Thursday, August 23, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Dancing Boy Blind Item

Here - finally - is what happens in the very first dancing boy project, the live and adapted one act, "The Dancing Boy of Hollywood: A True Story:"

It all takes place at my high school graduation party, in Malibu - June, 1991. After being injured several months earlier on my team's first mission (this is the secret global elite stuff, Hollywood branch), I'd been given painkillers in hospital. I might have stopped taking them, except that I was told - finally - that my close friend and team mate had died of his own injuries (survivor's guilt, and all). By now, I'm a full blown addict, and the story opens with two of my friends - Henry and Christina (their young likeness's, I mean) - staging an intervention. After I agree to it, they go off to find a pay phone to call Dr. Drew (the pay phone part just to play it safe, although as it turns out it could be hard to find a pay phone in Malibu). Then, in comes my frenemy (to be played by a certain young Canadian actor), with a bribe: he'll shoot me up one last time if I agree to play truth or dare. Already jonesing, I take the deal, revealing what happened on the set of a certain movie, and after that being forced to perform a dance. My former abuser(s) show up, promising not to pursue legal action (for violating the nda) if I go with them (where I'd be abused until I turn 18). My frenemy, in a moment of conscience, offers himself up instead, and he goes off with them. I nod off, and wake up to find my friends, parents, and Drew. The game, the dance - all of it - seemed only to be a bad dream (it wasn't).


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