Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

You know what has not been discussed the past few days? How this foreign born convicted child molester/child porn producer managed to run around the world basically unimpeded. Even after he was brought in by the feds to supposedly help them out, there he was, gone again in an instant. That former head of an agency had a whole lot to do with it. Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up. Drug runners are allowed to go free. Killers are allowed to go free. You think someone molesting kids and filming them having sex mattered to this agency head? Was the higher up given money or information to let the child molester run free? I don't know, but the hundreds, if not thousands of kids abused in that network need answers. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. More like Marc Rectum

    2. I k kw thought that lol.
      He’s American though (thought he was Swiss)-is there a Swiss biz guy that was in the Singer circle ?

  2. is Gary Glitter in jail?

    1. Glitter has been sentenced to 16 years in jolly old England!

    2. That made my weekend!

  3. Replies
    1. Mueller as the former head of an agency??

  4. George Nader, a witness in the Mueller investigation

  5. James Comey for head of agency.

  6. Sounds like Nader, Comey,a very veiled attempt by Enty to stir things up.😂 Hi, @plot,Hi Geeljire,Hi @Angela.

  7. This one will hit over 100!

  8. If you can't guess the former agency head this is supposed to be about, you missed that it's one talked a lot about in the most recent few days.

    Not that I believe it necessarily, but guess better, people.

  9. "Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up. Drug runners are allowed to go free. Killers are allowed to go free. You think someone molesting kids and filming them having sex mattered to this agency head?"
    Enty said it so it must be false

  10. Then I’m think it’s António Guterres as the former head of the UN Refugee Agency.

  11. I think Brennan for "former head of agency" since crimes were international. FBI/Comey is domestic law enforcement. The Brennan story was big for a few days and has died down already.

  12. Former CIA director, John Brennan was stripped of his security clearance a few days ago, so that fits as many blinds are from the headlines.

  13. Maybe something to do with the allegations of abuse of children in Haiti by aid workers / Clinton Foundation.

  14. Q's batting average is pretty lousy for such a powerful know-it-all.

  15. 2000 Yazidi girls and women enslaved and raped by ISIS. The left's silence on this is deafening. Condemning atrocities by muslims doesn't carry PC points. Attacking Jews carries PC points x infinity!!! Allahu cockbar!

    1. Israeli Secret Intellegence Service!
      Should have said Daesh, Shmuel.
      What a joke

    2. Bukhari documented muhammad's fondness for little girls and sex slaves.

      Marriage to underage girls is sanctioned by the koran.

  16. Hello Hamid - nice anger trolling trying to get everyone to fight.

    Go fuck yourself.

    1. You're not going to behead me are you?

  17. He needs to be in JAIL, this us disgusting. They all have something to hide, but this is disgusting

  18. Hamid, is it a coincidence that your account has the same surname as the girl who fled Germany because her captor from Iraq was also there stalking her? I hope you're just trying to raise clumsily awareness and not using her name to troll.

    1. Hamid is a pretty common name and this is an account that solely exists to reply to my comments and slander the Prophet Muhammed as a pedophile. Is it some Israeli teen's summer job or a disgruntled CDAN commenter? Who knows? Who cares.

      They can't tell you how or why they know this, or why they feel so compelled to chase me around the comments saying it as if it causes me some emotional torment (😂), nor are they interested in historical facts regarding timelines of battles and events that torpedo the accusation.

      But it usually starts to happen after naming prominent Mossad pedophiles/Hollywood executives.
      Like Arnon Milchan.

    2. Addendum: the Yazidi thing is such a "Iraqi soldiers murdering Kuwaiti babies in incubators" fabrication in war filled with false flag chemical attacks curiously and supposedly attributed to Assad in a conflicted designed, engineered, and funded by the CIA, their dönmeh friends from Basra ruling Saudi Arabia, European nobility, the Israelis, and the banking cartels, commonly referred to as the Cabal.

      Cabal media is not there to ever be honest with you, it is there to wage a campaign of terror on your mind.

    3. Yes, islam is peace. No muslim has ever raped or tortured or murdered anyone. Muslims are all cuddly fuzzy wuzzy teddy bears who love kuffars and have consensual sex with adult women and never ever rape underage girls or keep sex slaves.

