Monday, August 06, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind

Two storylines: one present, one past - and a bevy of very talented and in some cases famous actors.

The past tense one, which takes place during a very pivotal year of my young life, happens at the height of all that - it's about the cast party for a certain movie I'm in. So, it's theme is celebration, basically, until - at its end - I learn of a last-minute addition to the script; all the creeps - to be played (as I said/hopefully) by Anthony Rapp, myself, Noah Ray (he's the director brought on for this one scene, a music video, in a sense), Chad Allen, and Taliesin Jaffe - are present. And of course it will be the secret world premiere of the young actor cast as my young likeness (as well as others...).

The present tense one has to do with the death and dying of my mentor - the good twin/screenwriter - which (because the world is awful) takes place before the death of his brother. (I'll be playing the roles of both brothers in midlife - in forthcoming projects, including the first feature - but you can expect a very accomplished and award-winning veteran actor of stage and screen to appear as the elder twins in this one.) Following his death, I go to confront the other brother about what happened, only to find that he has dementia so far advanced he doesn't recognize me, or even himself. Worse: it's clear to me that he is being abused and neglected by the staff of the nursing home, and I'm forced to choose between the probably deserved rough justice, and undeserved compassion - stepping in on his behalf. Reluctantly, I choose the latter.

So, not a feature-length stage play (that may be a musical version of the movie), but almost not super short either. Since the short is filmed mostly where I currently reside (until the end, when I'm patient-dumped in Hollywood [more about that: I then camp out on Bill and Jack's lawn, where I'm visited at my tent by Amanda Bynes; when we don't voluntarily leave {a please get off my lawn moment here} we're put, tent and all, on a flat bed truck and end up in the VIP section of the dump - a picnic with discarded food there follows]), it'll likely be put on a very old (by this state's standards) theater (where among others a certain icon of 19th century lit, whose books are among the most banned, used to perform).

PS Oh, and I definitely see a certain female friend from college times directing/introducing this one...

PPS Even the orchestra should feature some interesting people. One of them is likely to be this one musician, from the place I currently reside. I've known her sister as a friend and former co-worker since the aughts (we were both sexually harassed by the same person). They share a famous last name with their cousin, a certain local turned statewide politician (who is very probably going to win the big contest this fall; the sister I know is a climate scientist at Caltech). 


  1. Saw “dancing boy” and moved on..😣

  2. Everyone knows these Dancing Boy blinds are pure fiction, right? They're not even loosely consistent in their stories.

  3. You know, if we are to believe earlier blinds (and even if we're not, I'm not sure at this point), Dancing Boy has had an interesting life. I'd like to read more of those blinds.
    But the movie plot/casting stuff is just not interesting to me (or anyone, it seems). At the very least, edgy give away spoilers?
    Anyway. Shrug .

    Anyone have a favorite hangover remedy?

    1. *why* give away spoilers

    2. More alcohol! Hair of the dog.

    3. Two fast release advil w some gatorade.
      Then yogurt and a banana.
      Then smoke a joint, take a walk for some fresh air, preferably to a Mexican place where you can get one Corona with greasy Mexican food.
      Walk home, another joint, and lay down to watch Netflix until you fall asleep.

    4. @rosie, that sounds like a perfect way to spend a day, hangover or no!

    5. Tylenol pm- either before you pass out to prevent a hangover or afterwards when you wake up with one, just sleep it off

  4. Pickles or something.

  5. With fries.

    mayo or ketchup?

    With hotdogs.

    mustard or ketchup?

    1. Mayo on fries? That’s just sick. SICK!
      Both on hot dogs, preferably with sauerkraut & relish.

    2. In the Netherlands they serve fries in a huge paper cone with a big ol dollop of mayo for dipping. At 2am in the red light district it’s sooooo good.

  6. Saw Dancing Boy and came straight to the comments. I had a hot dog the other day that had mayo, relish, and chopped onions. From the local food truck (locally sourced hot dogs from nearby farm). I don't like Mayo on anything - but she promised it would be awesome, and it was. Convert. But NOT on fries. That is gross.

