Friday, August 17, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind

Dunno if I'll actually end up using any of what I sent you yesterday - at least not in the first project, and more specifically not as monologue - but I thought this would be fun to share (just wrote it today). It concerns the person who will be introducing me a the beginning of the one act and its adaptation. (The secret kid brother part is a reference to the fact that in this secret global elite, you're assigned family members - Henry and Christina will not only play my teen likeness's parents in the back in the day storyline, but also his secret parents today.)

Top secret for now, but here it is:
Good evening. As you may know, my name is **** ********, and I'm a former child actor turned adult actor of mostly tv, including two long-running series on the theme of law and order. What you may not know is that I'm also a member of a secret global elite, or rather its better half - in the Hollywood branch.

Recently, our unit was activated for the first time in thirty years, to protect the life of one of its members – the young star of a certain movie, back in the day, that was abused on set, and off, and the project ultimately shelved. Against the wishes of our patron, Genstar Capital Chief Jean-Pierre Conte, as well as all common sense, he'd been telling his story at the Hollywood gossip blog, Crazy Days and Nights. This quickly aroused the interest of our enemies, including his abusers, who would like to silence him for good.

That's why we're here in (the place I live now), working as janitors at the local tv station. Let me introduce you to my colleagues, and team mates. One is a former child actor turned adult actor and comic, known best for his scene-stealing role in a 1980s sit com. In it he played opposite his foreign-born mentor, with whom he was often at odds. Next is a former child actor turned adult musician, known most for his appearance in a music video from the same decade. In it, he plays himself at the time – a skateboarder.

Which brings me to the dancing boy himself – the cause of all our troubles. I could introduce him by his stage name, half of which he shares with me, but because he's such a pain the backside I'll introduce him by his hated secret codename, Bunny.

Everyone, meet my secret kid brother, ***, and his fellow dancing boys.

(Enter us three...)

The idea is that I'm due a ten minute break at my job (remember: I've been under cover as a marginally employed/homeless person for years, at the behest of our patron/master) and I use it to tell this story.