  19. You can go free if you sing like a canary.

  20. Muhammad was a pedophile though. He consummated his favorite way when she was 9

    1. You know 6 million Jews can assert this on the internet until the end of time and it still would not make it so.

      Anyway since you want to derail a discussion on globalist pedophiles in the modern day, here's one from Babylonian Talmudry:

      Metzitzah b’peh, where the rabbi performs oral sex on a male infant immediately after circumcision in a profane occult ritual.

  21. I know you're low life scum, but to deny the well documented kidnapping and sexual slavery of Yazidi women and girls is sickening even for you. No one needs to fabricate stories to make ISIS look bad they happily film all their atrocities themselves and post them.

    1. Your government did it too

    2. Your queen is a monster and death stalks her every move

      Mashallah, it is happening there too
      If you knew anything, you would have known this already
      I hope you're happy this is coming
      If you aren't it would be


  22. Is this another one of those stupid "Deep State" pizzagate type posts. Jesus.

  23. Disney agenda ...blah blah blah

  24. Why do people think so many government officials were terrified of a Trump presidency, to the point where they would break laws to try to stop it or create an "insurance policy" against it? It wasn't his politics. His political views, to the extent that he had any, had always been centrist/populist. His stance on illegal aliens was politically incorrect, but with both parties opposing him on that, that was under control. They feared an outsider for different reasons, which are coming out, painfully slowly.

  25. Freezing assets will make most people really pissed off and likely take risks they normally wouldn't do .

  26. @Hamid

    "2000 Yazidi girls and women enslaved and raped by ISIS. The left's silence on this is deafening."

    Except it was only the leftie papers that actually covered this story in the USA...except for that...and it was Democrats who brought the Yazidi rapes before Congress in trying to support the Yazidi people...and besides Democrat president who ordered the bombing of Syrian rebels who were massacring Yazidis...

    Yeah, lots of silence there from the left.

  27. @Gee

    "Hamid is a pretty common name"

    In Somalia? But what would you know about that.

  28. SMH
    All governments have pedophiles that infiltrate.
    All child centric organizations and groups attract them.
    They look for opportunity and grab it.

    Where there's Power, children are doomed.

  29. plot is wrong again as it was Obama, Clinton , Israel and We don't say his name who were supplying the Syrian Rebels in an attemp to overthrow the Assad Government so they could build their precious pipeline through Syria. And as a bonus take out one of Israels enemies.

    You are as bad as the Fake News Media who continue to spread lies as freely as you take a shit because that is all you spread, shit.

  30. Another QAnon blind.

  31. No guesses because, as in Hollywood, DC, the UN, etc. offer multiple choices.

  32. This sounds like Q Anon baloney.

    I don't believe a word of it. Stick to celebrities, when you wade into politics you sound like a really bad conspiracy theorist.

  33. JL - is this website falling into the Q cesspool?

    What a shame. I thought some of it was just pro-Trump silliness, but the Q stuff is really dangerous misinformation.
    I'm wondering now if Putin's buddies are writing these blinds.

    1. I’m starting to wonder how much we’re all being fucked with here. But whatever generates the most clicks, right? 🙄

  34. Wait - I am confused. Geeljire - our beloved tiger - are you denying the atrocities by Assad's regime? Are you denying the horrors the Yazidis have endured?

    The hadith teach that Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6-7 years old. Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:
    Narrated 'Aisha:

    that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

    I am not trying to pick a fight - I rather enjoy your posts! I am just confused about your posts today on this topic?

    1. Geeljire is indulging in taqqiya to try and fool the kuffar about moo-ham-mad's paedophilia. His marriage to aisha, his tonguing and thighing were documented in the hadiths and that's why you have child marriage in islamic countries like Iran.

      Muslims know that rape and murder are central tenets of their death cult, so with the help of the left they now try and shut down debate with cries of 'islamophobia'. That is, when they're not beheading and blowing up kuffars.

      I do love the irony that cunts like Geeljire have to rely on kuffar technology in their day to day lives. Internet, mobile phones, automobiles, bathrooms, television, telephones, all invented by infidels. Meanwhile, muslim contribution to the world is suicide bombings, female genital mutilation and honour killings.

