, prick. Any other time you're on here crying and pissing all over the blinds about DV/rape. Why change your usual M.O for Heard when there is actual evidence stacked up against her?

  16. @ThursdayNovember- I'm a woman, you clown. J is the incel and resident misogynist here. It's fairly obvious from your post that you know very little about Amber Heard's criminal history. Her booze and drug habits are well known too. Perhaps familiarise yourself with the facts before accusing people of being an incel, yeah?

  17. Viking Song, why do you hate strong women?

    Or did Amber Heard get in the way of your chance to marry dreamboat Johnny Depp?

    I'll bet you have real dreamy pictures of him all around your trailer.

    Your sad sad lonely hopeless trailer.

  18. Also, VS, you're accusing me of being an incel... with no facts of course.

    I know many women who aren't hysterical, illogical, weak-minded, insecure, frankly inferior individuals. That is, many women who aren't like you.

    My romantic life is pretty good, actually; much much better than I ever expected as a lonely geeky kid. I'm in a fortunate position... things in my life get better and better. Retired for a while and will do so again soon, very early. Live with an ocean view. Good friends, decent health, and mild success with the ladies. All fantastic (knock on wood.)

    Meanwhile you sit there alone and furious. Tutto bene!

    1. I'm accusing you of being a loser troop who should get a job and stop posting paragraphs on dumbshit ..and your a race baiter jump at the chance to scream racism and put yourself as a victim ..major issues does your mom know your on her phone ?

    2. Loser Troll too 😎😃

  19. Sounds great, VS... your own personal Valhalla.

    Now go watch Birth of a Nation, you pustulent racist.

  20. No, J, faux crying misandry and victimhood because women aren't silent about rape is hysterical, illogical, weak-minded, insecure and frankly inferior.

    If you do have any success with women, which I highly doubt, it is only because you have kept your misogynistic, bullshit to yourself.

    Oh, and it was an "inferior" woman who grew you, gave birth to you, breastfed and wasted the best years of her life raising you. Had she aborted you or miscarried, you wouldn't exist Mr "Superior."

    so get the the fuck over yourself.

  21. A misogynist complaining about don't get to cherry pick prejudice, hypocrite.

  22. I'm about to crap my pants laughing at Mr. Viking Song!


  23. Ever wonder if there's any veracity to "certain celebrities hiring trolls/not farms," and if you have, did you ever wonder what it would manifest as?

  24. Party like a go girl

  25. *pulls up lawn chair*
    *puts on sunglasses and floppy hat*
    *opens bottle of wine*
    Looks like I picked a good day to take vacation!

  26. let me finish the script

    -3rd poster with no CDAN presence laments the state of the site and how the negativity makes them not want to give enty page hits ever again(the "This is why I don't visit Facebook anymore" play)

    -account that solely defends Johnny Depp/attacks Amber Heard/otherwise makes spurious accusations of misogyny engages in dozen comment tirade with cardboard cutout misogyny account

    -cardboard cutout misogyny account spurs it's own copycat cardboard cutout account mocking it

    -lack of sophistication in methods inadvertantly leads to more attention being given to CDAN, despite the same setup being run on Dancing Boy Blinds

    -participants redeem their earned fiat coupons on stupid consumer bullshit like Wi-Fi toothbrushes on the internet of things

  27. He likes to race bait too so he can call a foul 🤔

  28. "Someone doesn't share the same opinion as me therefore they must be a bot," says shit poster.


    1. Quick, tell us how beautiful Johnny Depp's melted addict face is again!

  29. I've commented on hundreds of blinds over the years. Very few of those blinds were about Johnny Depp or Amber Heard, Geeljire.

    1. Yes, most of the non Heard/Depp comments ARE IN FACT the spurious accusations that everything is misogynistic

      Except of course the British Empire

  30. In case you're addressing me, stupidpervs, I'm pretty sure the only person I call racist with any regularity is Viking Song, who is an unabashed white supremacist. Google viking song and see for yourself.

    I'm a white male, fwiw.

  31. I don't like to call out pros, even if their game is weak, guess everybody has to earn a buck. They never seem to hire the good manipulators and bots for CDAN though, must not be worth the money.
    The real question is, does anyone give a f*ck about Heard or Depp? A verified no talent actress, and a burnt hasbeen who sold out his soul and probably his ass a long time ago?

    1. Selling internet comments is what you do when you've had too much gay sex to sell your plasma

  32. oh the irony now of @Jimbonius's first comment on this blind

  33. It does feel, in hindsight, that CDAN gets the "B" and "C" team nowadays for shill action. Have they largely given up, recognizing we are a "tough crowd," and are basically just tossing a few weak voices into the mix just to generally gum things up best they can and keep a few of the most dense and naive readers on the reservation?

    Even Plot-TWISTED and subplots feel very tired and not even much into their paycheck anymore. When Plot-TWISTED halfheartedly tried to defend McCain's switched boot, that's when I knew they were past the edge of absurdity.

  34. I think the best thing I've seen here in a while is watching J and Vikingsong try to out-liberal each other. Fucking hilarious!

  35. When people *don't* use scatology/obscenity to insult each other - it is a beautiful thing. Thank you both for the lols.

  36. You're not "tough," Donna. Just deluded..

    Geeljire, you're a shit poster pretending to be a Muslim. You contribute nothing to this blog other than inane bollocks that, usually, has no relevance to the blind. I comment on here most days. I very rarely comment about either Depp or Heard and the only time I mention misogyny is when dickheads like J and Barstool et al., post. As for the fORMER British empire. So what? Every race and nation on earth has invaded and enslaved people and have been invaded and been enslaved themselves over the course of human history. You're pretending to be a Muslim. Have you never heard of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE? Muslims have been invading, enslaving and Empire building consistently for 1400 years!

    J, any other time you bitch about SJWs when you're not posting your usual misogynistic bullshit. You screeching "racist" at me on repeat is pathetic and your faux concern over racism is so obvious even other posters picked up on it. You don't get to cherry pick at which prejudices you're against and which you fully support, you hypocritical bellend.

  37. So Enty, this alleged A- rating for Amber Heard...on what exactly is that based? Her brief and oh-so-shitty performance in Justice League? No way you're a day over 20 if you think that's how the ratings work.

  38. J is Derek Harvey.

  39. Can't we just dislike both Johnny and Amber equally? Or almost equally? At least he had some sort of talent, I give him that. She's a nothing.

  40. @J - "mild success with the ladies." Graduating from crack-house whores to street walkers doesn't equate as "mild success with the ladies." And tip of the fedora to you fine lady.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I love when people to on a good tear... **eating popcorn**



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