Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 3, 2018

This newly married foreign born A list model orally serviced this foreign born, very rich A+ list celebrity/mogul last night in his car after a party.

Emily Ratajkowski/Elon Musk



Fraud, blowjobs, battery fires
It's every boy's dream
*sick guitar riff*

Unknown said...

I'm worried about Melvin!

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

I wonder:
How much did it cost him?


I hope he didn't fill the void in his life with doorknob-assisted autoerotic asphyxiation

Unknown said...

Well you know Musk has a micro penis. Why u think he goes around flaunting his BIG rockets?

Unknown said...

Or at least FB live stream it for the rest of us to enjoy

Just like Melvin though... so fucking selfish


Lol @ Liza Béar's twitter

Virginia Mayer said...

I can't stand the slut going around claiming she's a feminist when she's only a whore. And, don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with being a whore, what's wrong is hiding behind the feminist agenda. Let's call things by their name...

Unknown said...

Tesla Tumbles: SEC Said To Subpoena Company

... but at least he got his tiny lil boy peen sucked


Fake news! The SEC would never do that! How's it feel to lose again, TSLA shorters!

Unknown said...

@Virginia Mayer, "feminist" is how millennial women who have objectification and validation issues try to justify the inability to control their emotional need to be objectified and validated. Only Emily, etc. don't realize how they appear to everyone else

Glitter said...

Ew. I always wonder if the guy is clean down there.

Mac said...

The guy has weird taste in women, for sure. Married the ugliest girl on Pride and Prejudice - Twice, and now this walking plastic mannequin.

Tricia13 said...


nonyabusiness said...


Unknown said...

"nothing wrong with being a whore"

Gee, I wonder why our culture is in the shitter, when a statement like this is said as a mark of virtue.

Yes, there is something wrong with being a whore (or employing one). Good grief. If we can't say that much, we might as well give up.

Mac said...


UniversalEnergy said...

They're both disgusting. She's married and he has a girlfriend. Maybe neither partner cares.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Cail Corishev Well, my argument has to do with the fact that real feminism is when a woman is able to do whatever she wants with her body (or whatever), so being a whore is one of those options and I don't judge it. What I do judge is the fake feminist that's only a whore, because that actually damages feminism. Nothing to do with morals.

Himmmm said...

Fuckin Elon, he is the man. Lucky bastard. I’d tongue jack her shit box any day. She’s so fucking hot.

nonyabusiness said...

+1 cali

i mean, you can do whatever you want with your body, but that doesn't change the fact that you will still be seen as a whore in a lot of people's eyes, lol.

Mac said...

"real feminism is when a woman is able to do whatever she wants with her body (or whatever), so being a whore is one of those options and I don't judge it."

Being a rapist, child molester or murderer of other women is also an option, you ok with that?
That is a pretty fucked up code of ethics you have - Does the human have a vagina? If yes it can do whatever it wants without restrain or judgement.

Unknown said...

Enty, can we get gif embeds in here? Specifically for my response to this post.

Mac said...

But of course if a woman is not a "real feminist" as defined by you, then let the judgement and restraint rain down from the heavens above upon her!

Anyone wealthier than 90% of the human population throughout history who is willing to suck cock for $ in a car outside a party, is a whore.


Gloria Steinem is going to hell

Kate said...

He didn’t have a girlfriend in March.

Mac said...

I think I/we got trolled my Melvin's new sock puppet.

Chase said...

Most days I really wouldn't want to be Elon Musk. But damn he gets some tasty pussy. Getting a BJ from ER in a car is up there on my bucket list.

Paul Saint John said...

Musk will end up penniless mark my words, and hooked on cocaine. Short Tesla.


Melvin is CDAN's new mascot. How's that for immortality? They'll know you long after we've left for the next well!

shakey said...

Neal M, you assume she blew him for money.

I'm guessing it's so her Tesla will be first in line for repairs, before the parts inventory runs out.

btw, who's Melvin?

Kimelem said...

securing the bag smart gurl. she understands her talent and lets it bloom!

orangesoda said...

I'm not even trying to jump down this rabbit hole.
Those of you that think that being a whore is positive in any way and that feminism is somehow positive, please watch some Stefan Molyneux.

texasrose said...


Guesser said...

@shakey,Melvin the reaminator, who who swore yesterday he was finished with this site forever,thanks to the She Killed Him blind yesterday. We are recovering from this as well as can be expected.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Neal M Wow. You took that somewhere else. I don't even know what you're talking about . How can you compare a whore (that does what she wants and doesn't damage anyone) to a rapist? You're out of your mind.

Unknown said...

@Virginia, yeah, we know what "real feminism" is. It's going *great*, too. All the men who can now easily get laid without bothering to buy dinner first because feminists encouraged women to act on every whim thank you for it.

Itttt said...

He just needed to plug the Tesla into the slot for a recharge.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Cail Corishev I wouldn't know, as I don't identify as a feminist.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Cail Corishev However, who taught you that you must give something to a woman before fucking her? That's what you do with prostitutes. Also, what about a woman that wants to fuck just for the sake of it, and isn't expecting anything other than that? How old are you, lie 80?

Halloweenie said...