      Such a peaceful, peaceful death cult.

    2. @Erin

      There are a lot of issues about reliability of hadith especially in the era of (((Saudi Wahhabi))) money determining what is and isn't Islam in the 15+ "WAR ON TERROR" (((media campaign))). There are other narratives, traditions, and dates contradiction what (((Google))) decides is the #1 answer is for the goyim. Ahadith are not mentioned in the Quran. I don't care if you're not convinced by this. I do hope it opens you up into looking into truth rather than parroting Mossad ad blitzes.

      YES, THE SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY ARE BASRA JEWS INSTALLED BY THE BRITISH AFTER THEY BETRAYED THE EMIR OF HIJAZ (Alec Guinness' character in Lawrence of Arabia for context/reference.)

      Remember yellowcake uranium? WMDs? Iraq?

      A lot of people died in Syria thanks to globalist machinations an RESPONSIBILTY TO PROTECT as screeched by blood hag Samantha Power. Anyone convinced by "WE HAVE TO STOP ASSAD FROM KILLING HIS OWN PEOPLE!" never paid attention to Libya nor any other regime change.

      Yazidi leaders are part of this sick game too, but you've once more let (((media narrative))) convince you how black and white wars and intelligence operations are, you've got emotional Westerners clamoring that "somebody must do something." Bombs dropped from aircraft are a good way to destroy evidence that may contradict journalists.

      I believe the technical term is "propaganda."

      You've happily bought it since at least the invasion of Afghanistan where the CIA Skull and Bones Fag Gang allied with the Northern Alliance drug lord boyfuckers to overthrow the Taliban who had outlawed both.

      That's ok I suppose, since Cabal media has spent more billions than I can count to rot and manipulate the average consumer's mind.

      The rest of the late night weekend hasbara paragraphs here don't merit a response because any literate can easily read about the relationship between the British and several pseudo-Islamic sects (Ahmadiyya and Nizari), Shi'a clergy in Iran, Aga Khan, and Ikhwan, which they just so happened to form, just like Hamas.

  35. 16 years for Glitter? How is that enough? Is there time off with good behavior in England? He's probably enjoying his stay.
    Castration should really be a thing.

  36. Oh where's @Auntie with her shitty "PEDO rapist Republican President" crap?
    All of these pedo/enablers are libs. BOOM!

  37. Since Judge Aaron Persky was successfully recalled in the from the Stanford rapist Brock Turner about we ban together to recall Palm Beach Fed Judge Deborah Pucillo? She let a monstor pedofile go with a slap on the wrist & his co-horts unscathed! #Impeach.Jude.Deborah.Pucillo

  38. @hamid...they covered it up because they are BEING PAID TO.
    They're not worried about racism.
    Worry about who's paying them.

  39. Hmmn - taqiyya or (((kol nidre))), taqiyya or (((kol nidre)))?

    1. The Rohingya thing is such a "Hate crimes against muslims" fabrication in war filled with false flag mosque attacks curiously and supposedly attributed to ordinary Americans and Brits in a conflicted designed, engineered, and funded by the left, Soros, Merkel, Common Purpose, Swedenistan, commonly referred to as jihadists aided and abetted by left wing useful idiots.

      The jihadists are not there to ever be honest with you, they're there to wage a campaign of terror and mass murder until everyone is either forcibly converted to islam or murdered.

  40. "Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up".

    - It's not like they bothered arresting Jimmy Savile whilst he was alive.

  41. @Cail

    "Why do people think so many government officials were terrified of a Trump presidency"

    Why do so many QAnoners imagine it's fear rather than anger and outright hostility? Make you feel Big and Powerful?

    1. More importantly Why do I hate the word IMAGINE now?
      Fuckin Goofball

  42. @mike

    Not one to let the facts stand in your way, I see, keep plowing that QAnon narrative into the ground.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Finally some here are waking up to the fake anti-pedophile warrior Geejire and his one-man show. All his fucking bullshit he peddles, then sometimes he slips and reveals his true self.

