Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Item #8

This permanent A++ list celebrity is working with her favorite child to hide the cost from the public of a soon to be huge wedding that has gone ridiculously overboard in cost and is currently to or three times the cost of a not that long ago much more popular wedding.


  1. this is ironic since a month or so ago Euguenie did an interview talking about how low key and environmentally sustainable the wedding will be lol

    I can't see Eugenie possibly going over the budget that MM had


    found the headline Enty used as inspiration. Its saying that the main cost of these events is security and since Eugenie is getting married in the same place as harry she'll have similar security costs - still a great deal less than William's wedding in central london

  3. Why would that wedding cost more than Harry and Meghan’s??!!? I hear it’s not even going to be televised, people don’t care

  4. Environmantally friendly weddings does not necessarily mean financially friendly. Damn, those bamboo forks and leaf plates costs have skyrocketed!

  5. The permanent A-list celebrity being Liz, the favorite child being Andrew, Eugenie's father. Or, as Philip supposedly calls him, "the Queen's son."

    My eye is on her sister, Princess Beatrice, for the next episode of Royal scandal. She's older than her sister, unlucky in love, and Enty suggests she was hiring herself out until Cousin William agreed to come up with regular income support.

    Could she end up marrying a male golddigger or fame whore, a male version of Meghan Markle?

  6. Prince Charles paid for Harry and Meghans wedding he has money to spare with the income from the duchy of Cornwall, Andrew and Fergie don't so the queen will have to pay and since she gets millions through the civil list the public might not appreciate hundreds of thousands going towards her wedding. She wants to go on a carriage ride like Harry and Meghan which will be a big part of the security bill and I doubt there will be the same crowds.

    1. It would be hilarious if during her carriage ride there no crowds and no one payong attention to her. Mean maybe, but funny.

  7. I was so heartened to learn that tireless and not-at-all-corrupt public servants Bill and Hillary Clinton were in a financial position to pay for Chelsea's wedding, one of the ten most expensive in history.

  8. to or three? REALLY? who TF writes these blinds?

  9. I wonder if Andy would still be her favorite if she had the full story on his friendship with Epstein.

  10. kiki IKR??!? maybe there's some code we need to crack with these mistakes lol like in the series of unfortunate events where she leaves a secret message in her grammar

  11. Makes sense Andrew would be QE2's favorite. She had settled into her job pretty well by the time he was born, so had more time to dote on him than her older children.

  12. Andrew being an evil child predator is why Liz the Lich loves him
    Apple not fall from tree and all that

  13. Monarchy is like an intelligence test. If you have one you probably deserve it, as true for a king as for a peasant.

  14. The source of these leaks must be MeMe, herself. Until she came on the scene these types of leaks were few and far between. Now we have two in one day.

    Rachel, stop it. Grow up and at least try to present yourself with some decorum- also invest in some undergarments and hosiery.

    PS. Your wedding was also ridiculously expensive and I won't even comment on the popularity.

    1. True that! (To all of your comment). Not sure if you read Blind Gossip but they suddenly had royal blinds while pandering for MM through obviously fake blinds about her. They never posted my comments calling them out.

  15. That's going to be embarrassing when they see that absolutely nobody cares about them.

  16. The Queen of England is A+++. Show some respect with the ratings system, FFS.

  17. Because of the ratings I’m with the others who say Fergie and Eugenie. QE2 is way above A++ and Fergie would qualify as that because royalty adjacent.

  18. I know everyone loves to say both of Fergie's daughters are ugly. But Eugenie isn't that bad. Poor Beatirice got the bug eyes. I think if Eugenie's jaw was a bit smaller she'd be prettier.

  19. Off topic slightly. Ginger men take a beating yet ginger ladies are covered by some men. Fair?

  20. Kris Jenner ; Kylie’s wedding- is more than Kim’s.

  21. Kris Jenner; Kylie’s wedding to T.S.- is more expensive than Kim’s wedding.

  22. It's obviously Kris Jenner working on Kylie wedding to travis

  23. I detect/smell the hand of the Mendacious Magpie - the Charlatan Duchess - herself.

    #MEGXIT #NotMyDuchessEVER