  7. Okay, I’ll bite: Newsom for the family name of the musician, the sister, and the pol.

  8. Here's a theory. DB was originally on the up-and-up: a Hollywood abuse victim who wanted to come forward and name his abusers. But they got wind of it, recognized him and themselves in the blinds, and contacted him. They negotiated a cease-fire, through payment or threats.

    But he'd already revealed enough clues that just having him shut up might not be for the best. It might take on a life of its own with people digging into it for years, as sometimes happens with conspiracy theories. So they had him (or a ghostwriter) pivot to this Dancing Boy Entertainment Franchise(TM) thing, where he writes about all the quasi-autobiographical fiction he's going to produce, until everyone gets bored or confused enough to lose interest in the original story.

    1. They must have payed him off with a lot of money if thus is the best ghost writer they can afford.

      At this point I don't even read the blinds, I just skim the comments.

    2. this* I swear one of these days I'll manage not to have any typos in a post.

  9. I'm here for the complaining about dancing boy blinds!!!

  10. @Unknown,it is meant to compare the "Dancing Boys" of Afganistan to the way Hollywood keeps their "pet" boys,eg. auditioning dancing in their underwear.

  11. Dancing Boy can't melt steel beams

  12. If it is a good tasting hot dog, it doesn't need to be covered up with condiments. If I am just making something horrible at home like a turkey dog, buffalo sauce and relish.

  13. Today is national raspberry cream pie day. Never tried it. Like chocolate Cream pies.

  14. Hydrate yourself for the hangover drink plenty of water or coffee Sara.

  15. Hydrate before you go to bed after a night of drinking. Late advice but try it next time.

  16. How about loaded Italian not dogs? There used to be a place that had good ones right next door to me, but they are long gone. Others not so good.

  17. Nothing beats the good ol’ $1.50 Costco polish hot dog with a drink. I could eat one with no toppings at all

  18. Andrea you know Costco got rid of them last month? I think Sam's Club has a replacement for them now..anyway I've been advised that Sam's Club has the best rotisserie chicken and roast chickens of any stores that sell them at I think $5 and they are big, moist and delicious.

    1. WHAT! Sandy.. my heart just broke. I’m in Canada, wondered if it applied here too? We don’t have Sam’s Club.

    2. Update: Canada survived the menu update 👍🏻

  19. I love hot dogs!

    Not the succulent Podesta hot dogs though:)

  20. Am I bad for hoping that both Dancing Boy and Amazing Quotes have some sort of fatal accident? They are the two worst things about this site....

  21. Speaking of pickled things, I’d like to talk about sauerkraut. Sauerkraut, like pickles, is an excellent probiotic. I came down with pneumonia last winter after not being sick in years. Urgent care told me to start eating sauerkraut and I did, and felt better within a day. My stomach had been flip flopping from all sorts of antibiotics and I was miserable.
    So eat your pickles and sauerkraut. Sourdough bread is good too.

    1. Sauerkraut is amazeballs.
      Glad you survived!

  22. Dancing Boy comments quickly becoming the only reason to come to CDAN

  23. Hard to conceive of a hot dog and mayo interacting well. I'll have to take your word for it.

    Fully loaded Italian hot dog? Tell me more! I wanna try that. (ya'll don't be smart now.)

    Oh man, smoked polish. Miss those.

    For me, those thin fried onions and mustard, a couple of pickles and the hot dog is perfect.

    It's sick, I'm aware, but I love fries with mayo.

  24. Canada seems to be more enlightened these days than we are.

  25. Thanks @guesser.
    Seattle Dog: Weiner, cream cheese, bun. Add sriracha. Originally sold outside downtown nightclubs after closing from street carts. Yummy when drunk.

    @Sara: It’s also an awesome hangover preventer.

  26. @plot,Italian hot dogs,fried potatoes,peppers and onions,on a hoagie type roll. Where some places mess them up is the seasoning,they just don't get it right everywhere. They are popular in NJ,where I am.

  27. (Went straight to the comments)

    - I don't eat many hot-dogs. I prefer hamburgers with Mayo.

    - I'm a Costco girl but will have to try Sam's club Rotisserie chicken.