    He's so NOT a pedo, he only worships one.
    He's so against pedophilia, he speaks out against it within Islam, which moderately estimated, practices legal pedophilia in approximately 4-5 dozen countries, and over all continents, except for the artics. We are talking about HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of victims of child rape, child sex-slavery and child marriage.

    Oh wait...he actually NEVER EVER did. NOT FUCKING ONCE. In all the years he's been posting, on all the blinds he's been posting, sometimes 20+ comments on one blind. He NEVER ONCE brought up pedophilia within Islam - the worst, and most widespread pedophilia phenomenon in the entire world.

    All he does, day in and day out, is rant about Jews, spit about Israel, and pretend he's some sort of child-loving social justice warrior. Well, he's child-loving alright.

    Shit Muslims are bad at: innovation, invention, production, development, peace. Also: tolerance, acceptance, kindness and multiculturalism.

    Shit Muslims are great at: lies, wars, rape, pedophilia, slavery, destruction, disease, inbreeding, not being able to live in peace with Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists (FUCKING BUDDHISTS!), Yazidis, Kurds, Ba'ahtis, and other Muslims.

    And they're great at losing wars against non Muslims, as extensively documented.
    If it were for me, I'd built giant walls around muslim countries and just let them slaughter each other, like they love doing so much. Since they don't contribute anything else to humanity.

    Because it's morning, CDAN!😎☀️

    Depeche seems to be a giant Dalai Lama fan. Weird.

  46. Oh and Hamid, your boss probably doesn't want you mentioning Soros and the "Rohingya," I mean Bengali, I mean same exact mechanism of marching a bunch of Central Americans to a border to manufacture a (((media crisis)))

  47. You guys haven't even dipped your toe in "John Brennan is a crypto-Muslim" territory yet.

    He isn't, but he certainly is a Cabalist.


      Sorry for plot-posting so many comments this thread but you may have notice Media Matters has really ramped up the volume here. It's fun watching them try to imitate an actual commenting ecosystem. At 4AM EST.


  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. LMAO, getting hot under the collar, ey inbred? Don't like being found out and not being able to fool people any longer with your bullshit?

    You thought you had your handful of loyal disciples on some crummy blind gossip website: you had arrived, you poor fuck. This was your audience for your Jew-obsession. Didn't realise that there are many many others who are sick to their teeth of your vile spitting shit, day in, day out, dozens upon dozens of comments per day, some of them for 1 blind, and yet nothing ever about the most famous pedo on the planet?
    Every fucking day 'pedo this, pedo that', yet the average age of legal marriage across muslim countries is 10 years old. In Bangladesh it's ZERO. The extend of horrors perpetrated to children, women and minorities, emanating from any given muslim country, is breathtaking, yet you, who seems sooooo invested in pointing out injustices, has never mentioned a single one of them.

    Always excuses, always deflecting blame, everything always somebody else's fault. Like a true Muslim, deny, deny, deny and point the finger somewhere else. Foaming at your mouth, swivel-eyed and inbred.

    You are not 'plot-posting' , you ARE EXACTLY ALIKE. You and plot: same coin, different sides. Both mentally deranged, both evidently very lonely, both leading meaningless lives, both come here to be heard, because nobody listens to you in the real world. Both nobodies, who think they've found a little niche on cdan where other - even more mentally retarded losers than yourselves - give you the time of day.
    Don't you fucking flatter yourself in thinking you are better than plot. You aren't, you are worse, because at least plot doesn't worship a pedophile.

  50. AH yes, the famous and very non-propagandistic sounding website "zionistreport" LOOOOL

    Looking more than ever like the inbred who spends his days surfing jihadi websites before checking cdan

    what should be check after 'zionistreport'? "www.Goebbles-says" or "www.ISIS-isn't-really-Islam-even-though-there's-Islam-in-the-title"?

