Thursday, August 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 6, 2018

A celebrity CEO was speaking this week.  He exhibited very strange body language, combined with nearly shedding tears on stage, as he tried to spin even greater lies than ever told before.  This CEO knows that he will eventually lose everything he has, and currently sits on the precipice of one of the most spectacular corporate collapses in American history.

Very recently, this CEO has been pitching large foreign conglomerates for a massive cash infusion, in a last ditch attempt to save his company.   They all turned him down.

Elon Musk/SoftBank


  1. Replies
    1. "But it's so expensive to hold a short LOSERS"

  2. Didn't he just get Saudi money? Or was that a lie, too?

    1. The implication of that blind was that the Saudis said "no" so he will blame his failures on them because they're very easy villains and even plot is here astroturfing "THE EVIL SAUDIS" here in the past day or so.

      They're to blame for plenty, but not Musk's trouble.

      Now if you want interesting Saudi stuff there's the Dรถnmeh and the Rothschilds installing the Saudis as rulers of Arabia, coincidentally where the film "Lawrence of Arabia" ends. But nah, it's all fake akhi. All fake.

  3. He won't lose everything. He might lose Tesla, but he's always going to be a very rich man.

  4. The Jews on Wall St who've been spending millions to support their short positions are beginning to panic. Not saying that Tesla isn't a piece of shit company thats cashflow negative, it is, but then so is Netflix and Uber and Twitter and so on. Why don't the Jews target them? Because Tesla has potential, there's a viable and very profitable business if things go right, unlike most of the social media companies that will be zeroed out in a few years. They want to buy up Tesla at pennies to the dollar, after all a Jew's always gonna Jew.

  5. @Geeljire, there's increasing chatter that the Canadian government was supporting a coup attempt against the Saudi Crown Prince, hence the suspension of government to government contact and now trade sanctions being brought against Canada. What a time we live in, back in the day only American neo con Jews would ever dare to try something like that, and even they wouldn't try their luck with the Saudis.



  7. Samar Badawi is a 'human rights activists' as much as I'm a black Bantu tribeswoman. She's a very well known member of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic extremist and all round piece of shit. She wasn't arrested and imprisoned for campaigning for democracy to what ever other horse shit the MSM dreams up, she was arrested because she's a prominent and very well connected advocate and campaigner for Jihadism and the overthrow of the Saudi Royal Family and it's replacement by an ISIS style government. People might wonder why the likes of Canada would be going into bat for someone like that.

  8. What is wrong with Elon Musk, does he not have a family who care?

  9. The mutual blackmail milieu proliferated so much data and blackmail through new, unfamiliar channels that people who were not supposed to be privy to the blackmail became so.

    And then proceeded to blackmail people with the blackmail.

    And if Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Citigroup is bankrolling Obama for tangentially related blackmail reasons and then the Iranians procure the same blackmail and Obama is going out of office and now you're bankrolling Hillary with the usual suspects of Rothschilds point man Soros, and that the CIA and FBI have been used against this clique's political enemies which was awesome except Hillary was suppose to win

    And now it's just...shit. shit and piss everywhere. Mercenaries hanging you upside down and ironically torturing you in luxury hotels because you were up to really sick shit. Americans even get to keep their guns and sovereignty despite every desperate swamprat trying to sell it away for fame and prestige as fake as the fiat backing it.


    Tesla shares tumbled more than 4% in pre-market trading after a WSJ report that the electric car maker has turned to some suppliers for a refund of previously made payments in what the WSJ headlined as a bid "to turn a profit" but which reading through the article, said was a strategy "essential to Tesla’s continued operation", in other words if the cash demand fails, Tesla's future is in jeopardy.

    And, as we discussed last night, Tesla was not seeking to merely renegotiate contracts going forward, but in an unprecedented ask, the electric vehicle maker requested supplier return what it called a meaningful amount of money of its payments since 2016, effectively demanding that companies that had booked profits on sales to Tesla revise their books going back some two years ago.

    Quoted by Reuters, Morningstar analyst David Whiston said that “automakers often have brutal pricing demands on suppliers for future work, but retroactive rebates is not something we hear much about, and this is troubling for us to hear."

    On Twitter, Elon Musk appears to confirm the report saying that "Only costs that actually apply to Q3 & beyond will be counted. It would not be correct to apply historical cost savings to current quarter."

    Only costs that actually apply to Q3 & beyond will be counted. It would not be correct to apply historical cost savings to current quarter.
    — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 23, 2018

    The latest demand merely adds to investors already substantial concerns about the company's liquidity. Tesla has been burning through cash as it ramps up production of its Model 3 sedan, with total cash burn in the first quarter hitting $12 million per day.

    Their cash burn chart is still hundreds of millions of dollars in the red:

  11. I, too, have been hearing from some of my more.....govt. connected friends, that Trudeau was part of the failed Saudi coup against young Prince Salman.

  12. Long before the Muslim Brotherhood was formed, the British had taken control of Egypt. Following the construction of the Suez Canal by the French in 1869, which improved Britain's connection with the Indian subcontinent under British colonial rule, and cut down the travel time from London to Bombay (now Mumbai), Britain had been looking for an opportunity to gain control of the canal, to serve its geostrategic interests.

    At the time, the canal was under control of the French and Khedive Ismail Pasha, the ruler of Egypt, with Britain holding a minority share. The opportunity sought by London popped up in 1875, when it became obvious that the Khedive had gotten himself into serious economic difficulties. He approached Britain in an effort to raise money, and with Baron Rothschild dishing out the money to his good friend, British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Britain got hold of the Khedive's shares in the Suez Canal Company. Overnight, the British went from minority shareholder to controlling shareholder.

