Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blind Item #7

This A list reality star all of you know never gave up drinking or doing drugs while pregnant. That was definitely the wrong decision.


  1. Nope. Don’t want to hear about an innocent child with the possibility of a disability.

  2. This is exactly why all reality stars need to be spayed

  3. Or perhaps one of them teen moms?

    1. Are any of the team moms considered A List?

  4. Montana, Khlogre was never pregnant.

  5. I think some broads do that because in some states child support isn't a hard stop at 18. If a kid has disabilities and will never be self sufficient, it may never end.

  6. I did foster care for years. Most of the kids I worked with had parents on drugs. Drug exposure in utero can cause all sorts of issues, but almost universally, lack of impulse control. Sometimes, with a lot of work, really concentrated parenting and often ADHD drugs, kids can learn to deal with it. Unfortunately, if the parents are on drugs, that usualy doesn't happen, therefore, the cycle continues.

    1. You really think the lack of impulse control was due to drugs/alcohol and not the result of a trait inherited feom someone with an obvious lack of impulse control?

    2. Actually a good witty question.

    3. Sometimes people get an idea in their head to blame substances for things. Like people who say weed has a withdrawal and blame evil weed for the anxiety they get when they stop smoking, but anxiety is one of the things it is most prescribed for.

    4. Count is completely right. Impulses are inherited, you don't 'catch' impulses because a parent is a drug user (they're a drug user as they have extreme impulses) weed isn't addictive so you can't withdraw. You may feel some effects but it's not withdrawal.

  7. We know Jennelle Evans never gave up shit while she was pregnant. I'm sure another of the OGs didn't either. Kaitlyn?

  8. So we're going with that substance abusing mommies just create burdens that will forever need institutionalization or incarceration? That their polluted wombs are monster factories? Just checking, no judgment.

    1. No, we're not going with that.
      Like @cebii wrote, theres hope for the generally population..
      But with reality tv parents?
      Their hope is already gone once they come out of the birth canal.

  9. j. woww talked about how her son still isnt speaking..is that due to that?

  10. It also depends on the drug and when it's taken.

    A relative of mine took methadone (for chronic pain) throughout her pregnancy. The kid is bright, happy, and healthy.

  11. I'm on the train with MM and Boozy. For some reason I couldn't help but think fetal alcohol syndrome even though her son doesn't have the features for it.

  12. Honey Boo Boo

  13. Nice break from all the pedo-conspiracy "blinds". I like it!
    Oh, JWow maybe?

  14. The utter moronic bollocks you post, Count Jerk, never ceases to amaze me, but it's very obvious your obsessive hatred of women is due to the fact no woman will look twice at you. Let alone touch you.


    1. Viking song: you are a stupid cunt. I hope pussy cancer spreads to your eyes.

    2. GI Joe > Transformers, based on Sgt Slaughter alone.

    3. It’s actually pathetic that commenters engage with this loser at all. He sounds like every other 13 year old who insults women on the microphone while playing xbox. He actually thinks he’s witty and funny bwahaha

    4. I didnt attack any women here until Viking Cunt attacked me. You sound like every triggered shithead who is incapable of rational thought.

  15. Viking Song, go back to your miserable white-supremacist compound. Filthy racist.

  16. Dear Reality TV Producers: Please remember to spay or neuter your pets.

  17. Farrah Abraham.
    That’s why she douses the ooor thing in make up

  18. Kathryn Dennis from Southern Charm?

  19. So sad and infuriating. When I was pregnant with kid #1 26 years ago, I felt such horrible guilt because I had two glasses of wine over a weekend before I realized I was expecting (we weren't trying). Of course he was fine, but I beat myself up anyway. Who the hell continues party city when growing a baby?

  20. @Viking

    Damned if I know why, and I could be wrong, but Count doesn't strike me as a woman hater nor is he terrified of women the way J is.

    He's a filthy sonofabitch, that is true.

    In this case, he has a point.

    1. Doesn’t strike you as a woman hater? What do you need? A ten ton anvil to fall on your head for you it to strike you?

    2. I dont hate women, i only hate cunts, cunt.

  21. Angelina Jolie's twin daughter was rumored to have development issues. Thomas Ravanel's son indeed looks like he has down syndrome (which runs in his racist, inbred family), but the WORST is Britain's own bitchmade Katie Price. She was bumpn babies and coke lines @ the same time & the paps caught her often stumbling high. Her son is tragically blind and will need care forever. She is vile human trash!

  22. Okay this thread shows why Count isn't SO BAD because he's not stupid. This was gold.

    Also - @Brayson - yes actually that's exactly what we're going with because actions have consequences.

    If you choose to bring a dysfunctional person into this world through your choices, you are foisting a drain upon society if you cannot provide for the child's needs and yes, perhaps some shaming should be associated with poor choices - it can be a "teaching moment" for others.

    1. Hunter: i will accept "not so bad" and "not stupid" for now, but i am keeping an eye on you and expect higher praise going forward.

    2. You’re still a dick, but it’s Dick-As-Performance-Art
      .....or something

    3. Calling 13 year olds jizz Rags. Calling women whores and insulting the entire female species in every post. But not THAT bad. Uh-huh. And on top of that you idiots give him attention and are patting him on the back like he’s some comedic genius for being a misogynistic troll. I can’t lmao

    4. Kno wo uno: that is a good one.

      Youre Tired: i dont call women "whores" i call whores "whores". If you are too stupid to realize that, you should skip my posts, because you arent intelligent enough to read them.

      And if a 13 y/o allows her self to be used as a celeb's jizz rag, she's a jizz rag.

      In conclusion, i hope your vibrator shorts out and burns the open sewer you call a snatch so badly that your stupid will die with you and not be passed on to taint future generations.

    5. The only thing that I can really find shocking or fault with, is the use of the word "taint" here. I think it could be used a little more effectively.

  23. If this is supposed to be Jenelle, it's known she never stopped smoking weed, but that wouldn't hurt her baby the way other drugs and alcohol would. The way it says "all of you know" is what we should be looking at....who does he usually use that description for

  24. LOL!

    No, really, snorted and all.



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