    1. Just for ju(dah)😘

      "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."- Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b

      "The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew."- Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

      "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form." - Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855

      "A pregnant non-Jew is no better than a pregnant animal."- Coschen hamischpat 405

      "The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs."- Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

      "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew like a monkey to a human."- Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b

      "If you eat with a Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog."- Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b

      "If a Jew has a non-Jewish servant or maid who dies, one should not express sympathy to the Jew. You should tell the Jew: "God will replace 'your loss', just as if one of his oxen or asses had died"."- Jore dea 377, 1

      "Sexual intercourse between Gentiles is like intercourse between animals."- Talmud Sanhedrin 74b

      "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile."- Sepher ikkarim III c 25

    2. The Qur'an calls non-believers "deaf dumb and blind". However all the technology, medicine, and scientific advancements in the Muslim world are almost exclusively purchased from the non-Muslim countries. Computers, television, space travel, helicopters, media players, nuclear bombs, cameras, satellites, birth control pills, vaccinations, telephones, radios, light bulbs, microchips, games consoles, refrigerators, microwaves, plastic, aluminium, x-rays, antibiotics, heart-transplants, the internet etc., were all invented by non-Muslims.

      "Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path)"

  51. SANHEDRIN, 55b: "A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. The penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; (if a niddah) she defiles him who has connection with her, so that he in turn defiles that upon which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon (a person afflicted with gonorrhea)." 

    SANHEDRIN, 69b "Our rabbis taught: If a woman sported lewdly with her young son (a minor), and he committed the first stage of cohabitation with her, -Beth Shammai says, he thereby renders her unfit for the priesthood (1). Beth Hillel declares her fit...All agree that the connection of a boy nine years and a day is a real connection; whilst that of one less than eight years is not (2); their dispute refers only to one who is eight years old.

    KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b. "Rabba said, It means (5) this: When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (6), it is as if one puts the finger in the eye (7), but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown up woman, he makes her as `a girl who is injured by a piece of wood' ".

    But yeah sure, hot under the collar, let's hasbara down any Brennan talk

  52. Yeah yeah Jews are evil, I get it.

    If only all people were as tolerant, non-racist, peace-loving and definitely non-pedophily as you lovely muslims...

    1. So do you want to talk about Brennan's CIA yet or just continue to have #TeamGeeljire cost you time, energy, and sleep?

      Ib4 whatever excuse as to why you spend all this time doing this

  53. Replies
    1. Muslim suicide bomber blows up at his own funeral, killing dozens of muslims, leading to desperate screams of 'allah akbar' as the survivors stumble around body parts. LOL

      *Grabs popcorn*

  54. Sahih Bukhari Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven). Volume 1, Book 5, Number 268.

    Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir: on the authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the saying of Ibn 'Umar (i.e. he did not like to be a Muhrim while the smell of scent was still coming from his body). 'Aisha said, "I scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had sexual intercourse with) all his wives, and in the morning he was Muhrim (after taking a bath)." Volume 1, Book 5, Number 270.

    Fazlul Karim Maulana, Book 002, Number 0557: Hazrat Anas (Radiyallahu Anhu) reported: A Bedouin (villager) urinated in the mosque. Some of the persons stood up (to reprimand him or to check him from doing so), but the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi WaSallam) said: Leave him alone; don't interrupt him. He (the narrator) said: And when he had finished, he called for a bucket of water and poured it over.

    Muslim (8:3309) - Muhammad consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was only nine. (See also Bukhari 58:234 and many other places). Bukhari (6:298) - Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.

    Bukhari (93:639) - The Prophet of Islam would recite the 'Holy Qur'an' with his head in Aisha's lap, when she was menstruating.

    Bukhari (6:300) - Muhammad's wives had to be available for the prophet's fondling even when they were having their menstrual period.

    Tabari IX:137 - "Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty." Muhammad considered the women that he captured and enslaved to be God's gift to him.?

    Bukhari (62:137) - An account of women taken as slaves in battle by Muhammad's men after their husbands and fathers were killed. The woman were raped with Muhammad's approval.?

    Abu Dawud 38:4458 - Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: “A slave-girl belonging to the house of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) committed fornication. He (the Prophet) said: Rush up, Ali, and inflict the prescribed punishment on her. I then hurried up, and saw that blood was flowing from her, and did not stop. So I came to him and he said: Have you finished inflicting (punishment on her)? I said: I went to her while her blood was flowing. He said: Leave her alone till her bleeding stops; then inflict the prescribed punishment on her. And inflict the prescribed punishment on those whom your right hands possess (i.e. slaves)”.

