Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Dancing Boy Blind Item

Here's another update about that first thing: "The Dancing Boy of Hollywood: A True Story."

It's back to being a multi-part, or rather multi-period/setting story, set in part in the present day, and in part (now) in the recent past as well as back in the day. Also: parts of it (past, I mean) will be projected rather than performed. When I first thought of doing it that way - having the story of my high school graduation party be shown as a tape rather than performed live - I was kind of like: is that even a thing?

So, research...Most assuredly there is "digital theatre," although what a stupid term and it sounds like your average pretentious mfa in theater class project (nuns chanting on film or something while small child dismembers a doll with a kitchen knife onstage). But then I'm like wait no this is docudrama - epic theater, it turns out (if I had bothered to actually take a theater history class, I'd have known this). And going back to the 20s, with the works of German-born producer Erwin Piscator in particular, the use of other media, and especially projections, was commonplace. So the 1991 story as well as what happened at the death bed of this doctor (which I secretly filmed), at least, will appear as projected films.


  1. What's for lunch everyone?

  2. Burrito - nothing fancy.

  3. Bacon and Egg biscuit - delicious!!

  4. Hey you guys! Any of you follow Himmmm on Twitter and see the mermaid party photos he posted? Hubba Hubba Kate Beckinsdale looking fine as frogs hair. Also Zoe, Margot and Cara (🤐)

    1. Just saw the pictures, never been that jealous of a Mermaid before

  5. I'm rooting for you Dancing boy,but where's the blind? I guess I'll make more pickles.

  6. I had a sausage and egg sandwich as a late breakfast so not too hungry for lunch yet.

    Saw the cafeteria is trying new pulled pork sandwiches on the menu though!

  7. i wish enty would stop posting these bullshit ass blinds
    the guy who is behind these talks like he's got something wrong with him

    1. Gee whiz What was your first clue?
      He indeed DOES have something wrong, or more likely hes been terribly WRONGED.
      but its cool y'all come in here to cast stones.. it makes you look superior and well put together.

    2. Sounds like Feldman. I hate that guy.

  8. I think i’ll Have a salad. While i wait for a real blind item. Dancing boy the worst.

  9. Who here thinks Geeljire is the original or some imposter?

    1. Hint: my profile views are consistent with Geeljire CLASSIC

  10. He's a twat either way.

  11. right @J F lol
    i think i upset him when i said these blinds were bullshit
    if you're reading this, hi geeljire. i hope you get some help for your schizophrenia.

    1. "I'm so miserable I comment on every blind to tell others what stupid bullshit they are, so that others may share in my misery"

  12. What is this dancing boy Insanity?

  13. Lunch: a low sodium tuna with low fat mayo and low sodium relish sandwich on the Super Seed bread from Whole Foods. And a few pieces of cucumber on top. And some strawberries on the side. Sooooo good!!!

    REALLY REALLY hope this stupid Dancing Boy bullshit ends soon!!

  14. Dancing Boy blinds:
    Broken internet shut-in attempt to bully an Hollywood abuse survivor into silence. For reasons.

  15. @J F I think it's suspect whenever someone takes a hiatus then suddenly comes back (cough fake Himmmm cough) since anyone can use the same name etc.

    But I checked old Geel's profile vs. this one when someone first raised that question and they match perfectly so if he's an impostor he's a very thorough one lol

  16. Cottage Cheese, but I have a craving for EggSalad in the worst way. It is hot as shit today, for Maine anyway.

    1. I love egg salad.
      Sadly, I had leftover birthday cake for lunch.

  17. siggis yogurt with smashed up Reeses pb cups because yum.

  18. I had fish and chips from the best fish and chip shop in my neck of the woods. Probably sounds really bland to you lot but it was delish.

  19. I went to the Mexican restaurant down the block and had chicken enchiladas and black beans and rice. Wasn't bad filled me up nicely.

  20. Lunch is a Gregg's sausage roll and mexican chicken oval bite.

  21. Ya ever think the only reason this guy wound up with a wang in his mouth was to shut him up?

  22. Hey Viking Song, what's up for the weekend? Any lynchings planned?

  23. What doctor's death did he secretly film? And why?

  24. j is my favorite person here

    1. So what's your fixation on silencing abuse survivors, nonyabusiness?

  25. @J if I had to guess her lunch order I'd say it's an egg white sandwich, a dash of salt - no pepper, with a blueberry parfait as dessert :)

  26. You know what's more annoying than Dancing Boy's posts? (which aren't annoying to me) People who bitch about them EVERY SINGLE TIME instead of bypassing them.

