Monday, August 06, 2018

Blind Item #9

Apparently the rehab this A- list singer is headed to also specializes in physical rehab too because our singer has some stroke like damage from her recent overdose and is going to need a lot of physical therapy to try and get back to 100%.


  1. Well reports on TMZ says she very nearly died or possibly did die briefly until the narcan brought her back.

  2. This is sad. I hope she uses this platform to deglamorize the party and drug lifestyle that so many other celebrities flaunt to their impressionable audiences

  3. I doubt she makes it back 100%.
    That's unlikely.

  4. that's what I thought. With her not leaving the hospital for a week.

  5. Demi had all these stupid celebrities saying get better, but none of them were there when she was relapsing and only a few went to visit her. They're all so fake. It's made me dislike the Jonases. They grew up with her, and they didn't even visit unless it was secretive, which I highly doubt. Selfish assholes.

  6. No meaningful updates and over a week in the hospital for a celeb never spells good news.

  7. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Time to breakout the Clone and discard this one it’s to damaged let’s see what is different When she comes out to the public

  8. I was thinking Kidney failure also. I hope not! Speech must be affected also. Hope she can overcome her demons.

  9. Demi better be careful or she'll end up like Steven Adler. I wonder how bad the damage is? The media is going to be harder on a female celebrity who's still young and relevant to the general public.

    UniversalEnergy, I think it's all about attention on themselves. "look at how much I care! Like my social media posts and bring me up in every article as Demi's BFF!"

    They only care when it gets them attention.

  10. regarding other celebs. totally agree with the comments that say they are looking for attention when they give a shout out on social media, ands its clear its all disingenuous, but except for the hypocritical public persona, I don't begrudge them the right to walk away from another's addiction - especially during relapse.

    If these folks have chosen to distance themselves from Demi privately, I get it. Keeping that toxicity in your life- especially if you are trying to maintain sobriety, is impossible. And she may have pushed everyone away.

  11. How in the world is this a blind?

  12. I sincerely hope this is THE walkup call Demi got and needs. Long rehab, losing some of her capability to do things at her age... all better wake her up once and for all. I hope she is okay.

  13. Pretty judgy for everyone to say that celebrities who tweeted support are phony. Honestly, what more can you do with someone who's hell-bent on dying and choosing their addiction over/cutting off human relationships? Sure there are phonies/fake friends in show biz, duh, but trying to send her a flood of support via social media may be their only way of communicating support to her.

  14. Unless and until she can be honest about the fact that she has NEVER been clean, Demi will not be getting better. Period.

  15. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I knew a young lady(co worker ) who overdosed and had stroke. Could no longer walk. 25 yrs old in wheelchair , and lost some speech ability too. When are people going to get it.... Drugs are not a game , and "rehab" cant repair everything.

  16. Only Demi can mend herself. However, if she's damaged her brain it will be a very long road. People take advantage of their bodies. I did too but the human body is amazing if you help it along. Take care of yourselves people.

  17. If this isn't a wake up call for her, then nothing will be.

  18. I’ll bet it is a long while before we hear anything. It sounds like she really messed up something important to be in the hospital for so long.

  19. I called some old friends in the music business on this one. I've been told it was definitely a heroin overdose, Demi went into a coma and it was quite touch and go for a while.

    When she came out of the coma, she was....damaged. Her speech is very slurred and she gets words wrong. She has physical spams and cannot move all of her body parts effectively. Her toilet functions are problematic.

    She will never be the same Demi Lovato ever again. Another adorable, innocent Disney tween star ruined and destroyed upon the crushing turning wheel of abuse and subsequent self-medicating denialism.

    The current plan is for there to be a quiet announcement that Demi will be going away for a little while for rehab, but then never come back and hope not much is made of it.

    The latest teen tragedy out of Hollywood. A tale as old as the movies and the movie business, but turned into a clockwork cycle of stardom and abuse by Disney's dark, diabolical fantasies writ real.

    1. TMZ released pictures of her today she looks fine physically she’s walking and moving both arms in in the picture what it appears. Maybe the speech I believe but physical not as much

  20. She could do a lot of good by being honest and showing people the REAL consequences.

  21. Perhaps the reason she didnt tell the medics what drug she took was because she couldn’t.

    I agree, be honest, show your fans and the public what addiction really looks like and can result in.
    Be a roll model of what not to do.
    Oprah and the hollywood crowd would eat it up and kudos for your bravery.

  22. Ohh,DdonnaTtartty heartbreaking. I've listened to a song of hers on the radio and heard a range of 6 notes and an overproduced pop song. This girl has kept on though and from your account, lost.

  23. The thing to consider is that we ALL pay as these goons get rehab, assistance and disability for life. Sorry to come off as angry but people tried to help for years and years of lies. I've seen this sad garbage happen up close.

  24. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Heroin addicts look at Narcan as a saving grace, it's sick.

    The "duration of action" of most opioids is greater than that of Narcan. In some cases, repeated doses must be administered. Everyone seems to forget that Narcan also has serious side effects.
    The trial lawyers are getting ready

  25. Demi Lovato has the financial resources to get clean I SINCERELY hope this near death experience wakes her up! BUT I fear this is not rock bottom for her. Rehab cannot be one month this young lady needs maybe a whole YEAR to truly get it together. She needs to realize she cannot do this again.

  26. Having a family with a propensity for acquired brain injury I've been told many times that 80% of retained function will return in the first year and after that nada.

  27. Anonymous3:29 AM

    She needs support but so tired of the victimising. So many people suffer alone & she makes a mockery of addiction by claiming to have been sober for years, she never put in the work it takes to be clean, so it's annoying when someone claims that title. Whitney was dragged over hot coals for this & the media laps up Demi's coy handling of it. Of course, every human is worthy of love but she's a liar and an addict in a position of influence, just wish she'd stop pretending to be anything else right now and admit you've hit rock bottom.

  28. Hopefully she’ll be able to recover and get her life straightened out, she’s young and has that on her side.
    surprisingly, lamar odom mostly recovered but i think has fallen back into his old habits.

  29. Well she better avoid Selena Gomes who must have a list of potential kidney donors lined up. Seems lupus and kidney failure haven't taught her a damn thing. Death wish I guess but other living people should not donate their kidneys - she can wait on the list like everyone else and get one from a dead person - normally someone who ruined their first organ is lucky to get on the bottom of the list...

    A stroke doesn't seem to have straightened out old Lamar Odom.

  30. She has the advantage of youth - some people can make remarkable recoveries from strokes and she is fortunate enough I assume to afford the best medical care money can buy but it will take a lot of hard work.

    Even family members sometimes have no choice but to disengage when an addict won't seek help and/or keeps relapsing. Some people have to hit rock bottom and often the family are enablers even if they don't mean to be and so they have to detach. The person has to want sobriety.

  31. Of course it depends on the extent of the damage of her addictions to her body and brain prior to the stroke and what was damaged by the stroke and how quickly they got to her.

  32. Any extended period without full oxygen to the brain is never good.

  33. The way this unfolded tells me that Demi got messed up bad from this overdose, but I still have some hope that she could comeback from this.

  34. TMZ released a photo of her today and she doesn’t look to have any physical damage like not being able to walk or paralyzed. I think maybe the speech thing is true but she looked fine to me she looks to be doing things on her own and looks to be doing good



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