Monday, August 06, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind

Two storylines: one present, one past - and a bevy of very talented and in some cases famous actors.

The past tense one, which takes place during a very pivotal year of my young life, happens at the height of all that - it's about the cast party for a certain movie I'm in. So, it's theme is celebration, basically, until - at its end - I learn of a last-minute addition to the script; all the creeps - to be played (as I said/hopefully) by Anthony Rapp, myself, Noah Ray (he's the director brought on for this one scene, a music video, in a sense), Chad Allen, and Taliesin Jaffe - are present. And of course it will be the secret world premiere of the young actor cast as my young likeness (as well as others...).

The present tense one has to do with the death and dying of my mentor - the good twin/screenwriter - which (because the world is awful) takes place before the death of his brother. (I'll be playing the roles of both brothers in midlife - in forthcoming projects, including the first feature - but you can expect a very accomplished and award-winning veteran actor of stage and screen to appear as the elder twins in this one.) Following his death, I go to confront the other brother about what happened, only to find that he has dementia so far advanced he doesn't recognize me, or even himself. Worse: it's clear to me that he is being abused and neglected by the staff of the nursing home, and I'm forced to choose between the probably deserved rough justice, and undeserved compassion - stepping in on his behalf. Reluctantly, I choose the latter.

So, not a feature-length stage play (that may be a musical version of the movie), but almost not super short either. Since the short is filmed mostly where I currently reside (until the end, when I'm patient-dumped in Hollywood [more about that: I then camp out on Bill and Jack's lawn, where I'm visited at my tent by Amanda Bynes; when we don't voluntarily leave {a please get off my lawn moment here} we're put, tent and all, on a flat bed truck and end up in the VIP section of the dump - a picnic with discarded food there follows]), it'll likely be put on a very old (by this state's standards) theater (where among others a certain icon of 19th century lit, whose books are among the most banned, used to perform).

PS Oh, and I definitely see a certain female friend from college times directing/introducing this one...

PPS Even the orchestra should feature some interesting people. One of them is likely to be this one musician, from the place I currently reside. I've known her sister as a friend and former co-worker since the aughts (we were both sexually harassed by the same person). They share a famous last name with their cousin, a certain local turned statewide politician (who is very probably going to win the big contest this fall; the sister I know is a climate scientist at Caltech). 


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