    1. Consider yourself proud owner of a "terrorist fist jab"

    2. @ grgry... you still havent answered the real issue at hand here...

      "What the fuck did you have for breakfast?"

      Nobody really cares about your opinion on whatever it was u were blabbering about

    3. +one billion @GrgryPckry

  27. @ Ophelia... maybe he was abducted by aliens and they performed mind control experiments during his hiatus.

    Or doctor changed his prescription, cuz there is something just not right. He seems too lucid and in control of his thoughts these days...

  28. You went from well written back to google translation. Stick to the point DB, you get too lost in your own head. We cant see what you see, remember that.

    1. Not the first time a doctor on a deathbed has been mentioned

      Db is basically describing how a scene will transition. Instead of showing the past as a "flash back" it will be shown in the form of a vhs tape. "Found footage" style I guess.

      [So the 1991 story as well as what happened at the death bed of this doctor (which I secretly filmed), at least, will appear as projected films.]

      That's essentially the big take away of this "blind". Nothing new other than how a scene will take place.

  29. Ophelia, it's probably the Montana version of a cucumber sandwich... a leftover Green St. Patrick's Day Pop-Tart from the survival cache.

  30. St Augustine got a Bojangles chicken and biscuits so I am testing it out. Not bad!

  31. J F, my point was well made, especially since it hit home with you.

  32. Replies
    1. np. I havent read into it enough to tell, but in other blinds he also mentions an onset doctor. Maybe theyre the same (maybe not) just interesting to note if you care for DB "lore".

  33. Subway has rotisserie chicken now. So a chix caesar wrap - delish!

  34. I'd love to get Bojangles here. Shit the guy who owned the franchises for KFC shut them years ago and we don't even have that anymore. Best place for chicken is frigging Publix believe it or not, supermarket chicken!😣

    1. You know what’s awful? Zaxby’s.
      I could just pour out a salt shaker & some chicken gravy mix and eat it by the spoonful to the same effect. Gross, gross, gross.

  35. Are their laws against exploiting the mentally ill for profit? Might want to look into that.

  36. The lunch thing is getting old. How about a topic from The blind? How about a film in this style? And some casting suggestions,including Enty and "us". But I promise,I will soon make Challah Bread French Toast.

  37. @sandybrook,supermarket fried chicken( Shoprite,here) way better and way cheaper. And rotisserie as well.

  38. I do like the rotisserie chicken guesser but a lot of the fried is short on meat because they use capons and heavy on the either crumbs or coating they are using.

  39. @Guesser

    1. that french toast sounds amazing

    2. those do sound like fun topics as well, I admit I've lost track of which celebrities he's even casting but you could always start it off with a list

    3. I got way too distracted when he mentioned nuns chanting and am super excited for The Nun movie (Scandi I think you mentioned it recently too!)

  40. This is my first comment on CDAN, but I've been lurking for a while.

    The reason for the post? I just wanted to let Enty know how much Dancing Boy blinds FUCKING SUCK.

    They are the biggest waste of time, on any website I've ever been on, and that's saying something.

  41. I miss Shoprite but Publix makes a better fried chicken. I can’t prove it but i think there are at least two different DB writers.

  42. This DB blind brings "Picklefucker" to mind. Perhaps he's related to Clerks 2 in some way.

    Why don't we let Tricia write these blinds instead, she has way better stories.

  43. Just for funsies...Dr. Suess died in 1991. I know. Not a doctor...don’t care.

  44. Left over Paella.


  45. I wish the foodies here would stick all their comments about food up their ass. The Dancing Boy blinds are of interest to some, comments about having a plate of warm horse shit for breakfast is not. Quit being a bunch of children; the person deserves to be listened to even if it turns to be nothing.

    1. Please show up more often Mr/Ms Guru. Besides geeljire, yours is the best post here.

    2. I think it’s hilarious that people who hate these blinds comment on them with whatevs therefore making the comment count go up and it look like the kind of blind to keep doing.

  46. The film clip style actually seems like it would work better than constant flashbacks. At least it would make it clearer that you're seeing information from the past, perhaps start out each reel with a scratchy b & w format that slowly fades into color to indicate that the scene is from the distant past, and an only-slightly-dated newscast format to show the recent past. I envision current-day DB settling in on the couch with a nice martini or glass of blush chablis and turning on the tube to start the movie. It could be done really artistically, with DB shopping in a store, coming across a display of TVs, and memories of his past start to play, or meeting other present-day character in a bar with a TV and a clip of both of them runs. It's a good idea, brainstorm ways to work TVs, computer monitors, tablets, and other screens into the present-day shots in order to have a platform for past-day film flashbacks.