    Sahih Bukhari 7.18 Narrated 'Ursa: The prophet asked abu Bakr for 'Aisha's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said "but I am your brother." the prophet said, "you are my brother in Allah's religion and his book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry."

    1. Damn son, they got you working overtime to not talk about for (((who and what))) Brennan covers!

      The criticism of Hadith refers to the critique directed towards collections of ahadith, i.e. the collections of reports of the words, actions, and the silent approval of the Islamic prophet Muhammad on any matter. The criticism revolves primarily around the authenticity of hadith reports and whether they are attributable to Muhammad, as well as theological and philosophical grounds as to whether the hadithcan provide rulings on legal and religious matters when the Quran has already declared itself "complete", "clear", "fully detailed" and "perfected".

      Because of Quranic injunctions to Muslims to follow the instructions of and to imitate the behavior of Muhammad, in Muslim political or religious disputes (especially during the early era of Islam) temptation was strong to fabricate hadith as a "polemical ideological tool" in favor of the fabricator's political/religious position.


    2. Ibn Saba was an early fake convert to Islam who did it solely to cause strife and Jews will tell you he didn't really exist because lying to goyim is a cult obligation

      These stupid games date back to the pyramids, at least.

      So, CIA, John Brennan, Mossad, Arnon Milchan, pedophilia anyone? Or are you going to continue to demonstrate hasbara to the filthy goyim?

  55. Hasbara has died. The Israeli effort to “explain” its actions to the world– that era is over. Israel has given up trying to explain itself to fair-minded people. Because the fair-minded have all made up their minds; the slaughter in Gaza has seen to that. And Israel doesn’t think they are fair anyway.

    No, its explanations are reserved now for the hard-core supporters. The hasbara is pure propaganda, aimed at rallying the base. And everyone else is tuning out.

    It didn’t used to be this way. Hasbara was a successful euphemism because Israeli propaganda was treated as being of a higher order, and so got wide pickup in the mainstream press and from American politicians. Even when segments of Europe and the left were against Israel, the Jewish state could count on a generous hearing in the hallways of power. Leading journalists such as Jeffrey Goldberg, Tom Friedman, Wolf Blitzer and Terry Gross were happy to carry water for Israel’s side of any controversy and malign those who questioned it, and Dennis Ross was on NPR morning noon and night.

    These days the streetwise are steering clear. 

  56. Gee is such a proud muslim, that's why he lives in the kuffar west, and not just anywhere in the kuffar west but the great satan as Kumeini called it. I guess all the third world muslim shitholes aren't appealing, he has to live among the kuffar and use kuffar technology and speak the kuffar language. Funny how allah can create a universe but can only communicate in one language and that language happens to be the one spoken by an illiterate 7th century desert dwelling paedophile and murderer with a taste for goat fucking and little kids.

  57. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ so I don't have a dog to back in the "are the Jews or Muslims more evil" battle that apparently went on here overnight.

    Basically, I would hope we're all on the side of everybody who wants to destroy the global pedophile network of blackmail and perverse desires. I once heard the Hell's Angels, who I don't know much about but are allegedly satanists, discovered they had a child molester in their ranks and so they gave him acid and then broke his arms and legs. I am on the side of those people more than some so-called "Christians," many of them in positions of authority, who abuse children.

    If you are a Jewish person who realizes there is an organized and well-funded group of child rapists, and you want to stop them, I stand with you. If you are a Muslim person who acknowledges that a long-standing cult of child sex obsessed perverts exists and you want their reign ended, I stand with you.

    If you are here, day after day, tut-tutting claims of pedophiliac criminal networks and defending famous and powerful people whose names arise again and again in relation to this network, you are the enemy. So-called Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist, satanist, you are the enemy.

    In closing: Anyone who thinks CDAN hasn't become a propaganda war battleground need only look at the waves of late night comments that came to this post and many others that address the global pedophile ring. This is a communications strategy to "have the last word," and it's been ramped up in the past couple weeks, along with an influx of new pedo-defending voices.

