Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

True she was a musical icon, a giant among her peers, but respect should be accorded to her for something else – The way she overcame bad things that happened to her.  Two specific examples – 1.) Becoming a mother twice at a very young age.  Rumor was a very close relation was the father.  Truth is she doesn’t know as she slept with many older men at a very young age which was the practice of the group this relation led. 2.) Coming home one day to discover, her second husband, a B-/C+ actor, sexually molesting one of her sons.  She still triumphed over this and various health conditions and made great timeless music.


  1. Replies
    1. Husband /molester-Greg Russell Turman

    2. Divorced him? Would’ve killed him

    3. Lol

    4. No kidding @Tricia👍🏼

  2. Not a blind at all. RIP❤️

  3. Dad was a big time minister

    1. Glynn Truman for the ex husband. Damn I liked him on Different World.

  4. Way too soon. How about we let her be buried first.

  5. If Aretha's pervert preacher father were alive today, he'd be a Republican president.

    1. Such an uneccesary statement. TDS hit you hard

    2. Possibly @Aunty. But way more likely to be a Democrat lobbyist(podesta) or Democrat movie producer (Spielberg,et al)

  6. she had a child at 12 and again at 14. She made it clear very early on that interviewers were to never ask about these in interviews. They never did and most people were unaware of what transpired until after her death. She lead a life of dignity and respect to everyone she crossed paths with. Donated millions but made clear she was never to be mentioned as the donator. She was demonized for canceling events and took it with dignity and never revealed what she was ill with. Pancreatic cancer is a horrible death. RIP

    1. She was pretty rude most times but ya rewriting history here like cumbercunt

  7. Her father was disgusting.

  8. Her husband was also disgusting.

  9. Montana where are you?

  10. I remember reading a long thread over on Lipstick alley about the widespread pedo abuse that goes in the gospel world. Her talent and strength overcame all those horrible people.

  11. There were always rumors about her father being the dad of her first son. I would not have put it past him.

  12. This is in every article about Aretha's life. Not a blind.

  13. Aretha Franklin those things have been said for decades.. that's very hard to overcome, her father the great pastor raped her as an early teen and she supposedly had a child from the incident.. How horrible, that's one of the reasons she could sing about pain do beautifully, she's had her share.. My grandmother told me her history when I was a child..

  14. What happened to her ex husband? Please don't tell me he actually got away with molesting her kid after being caught in the act.

  15. Also, bringing politics into a blind like this is low, Aunty. But since you want to go there, her family were democrats so drop this bullshit.

  16. She was quite an amazing woman. Rest In Peace now Aretha x

  17. What is the point of writing this as a blind item?

  18. Soo she didn't call the police and have her piece of shit husband arrested for raping her child??? That overshadows ANY good things she did. Her evil ex- husband was allowed to rape other children by her silence. Coward.

    1. This happened quite frequently during the 50's and 60's. Keep In mind that she was a child herself by giving birth at 12 and 14. Get off your high horse because I'm a product of the 60's and nobody said a goddamn word back then. She was a victim also! 12 years ol and having a baby, that's TORTURE.

    2. Wow don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

      It doesn’t say “rape.” Sexual moleststion in any form is despicable, but there are levels of what could be considered molestation, with many acts not being as psychologically devastating as actual rape. None of us know the whole story.

    3. In an ideal world he would have faced consequences for his actions, but we don’t live in an ideal world and your condemnation of Aretha is gross.

    4. Cathy, your myopic rant is troublesome. Spend the rest of your life seeking and understanding the concepts perspective and empathy.

  19. I thought this was a straight up obituary, not a blind.

    +1 orangesoda.

  20. Any child having a baby at 12, it is rape. There is no slight rape. Or go easy on the punishment because he was well liked in the community.That is the mentality that made it all possible.

  21. Gross. F*ck religion.

  22. JFC Enty. It's so nice to hear how SHE triumphed over her kid being molested by his dad. That sure must have been hard on her.

  23. One of the great singers of the great age of popular music and singing, an era now receding into distant history, and as a tribute... here's the pleasant little voice of Ariana Grande!

  24. Her father didn't rape her because he was religious. He did it because he was a sick fuck.

  25. I will be hated for saying this but we all make saints out of people after they die. She was meant to be a horrible person. All this 'she had dignity' bullshit. I can understand why she was a horrible person after what happened to her but don't hate people like Corey Feldman for being a damaged abuse victim and then make out this woman was a wonderful human being.

    1. And whatever era it was-if you see someone sexually molesting your child you should want to kill them or make sure their life wasn't worth living.

  26. It’s been very common gossip for at least 30 years that Glenn Turman molested Aretha’s son.

  27. @AMY, Corey Feldman is hated on this website because he tries to make a buck off of CH and possibly being paid by BS to back off. My comments reflect the era of the 60's and 70's. These episodes have made my peers more diligant in protecting their children. To suggest that the police would do something about a black child or any POC in the 60s and 70s is laughable.

  28. I do not hate Corey but feel sorry for him and hope he gets help.

  29. @Stupid
    Go fuck yourself with a big lead pipe.

  30. Sorry...but she never did much for me. Nevertheless...RIP.

  31. She came of age during a time when blacks were still discriminated against. She may have been afraid of the police. It was not like she could whip out her Iphone and make a tape to prove what happened.

    The mentality back then was you deal with bad experiences as best you could. Pray if you believed in God. There were not the therapists and rehabs and self help books around.

    And as someone commented earlier, we just don't know the circumstances surrounding what happened if in fact this did happen. I don't care how long this has been in the gossip world. That does not make it the truth.

  32. @luckywondercat - That being the case wouldn't the husband and father also be discriminated against by the police?

  33. R(.I.P.)E.S.P.E.C.T.

  34. @luckythewondercat
    You are absolutely correct. Sadly so. RIP Aretha. Love you.

  35. @Bill

    Given how explosive the times were, how feared African Americans were and the chance they might riot, an important minister like Aretha's father being taken in and charged with anything might produce a violent local reaction.

    The young African American girl wasn't worth it. It's always like this, sacrifice the females so the males don't start trouble.

  36. @Plot - What about Turman?

  37. Did she protect her sons or just "triumph?"

  38. She comes from an era where Black folks were discriminated against....nothing much has changed in that regard. But she wasn't married to Glenn Turman in ancient times. We're talking the 70's-80's.

    And Enty, a reader blind really should be something that the particular reader is privy to for us to guess. Something that's common knowledge and can be read in any autobiography or in-depth interview featuring background info shouldn't count as a blind!



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