Friday, August 10, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Cuckadoodledoo

Speaking of big events, this same event was also attended by some other VIPs, including another A list figure, who contrary to Mr. C is well liked. We'll call him Mr. P - and his attendance at this event was not without it's own controversy. This was because of his significant other, who loves the public eye and social media in particular. Recently she posted something on SM praising some high profile friends who are also ardent supporters of a certain political figure. Friends and acquaintances of Mr. P  saw this post and were absolutely horrified. Because of this, those involved in the event were hoping Mr. P would come solo, but no dice. She isn't about to miss another social media opportunity and Mr. P has zero control over her behavior anyway.


  1. Oh enty I love it when you talk like that
    Say it aloud wherever you are

  2. MrP-Obama?
    The figure being Trump?

    1. “P” for President(ex anyway....:)

  3. Hang on... you mean people with different opinions spent time in the same room?

    And those who disapproved of someone else's opinion weren't able to banish the heretic?

    This is an outrage.

  4. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen?

  5. Yes J, the bile is rising in my throat about having to share a planet with someone who might not agree with me on something or other. Death to tbe unbeliever!!!!

  6. So now it's not enough to reject certain people directly for badthink, you also have to reject anyone else who hasn't rejected them? This is starting to stack up.

    1. Isn't that how $cientology works?

  7. Felix has a good guess maybe referring to Bey\Jay and the Obamas or Clintons?

  8. No way this is Obama, or any ex-president. All are A+ or, considering Entern grade inflation, A++ / A+++.

    Otherwise, though, I have no clue.

  9. winklevoss twins were at the surf lodge cuomo fundraiser . that is the event, not sure who else attended.

  10. I'm not understanding this or the last one.

  11. Melania Trump praising LeBron James & others on Twitter?

    1. And attending meeting meant to discuss the recent Chicago shootings alongside DT yesterday (Thursday).

  12. I can't say for sure, but I don't think Michelle Obama spends a lot of time on social media seeking attention. Mr. P.'s wife/girlfriend does.

    So Mr. P. is a famous, well-liked man with a social media butterfly wife/girlfriend who recently praised some people who happen to support the president. His friends had a cow, so presumably he and they are establishment types involved in politics, but could be either party.

    And I guess "cuck" in the title implies that his wife is cuckolding him by refusing to let political correctness dictate her opinions and friendships, so Mr. P. should get his woman under control.

  13. Melania is going to praise that big strong successful wealthy younger taller Black man, consequences be damned

  14. Would this be publicity starving Hilaria (Hylarystical)? I'm so sick of her. What a narcissist.

  15. And here's today's example of TDS...

    One sentence, "His significant other, who loves the public eye and social media in particular", should be enough for anyone with 2 firing brain cells that this is not Melania Trump. He's gonna be around for 6 more years so some of you better start seeking therapy!

    1. Bravo!!!! & I agree. No way does FLOTUS Trump love social media. She pretty much avoids the spotlight.

  16. Conformity is always ugly.

  17. @akbar TDS is real.

    The social butterfly wife is most likely praising Trump or supporters, leading SJW critics to hound one of their own for being traitors to the cause.
    They hate him so much, they are afraid to even stand near anyone who doesn’t froth at the mouth.

  18. Yes watching the left eat itself is very entertaining. Today's example is the new Start Trek series featuring Patrick Stewart. Although Star Trek is one of the most progressive and inclusive shows ever to air on television, the snowflakes are pitching a fit that the new series focus is on a CIS gendered shitlord, or in non tumblr speak, a straight white man. So now there are already talks of boycotts lol. Remember kids, no matter how much you try to appease these leftist idiots it will never be enough!

  19. Captain Picard, ultimate space liberal who prefers words to violence, problematic cis scum

  20. John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen. Chrissy is still friendly with Kim and Kanye who both have been friendly with Trump.

  21. I agree with Tiegen. She also posed with Shania Twain who supports Trump. Only big event I saw that she was at was the Families Belong Together Rallies.

  22. Obviously it is the tolerant left at play here. Somebody supported, or just as bad, failed to denounce Trump as evil, and now is persona non grata, and marked for ruination. Don't stand to close to her boys and girls, lest you get targeted as well.

  23. Yeah @MeliticusBee...when those suffering from TDS kiss any more they swap froth...

  24. +1 to Chrissy...but she speaks out all the time against trump isn't it being a normal healthy human that despite those views she still maintains friendships with Kim/Kanye/Etc?

  25. Definitely liking the guess of fugly Chigger Tiegen who has the frumpy fug bloat face of a Chinese Lion-Dog guardian statue. Her hubby, Mr. P for Pussy or Pussywhipped.

    I life crippled by TDS is no life at all.

  26. Her crybaby sissy "hubby" is definitely p-whipped and a Cuck of there ever was one. And yes I did call fug-face a chigger, if the triple brownbag fits (over her head), she can wear it.

  27. @Ophelia, not any more. The left doesn't really do Freedom of Association.

  28. Ron Paul

    Ha HA. Just guessing people with the same initial for last name.

  29. Technically speaking a triple bagger is one bag for them, one bag for you, and one bag for your dog so it doesn't have to see the shame.

  30. Brayson, that would fit given Ms. fug mug.

  31. I feel like a lot of these posts are just from one idiot talking to himself.

  32. John legend doesn't like President Trump either, so not them.
    Idk who it is.
    Randomly ,Kim and Kanye? "Loves Social Media ..."

  33. NOT Melania - Melania does not like the spotlight or attention and does not court social media nor barely public opinion. Not Melania the introvert.

  34. If the last blind was indeed Rahm Emanuel at Lallapalooza - then going with this being Perry Farrell and his wife Etty Farrell, as he is the founder of the festival.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @Cee Kay. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!! right on.
