Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Blind Item #9 - VMA's

When he was showing some people a few photos on his phone, one of the people pointed out the former A+ list athlete had an app on his phone that was basically a GPS tracker. The athlete had no idea it was on his phone, but I'm guessing that A list girlfriend of his wants to make sure he is not hitting the strip clubs or strippers.


  1. Replies
    1. And as fabricat d as I think this may be,hope it’s true because I’ve met him and he puts the D in Dickhead.
      Or DickRod as the case may be

  2. THIS JUST IN: The New York Post newspaper just said Asia Argento is blaming Anthony Bourdain for her paying multi thousands to the young man she had a romp with!!! Can she get more vile? Her? Hell, yes! I hope this scandal is Tony f'ing her from the Other Side for what she did to him! She is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Can someone just drop her over an active Volcano somewhere?

    1. Hey Boo:)
      How goes it??

    2. Aren’t most volcanos partial to virgins tho, Boo? 🌋🤷🏻‍♀️🌺🍍🥥

  3. Nnnnn who would actually do that?

  4. Also
    "She is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Can someone just drop her over an active Volcano somewhere?"

  5. Hey Boo! I think there was a blind early today about this. No matter what it is a disgraceful thing to do.
    Anyway ARod isn't the brightest bulb in the circuit, but I wouldn't put it past JLo to do it. She pretty much shows up at every ESPN game he broadcasts, so she doesn't want him alone on the road.

  6. if you feel the need to put a tracking device on your s/o phone, is the relationship really worth it? just dump the guy and move onto someone you feel you can actually trust

  7. Hi, Tricia 13--Well, it has been one hell of a Summer here in the West and even back in Manhattan! I think of you and your family often, I really do. Has it been unusually hot and humid down there or just same ole same ole? One day there will be a knock at your front door and a tiny, gray-haired troll will be standing there with her Bermuda shorts and veracose (sic) veins, with a tube top on saying, "Hey, Trish! It's me! Miss Boo!" Ya never know! Hope you are well and happy. Love your new photo. Wish we had a beach in New Mexico! Well, if The Big One hits (see other blind) I may wake up one morning with the chickens floating in the Ocean out back!!! Yayyyy! Beach front property in New Mexico! What a concept! Take care.

    1. Kinda “hot as balls” lol as we also say in NYC in the summer ! But beeezy from sea and that’s a good thing. Just returned back here from US last week... family❤️❤️❤️
      Glad to hear you up about and doing you...
      As for guests- love them so please know door open -Bermuda shorts and all(however we have a no croc wearing policy 😂)
      Off topic question (sorry felllw posters for diverting )-did you know /sense what happened to Mollie Tibbetts. I followed case from day 1 and am gutted .

  8. A-Rod is basically Mr. Peanutbutter IRL

  9. Isn't this every app now? Have you read some tech articles lately?

  10. Would not be the least bit surprised if it was A-Rod, he used frequently hook up with his flight attendants when he flew Alaska Airlines, when he was married and a Mariner. He pretty much slept with all of the flight attendants I knew.

  11. https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/time/5373069/mollie-tibbetts-suspect-illegal-immigrant
    What I suspected but dare not say... I see how things go down here.... that said, what a fucking tragic disgrace

  12. Hmmm That may be a total set up. It's extremely rare for people to put up $400,000 reward money. That was only 22 people donating. And now the suspect is an illegal immigrant?

    Perhaps Mollie Tibbetts was a sacrifice in the name of those evil people in power.

    1. How silly I never looked at it like that?
      I’ll tell you why because that’s not only a ludicrous and DNA proven misfire, it’s morbid political and morbid obtuseness makes it all the clearer that that the value of life means so little Next to how one votes.
      And loses.

    2. Maybe they loved their daughter ...
      Is that a profoundly foreign concept?
      I truly have come to realize that so many people that challenge corruption/trafficking/II issues where family members are mercilessly killed, pediphilia-simply can’t relate because they likely have none of their own.
      When you do,you might have a humanistic bone in you body and a primal -and authentic-sentiment in the matter.

  13. Geez folks even that liberal cesspool known as CNN were able to wrap their blatantly partisan heads around this one. Likely ,they had no choice-truth wasn’t on their side .. again

  14. I'm not sure why the suspect being an illegal immigrant is really relevant or why you suspected it considering that the only speculation was that the farmer who's land was searched might have been involved.

    Americans are killed by Americans every day and it's no more or less of a tragedy than being killed by a illegal immigrant.

    It's like Trump demonizing illegal immigrants calling the murders,rapists and gang members when that is a tiny minority and most are just wanting a better life for their family, working job's lot's of Americans won't do for very low wages.

  15. First time poster. Leanne - Come to America legally. That is all. Oh, and Tricia, TRUTH in your comeback statement. I have 3 children, and I totally get where you are coming from. Compassion component MIA with certain people. They occasionally talk a good game/shame, but talk is oh so cheap.



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