    But the money that the Khedive got for the deal was not enough to last long. By 1882, Egypt's economic situation reached another crisis, and this time, the British and French governments initiated a "stewardship" of the finances of Egypt. This was little more than joint colonization, as British and French "experts" were sent to various ministries to take control of day-to-day business. The Khedive's unwillingness to agree to such terms was rewarded by his forced abdication and replacement by his son Tawfiq. The small number of revolts against the Europeans were repressed by Britain with an iron hand.

    In 1928, when an Egyptian schoolteacher named Hasan al-Bannaformed the Ikhwan al-Muslimeen, Egypt was a protectorate of Britain, which controlled its finances, government personnel, and armed forces. In matters concerning the international status of Egypt, decisions were taken in London; but where the internal administration of the country was concerned, the Consul General's opinions were usually decisive. Although throughout the occupation, the facade of an Egyptian government, under the Khedives, was retained, British advisors attached to the various ministries were more influential than their ministers, while the Consul General steadily increased his control over the whole administrative machine.

    In this milieu, the Brotherhood was set up as a religious secret society known publicly for its emphasis on Islamic education and for its charitable activities. But soon after it was formed, a British intelligence agent, Freya Stark, appeared on the scene in Egypt.

    Stark, a self-proclaimed Jew-hater, was a wandering agent of British intelligence during the Second World War. In her book East Is West(1945), she compared "Fascist Rome," "Zionist Jerusalem," and the "British Empire." She wrote: "The skein of the Middle East in all these centuries has gathered threads of very many colours; and no return to simple black and white will ever be possible again—whether it be the dream of Fascist Rome or Zionist Jerusalem, or that British form of empire which has become obsolete."

    Stark served with the British in the Middle East to help counteract Nazi influence in Aden, Cairo, and Baghdad. Later she was also sent on missions to the United States, Canada, and India. Once in Cairo, she soon set up the Ikhwan al-Hurriyah (Brotherhood of Freedom), ostensibly to keep track of the growing German activities in North Africa. Soon she made contact with the Brotherhood and became a source for London on the many different political movements that were springing up in Egypt, with the help of Banna and his people.

    In other words, since its very inception, the Muslim Brotherhood has been a stool pigeon for British intelligence.

  13. No one is trying to coup old Salman. That would do nothing geopolitically. Now, using diplomacy and treaties to isolate SA from having undue influence? Especially when the USA is kissing Saudi ass over Iran (please master, slurpslurp, whatever you want!), yeah, the Sauds need to learn the limits of their power.

  14. As usual, take everything Plot-TWISTED claims and invert it. Reliable as clockwork, only appears to sustain the establishment myths and protect the pedo-network.

  15. LOL! Canuckistani supported coup. HA HA HA HA! What schmuck is thinking, "I can go against our ruler and overthrown the government, with confidence, because the Canadians have my back." LOL! In the global political landscape, that is like having yer local dog catcher tell ya, "Yeah, I have yer back, just kidnap the governor and say yer the new governor."


  16. It sounds crazy but that seems to be what happened. Officially it's the Canadian foreign minister's, ugly cougar who wears dresses so tight you know what she had for lunch, support for Badawi and the MB which caused the Saudis to get pissed. Except in this case the time doesn't match the crime. Usually the Saudis respond to westerners bleating about their human rights record by either ignoring or making a public statement asking them to BTFO, they never cut off diplomatic ties let alone all trade over something so small. More and more chatter that whatever caused the Saudis to blow up in anger was very, very serious. Justin twinkletoes is apparently very worried and is reaching out to all friendly govts to intercede on his behalf and all of them are telling him to fuck off, no one wants to get involved.

  17. Er, the talks with SoftBank happened a year ago, not very recently. Also they were very interested if they could hold a majority share, but Musk walked away from that. He also turned down money from the Saudi’s earlier this year, which is why they bought on the open market.

    If things are really so dire, he’s had options. Maybe not options he likes, but he’s been walking away from a lot of money, and he wouldn’t do that if Tesla was doomed without it. At one point years ago he was actually willing to give up all his control of Tesla to save it, so in desperate times he’s not actually averse to that.

  18. The Saudis bought a 4-5% stake

  19. Meanwhile, enty got his short wiped the fuck out.

  20. I will say the same thing I was saying when I worked for him: he's very, very bright but not as bright as he thinks he is.

    I want to see Tesla succeed, but the Model 3 may sink the company because he made commitments on how many they could ship, and in the end meeting that number meant more than making a profit on the units they DID ship.

    So I'm betting they're shipping cars that cost them 30-50% more to build than they get in revenue from selling them. They're losing money on every Model 3 they sell, and the faster they sell, the more they lose. Will they fix their production process before the company craters?

  21. Personally, I wish Musk would jump Tesla's ship and focus solely on SpaceX.

  22. @Angie, probably not actually.

  23. id like musk to fade in to oblivion and go away.
    he.s annoying, pompous, know it all and over exposed in the media.... and a fraud

  24. For what it's worth...

    Does this mean I can finally afford a Tesla when they're marked down 75 percent to only around 25k?

    Dreams... sometimes they can pop like bubbles too.

  25. Of course it's down ..I'm sure cdan isn't the only place dogging them with all these blinds

  26. SoftBank? The Japanese publishing company? I didn't know they did more than publish video game art books. But it looks like they are the same company. I had no idea how huge they really were.

  27. Let's be clear, TSLA stock is trading 3% off of its ALL TIME HIGH (market value $61B) They could issue equity for billions AT ANY TIME (i.e., sell 5% for $3B+) and the market would eat it up. Neither they, nor Elon in particular, are in any real danger. It's fun to pick on Elon but he's the Jobs of this generation.