And here you thought a honeymoon was the way to celebrate a new marriage lol.

Kate said...

I think someone got Emily confused with Musk’s actual date that night, Charlotte Kemp Muhl.

Mac said...

@ Virginia, you said a woman can do anything they want (except not be a real feminist) and you won't judge them. ANYTHING. But my asking if they can rape, murder and molest, and somehow your mind is blown because it doesn't compute? LOL
It's ok, I know the echo chamber on Twitter never challenges you to think or defend your position with logic and rational thought.

RedVelvetBoots said...

Let's just clarify that feminism has nothing to do with being a whore.

Feminism includes the right to vote, the right for equal pay for equal work, the right to a formal education of a woman's choosing, the right to owe property and financial instruments in her own name and her name alone. Sex really has nothing to do with feminism, but it has become the evolution of it.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Neil M

Man, you're putting words in my mouth that I haven't said. I said, and simply said that a woman can be a whore if she wants to (basically because by doing so she doesn't damage anyone but herself, and that's her choice). So I don't know how the hell you turn that into me saying that a woman can rape a child if she wants to. I never said that. You should write fiction...

I'm talking about the fact that a woman can do what she wants with her body and herself, and that is indeed feminism. You don't know a thing about me, and I'm not even on Twitter. So, if you don't have arguments against mine, then shut the fuck up, because the only freak talking about rape and child molestation is YOU. Maybe you're into it and that's why you bring it up. Sick FUCK.

Mac said...

We got a real slippery one here. I understand the raincoat now.

Yeah, sure you don't "identify" as a feminist. You just espouse the feminist philosophy and set yourself up to decide who the real feminist are and which women are not. That's totally normal...

Mac said...

This is what you said "virginia" "my argument has to do with the fact that real feminism is when a woman is able to do whatever she wants with her body (or whatever), so being a whore is one of those options and I don't judge it."

So can a woman do whatever she wants, including rape, murder etc. or NOT? No one is putting any words in your MOUTH, you said they can do whatever they want and you won't judge. Are you telling me that rape isn't something that they can do with their bodies? If it is it falls under the umbrella of doing ANYTHING and you won't judge.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Neal M

Oh, so you think that it's normal for a little girl or a teenager to see the whore-like photos that Emily RataWHATEVER posts on her Instagram claiming it's feminism, and believe that that is actually feminism?

That is not feminism, that's being a whore, and it's fine. My whole point is that the whore should't be ashamed by being a whore, and should never excuse her behavior hiding behind feminism, BECAUSE BEING A WHORE IS NOT FEMINISM.

Virginia Mayer said...

@Neil M Man, just get dressed up as a woman and rape a child. Seems like that's what you're into because YOU JUST WON'T LET GO OF THE STUPID ARGUMENT.

hunter said...

Rumor has it Emily has the intellectual depth of a bottlecap so she's not exactly being diverted from her true calling.

I'll give her some respect for not being annoying and horrible - not like Backdoor Farrah whose behavior makes people wince. So at least she's got that, dumb as a box of rocks but relatively quiet.

Unknown said...

Wow for the gentlemen salivating for the chance to be with Emily here, make her an offer. Seems an option.

- said...

You must be heartbroken that your fellow muslim terrorist failed to kill anyone in his attack yesterday in London. The religion of piss.

Allahu shatbar!

CJ said...

Musk will end up penniless mark my words, and hooked on cocaine. Short Tesla.

Well I don't know if I'd go quite that far Paul, but reading this blind certainly wouldn't be reassuring for any Tesla stockholders.



Kay said...

+1000 And the right for everyone to do those things. Feminists fight for minorites' rights as well, particularly for college education.

Kay said...


Kay said...

I don't know why we're discussing feminism on this blind.

I do know, however, that there were two people in that car and only one is being called a whore.

That consistent theme here, and elsewhere, is troubling.

Dannette said...

"Feminists fight for minorities' rights" sometimes, when it's convenient, when they don't forget, or when they're feeling guilty. All the while, white feminists are unaware that black women got tired of it and pushed past them a long time ago. Deluded and self-righteous they are, as always.

Fifi LaRue said...

Is somebody gonna tell the husband he's been cuckcolded?

Kay said...

To an extent, I agree.

GentleBreeze said...

Don't have a dog in this fight, but - men and women are naturally (god made) yin/yang. Smart money's on respecting the balance in spite of the Pill, pay parity, advanced science degrees for women, etc. Vive le diference!

Stupidpervs said...

I heard blow jobs don't count as sex no sex no cheat..may be he was taking her temp

Stupidpervs said...

Yes Hamid cuz everyone near sand is a terrorist faction out to destroy you ..we hide on cdan and are just waiting to get a open soft target ...Viva la Soy Sauce's an event not a happening 🤓🤓

Stupidpervs said...

Hey she's a free whore ..don't tell her how to sell ass and she's a victim of the gay agenda of Disney and Hillary..y'all just mad she backs Trump

Stupidpervs said...

Ok so a whore have a douche bag a blow ...

anna maus said...

Can't a nympho be a feminist?? Not sure what part is upsetting everyone more; that the girl can't help it, or that she's cheating.


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