    -The best thing to prevent a hangover is tons of water before bed. Also, have something like "Drip Drop" electrolyte powder (small and stores better than Gatorade) mixed with water ready to sip by the bed in the morning.

    - Did not know about the sauerkraut. I knew about the pro-biotics in it, but didn't know how good it was for an illness or stomach problem.

    - At least DB is letting us pick up some useful tips. *Sigh*

  28. I like to wrap hot dogs in crescent roll dough with bacon or cheese or even pickles and bake. Just had them on saturday made with brats

  29. Seriously, try a hot dog with a little mayo (not too much), relish, and chopped onions. It was a game changer for me. My partner eats mayo on his burgers and that is wrong.
    As for sauerkraut - it is awesome. And practically no calories!
    I WISH we had Costco here in the boonies.
    As usual, these Dancing Boy blinds make me hungry.

    1. How about mayo on/in grilled cheese?
      I was skeptical, but it was delish.

  30. Anything that is fermented is a probiotic. Sooo, sauerkraut and pickles will add good flora to your gut and replace what was killed by antibiotics. Hence, less tummy upset. Kefir and yoghurt is good too. All yoghurts are not created equal so you need to eat the kinds that say they have active bacteria in them.
    I dont have a gall bladder anymore so my tummy gets upset quite easily. Big Pharma wants to fill you full of drugs to help that but I preferred to change my diet. Every so often, I slip hahhaa!

  31. Kimchi is pretty great too, as long as it is spicy.

  32. Thats depressing. I will miss my Costco hot dogs. Those were the best ones ever

  33. If you want a good cleanout try Sauerkraut soup.

  34. @LA Native, I'm sans gallbladder too. Interesting info. I hate sauerkraut so I guess more pickles are in order!

    Hot dogs with mayo? I don't think so. Am I the only one who just likes them with either chili or ketchup and mustard? I've never heard of so many ways to fashion a hot dog before. Wild.

  35. To take a break from hot dog chat...

    This blind would be fine if you left out the details about shooting and casting and hyping up your bank of projects. Glad you're excited, but save the sales pitch. Look, if it all manifests the way you make it sound, great! Maybe we'll even go see it. Surprise us when it's done, don't jinx yourself. Don't show your hand until it's in the can. The Newsom guess Donna made for the PPS has to be it.

    But anyway, +1 to my no-condiment brethren; establish the baseline quality first, then you can dress it up if you want, but it shouldn't need anything.

  36. not in the mood for this nonsense I'm going to tmz where it's not a novel and it makes sense and it's just as full of crap as this site

  37. Will probably still be a better movie than The Last Jedi.

  38. The comments are the only interesting part. For all we know that's the point. If there is one in this partially aborted AR game.

    I thought DB only started filming that one film then ran away from his molestor, which ended his career? So if this film in the past tense section of the blind is from childhood it's the same film, right?

    Taliesin? Like the fairy tale (not the anime)? Oh wow, he's a real guy! What an old timey name.

    So all these friends of DB like Chad Allen (whom some people initially thought was DB) will be playing the pedos? That's weird. really weird. You'd think they'd be uncomfortable. Not that the feature is actually happening.

  39. Fried hotdogs with spicy brown mustard and onions on a baguette. Non, nom.

  40. I assume the Dancing Boy movie(s) will premiere at the Globe Theater?

    1. Omg @Edwin you kill me! I kind of hate you for reminding me of the worst finale ever.
      But I also appreciate the gag.

  41. P. Edwin: Nah, it’s Nevada City, CA

  42. In the 'burbs of Chicago (late 60's/early70's), there was a place called Parkie's. Loaded kosher dog with fries. Onions, pepppers, kraut, had to tell 'em what you didn't want on it! The paper bag dark with grease. Mmmmm.
    Hangover? Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. If you can abstain for two days, your liver will recover. Good luck !

  43. Hot dogs are best served at a baseball game, Pedialyte was always my go to for hangovers, and @Low Key, I’ll pick you up and we can go hang at @Rosie’s!

  44. Well, that settles it.
    I'm boycotting Costco. Bring back Polish dog!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. These are getting interestinger.
