Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #9

The kids of this foreign born permanent A list singer/musician are completely out of luck now. They were still going to get some nibbles of their father's fortune until a recent life event. After that event, the singer/musician changed everything he hadn't changed over to the new wife.


  1. +1 married Daryl Hannah. isn't she close to his age though?

  2. Daryl is 57 looks like hell now. He looks pretty bad too but he's close to the opposite of her age.

  3. Hes 72 shes 57 so 15 years apart

  4. It's all about the trusts.

  5. Neil Young just got married to Daryl Hannah. David Crosby probably not invited to the wedding.

    1. He’s touring.
      He frequently says it’s up to Neil if there’s ever to be a reunion.
      Crosby is very engaged with his Twitter following.

  6. I imagine he left trusts for his disabled kids. Or at least his ex got enough to provide for them. Daryl will make a killing though, Neil looks a hundred years old and I remember his health wasn't great.

  7. Assuming that Neil Young is the correct answer then I feel sorry for his kids. I think that both kids have CP and could probably use the money a lot more than Darryl Hannah. She should be ashamed of herself if she had any part in this. I hope the kids can step in and claim elder abuse against Darryl.

  8. she's only 57? oh vey age is not kind I thought she was mid to late 60s from pics...

    so clearly he didn't marry her for her youth and beauty so maybe it's a real relationship??

    1. “so clearly he didn't marry her for her youth and beauty so maybe it's a real relationship” << which would make it all the more sad, wouldn’t it, Ophelia? 🤷🏻‍♀️

      Hope Enty reveals soon whether this is Daryl Hannah or no soon. Because I linked her on my blogroll (since I heard she has Asperger’s/is on the spectrum). If there’s proof this is her, I’ll have to take it down.

  9. At 72 he's seeing her through the vaseline smeared lens of old age. And at 57 she's probably not nimble enough to skip away from his grasping paws. I hang around with much older men for the same reason. But I keep myself limber so I can avoid those liver-spotted claws. Getting harder by the year though. Those old boys sure do drop off like flies....

  10. She probably gives him scarves and belts for every holiday.

  11. Her family has money, she doesn't need his

  12. Enough is a word for poor people ;)

  13. There are always two sides to a story. I don't believe Neil Young is a foolish old man.

  14. Both of his kids probably have court ordered life long support. That doesn't mean they will inherit anything extra, but Neil probably took care of them a long time ago.

  15. Heartbreaking if true, but I'm not buying it.

  16. She's not a gold digger. He is exactly her type, and at this age, it doesn't matter. If she didn't do the Hollywood face lift, then good on her. I don't buy he's forgotten his kids. He'd do anything for them.

    This is taking a morsel of truth and twisting it into something nasty, and I don't believe it.

    1. How is he her type? She dated Jackson Browne and JFK jr...about as far from Neil Young as you can get.

    2. Because I know her, and used to hang out with people that she did. I still don't understand what business is it of yours or anyone's to assume anything else. She's never saw it a tremendous amount of publicity. As a matter of fact, with Her diagnosis, it's a wonder she acts. Believe me when I tell you, I'm not surprised by this Union.

    3. She's aspergers I believe? I don't think she has a cruel bone in her body and my son is aspergers. You learn to see the signs in others.

    4. Uhhh...I'm not assuming anything about her. I didn't imply anything of the kind in my comment. I questioned your statement about "her type". If you have personal knowlege of her dating other ugly old rich men then spill the T. Otherwise, nobody she dated PUBLICLY is anything like Neil Young.

    5. She is Aspergers. She's done a lot for others, for all the right reasons, at no publicity for herself.

    6. @BestMan: THANK YOU I HOPE IT’S NOT HERRRRRR!!!! I want to like her so bad. 😭😭😭😭

    7. Hey @BestMan:

      “As a matter of fact, with Her diagnosis, it's a wonder she acts.”

      Watch this video at the 00:30 mark: 💛✨

    8. @Scandi thank you, yes, very apropos. That describes her, and others I know, well.

  17. How does she not have money?!

  18. Daryl has her own money. That doesn't mean she doesn't want more. She has already had him pay for a house she couldn't sell. Having said that,she wouldn't want the bad image of going to court against his kids,so I think their care is arranged. Yes,Neil is a foolish old man, he was married forever when he hooked up with Daryl. She looks like his caretaker when they are together, even though she isn't looking great herself.

  19. Those sideburns too hard to look at

  20. Daryl has her own money yes, but not Neil Young kind of money. She has a big place in Telluride, a place in NYC and other real estate overhead. I've heard she is cash poor and her family doesn't give her the amount of money some people imagine.

    She had been trying to unload her Malibu compound for the last 5 years & Neil bought it from her, through his trust, about 2 years ago.

  21. P.S. JFK was told he couldn't marry her by Jacky O, because she thought of her as a gold digger and only out for the Kennedy name/prestige. Jackson Browne could tell stories of her manipulative ways... her mother, a successful gold digger trained her well.

    1. I meant Jackson and got to spend some time with him. He is not a nice guy. If anybody is a tool, that man is. He's a predator.

  22. I thought Neil Young was already dead, I guess I got confused by the way his voice has always sounded like someone being strangled.

  23. @BestMan

    Would you say her diagnosis is accurate? I have a hard time believing that an autistic person, anywhere on the spectrum, could stand the noise, bright lights and seeming chaos of a movie set.

    On the other hand, Neil seems rather more on that spectrum than Hannah, to me (and I really don't know what I'm talking about.)

    1. Its not a diagnosis you can pinpoint with speculation. She most definitely is Aspergers. He probably is. They probably understand each other well.


  24. @plot,your last line is very true. You don't know many with Asperger's do you? Although you are probably right about Neil. Daryl would likely have done more with her acting had she not had this diagnosis.

  25. To be different, Rod the Mod.

  26. Thank-you Scandi and BestMan! That whole video is extremely interesting. Love what I learn on CDAN.

  27. I was backstage with Darryl Hannah @ Bill Grahams concert funeral in SF. She was living in hell with Jackson Browne as his punching bag then. She was very dissassociative & staired off. Of course now we know she has admitted to being on the autism spectrum all these years. She has no children & is like a woman/child. Maybe she was planning for her old lady spinsterhood?

  28. One of the anon gossip boards claimed that Daryl Hannah was "borderline retarded," which brings a smile to my face for some ungodly reason.

    Whoever must've made Daryl famous in the 80s was obviously a leg man, because she wasn't that hot when she was young, and now she's scary.

  29. If you were a certain age, her look as Pris in Bladerunner made a big impression.

  30. @Unknown, that's a shame, since the people I know personally with Asperger's are way more intelligent than we could hope to be. A relative was often mistaken for "retarded" as a child. Not even close,but better to be "retarded" than stupid.

  31. Anonymous7:46 PM

    It's just good ole Enty, publishing more of his 'trigger' stories. Misogyny, mental illness, and so forth. The entries seem especially toxic lately.

  32. "Keep me searching for a heart of gold
    You keep me searching and I'm growing old
    Keep me searching for a heart of gold
    I've been a miner for a heart of gold"

    And he's found himself an old gold digger.

  33. Pegi got the ranch, lock, stock and barrel, not a small something. Kid's are permanently taken care of, all of them. Neil got his boat,
    memorabilia and Hawaii. In other words he already provided very well for his family. Neil would never not take care of his kids. Neil needed somebody to play with I guess. We sure all miss him on the mountain.



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