    Also please do still consider giving characters distinguishing characteristics, like glasses, tattoos, scars, heavy eyebrows, anything to help connect young-character with present-day character at first sight, it will really help.the people in your story have distinguishing features irl don't they? So, not so hard to do. Good luck DB, I know you have a story to tell, I hope you can get it out.

  47. @Village, If we wanted to read the inane ramblings of someone trying to pretend they're insane we'd just go to Facebook, not CDAN.

  48. Village, wtf?

    DB "deserves to be listened to?"

    Based on what? I tried reading a couple of times, and found the author's voice to be insufferably self-centered and the narrative to be hopelessly malformed. So I have zero interest.

    Since you're a guru, why don't you go start your own internet where you can set the rules for who deserves which sort of attention?

  49. I swear, some of you can't get out of your own way for even a minute

  50. @Bitchysoisse, great idea. Are you in the industry? Sounds better than the reboot obsession in Hollywood. @Ophelia, the Challah Bread French Toast is from an earlier Dancing Boy blind.

  51. DB, this new idea has so much potential. The last time I was at the doctor, they had installed a digital screen that played drug ads and public service announcements inside the examining room. That could inspire a flashback to the dead doctor sequence. Most gas stations have little TV screens built into the pumps. Some bus stops have video ads too. There's also in-flight movies on airplanes. Not only could this digital theater thing be a way to tell the story, it could also be used to show how the past trauma has loosened the main character's (your) grip on reality. You could even use artistic license to show your character avoiding media because it triggers these flashbacks. You could work in symbolism, having one of the most painful memories start playing on a broken, dark screen or a cracked blue-screen-of-death that's not even functional but still serves to show a memory of something that broke you. Plus, since it's all on video screens, you don't have to use that annoying, shaky, found-footage, Blair-Witch camera style---it can be as rough or as polished as you want. I'm telling you, DB, this is your best idea for pulling a disjointed story together into a whole. Jump on it.

  52. @Guesser ahh my bad I fell off the DB wagon for awhile and missed a lot of the blinds/ as mentioned earlier am having trouble keeping track at this point.

    I don't get people commenting just to bash DB as expressing his story seems therapeutic for him and you can just not comment.

    but bashing people for off topic comments is a little far as well - plenty of other threads get OTs.

    So in conclusion we should all just bake a cake and be friends.

  53. @Guesser, I gave it the old college try but I simply wasn't well connected, nor was I wealthy enough to do an extensive free internship which would have made those vital connections but involved a lot of getting coffee and generally sucking up. The only person I knew was a TV director who wasn't very well-liked in the industry, and that was through his wife who divorced him during my Hollywood experience. The closest I got was writing some ad copy for experience and a few travelogue/advertorial pieces. I wound up doing technical writing to make money which leached every scrap of joy out of writing but it paid the bills for many years so I can't complain.

  54. So this *is* Geeljire Classic and not Geeljire Lite. Glad to hear. I read the Kite Runner and was so crushed when those assholes let that boy go back to the abusers - after they assured the boy he was safe with them. What horrible writing or was it deliberate? Anyway, the doctor in this blind has something to do with some pedo doctor in Kabul?

  55. “average pretentious mfa in theater class project” 😂😂😂🤣🤣💛💛💛💛💛🤣😂😂😂😂😂✨✨😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🌚

    Beats the “Hollywood douchebag in an acting class” acting style, DB. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Anytime I see that in a trailer, i go “fuck this shit, I’m staying homme and reading a book.”

    Where are those nun emojis when you need them? 🌝

  56. @Raspy
    Well now, aren't you the witty one. Are you proud? Did you think everyone would laugh out loud at your foul attempt to be funny?

  57. Dancing Boy, why don't you cut the crap and make one of those gay musicals, without any drama? That seems your style.

  58. DB defenders, the reason nobody likes these blinds is because they're repetitive and DB just keeps harping on about the same shit over and over and over again. He has nothing else to share but he's such a narcissist that he insists on boring us all to death with the same rhetoric because it boosts his ego.

  59. @Orangesoda
    and everyone else complaining about DB items:
    Why don't you just skip DB items?

    @Paul Saint John
    Was that really necessary? One might find your comment homophobic even if that's not how you intended it.

  60. I think the last sentence could be either a big clue or confirmation for those who guessed correctly. Back when we were guessing these, anyway. I'll mention this again in, like, 7 years when some random-ass observation or blind inadvertently reveals this one.



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