  58. Ddonna : how convenient that you never opposed Geejire's ranting Jew-Obsession before.

    Get your head out of your ass, he's no righteous warrior, he's just another lying hypocrite, who comes here and copies and pastes irrelevant shit from the Talmud, nobody follows and nobody cares about (while muslims follow their redo-bible to the dot) and tells us to go read websites called 'zionistreport'. You, and others, have been very quiet at all of this, but some of us have had fucking enough of this piece of excrement and his hypocrisies.

    I don't give a flying fuck what religion anyone is, and I hate an atheist pedo just as much as a jewish or Muslim one. But to come here over an extensive period of time, and rant about worldwide Mossad conspiracies, Jewish this-and-that, while actively refusing to acknowledge the worst and most widespread pedophilia, sex-slavery, and child-bride networks on earth, that operate freely under and within Islam, only goes to show that some people here don't fool anyone with their fake as shit concern for 'the poor children' They just come here to push their thinly veiled political agendas and engage in (not so) subtle propaganda, and some of you morons are so dumb, you fall for it.

    Don't fucking make me laugh, as if Geejire has EVER uttered a single word against Rotherham, Yazidi sex slaves or any other horrors. On the contrary: he deflects and denies.
    He even brings up child rape within the Catholic Church from time to time. From out of the blue. Nobody is excusing those, and nobody is excusing pedo-hollywood - SO WHY THE FUCK IS HE EXCUSING ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA?

    He can fool some of the people, some of the time, but he certainly can not fool all of the people, all of the time.

    1. All this shit is fabricated propaganda narrative. No one actually gives a fuck about Yazidi, it's desperate virtue signaling suspiciously timed with a media piece ( to keep you afraid of ISIS, a Cabal mercenary force named after one of their favorite shaitan, Ishtar.

      "Nobody is excusing those, and nobody is excusing pedo-hollywood"😂 are you fucking serious? Dismissing your slander as a canard is denying pedophilia when real quickly I can recall mentioning the Sultan of Oman being an out and out pedophile (INSTALLED BY THE BRITISH), the King of Morocco encouraging sick European sex tourism, and my lack of understanding of why Hindu reverts to Islam and their descendants practicing caste based inbreeding AND WHY THE BRITISH IMPORTED THEM TO THE UK TO RUN CHILD GROOMING RINGS ON BEHALF OF THE ELITES THERE IN SOME SORT OF INTERNATIONAL PEDOPHILE RING.

      I denied your Talmudic canard (lol no one follows the Talmud: LIE). I deny these lies. It is too late for you. And them.

      CDAN is now Come yell at an account in the dead of night and hope the goyim don't see the larger patterns here of MAKING SURE NO ONE DISCUSSES WHAT FOR WHICH INTERNATIONAL PEDOPHILES JOHN BRENNAN'S CIA COVERED

      Morning Donna!

    2. Can you get us to 100 comments JIDF?

    Quick call this sick Cabalist a Muslim and scapegoat us.

    This is a really useful time to convert Lady Queenborough's "Occult Theocrasy" chapter on Shi'a Islamic and the pre-Islamic gnostic cult that controls it.

    Allah is truth, subhanallah

  60. Can we have an Amen?

  61. It's most likely exactly what it is. Either he has friends in all the right places or they think letting him do w/e will help them catch a bigger fish.

    1. Then again; rapist and molesters don't tend to get the most fair sentencing anyway. You'd have better luck getting one to be punished if you planted drugs on them.

  62. okay, so... who's the cp producer? is he a muslim?
    what are we talking about here?

  63. " We are saving Israel for last".


  64. WTF are hasbara doing on a celeb gossip site? that's overzealous behaviour.

  65. Oh. So this is one of those stupid "Q" sites now. That's too bad.

  66. I'm an atheist. Most of the comments here just drive home the point for me that religion is evil and should be banned around the world. Along with the Q people.

  67. Sorry to interrupt your deviant pedophile worshipping conference, not really sorry.

    Q is not evil. It is exposing evil and gets you to think for yourself instead of being told what to think.

    I understand that is a concept that requires a major shift but I am confident you all could handle it.

  68. "Q is not evil. It is exposing evil and gets you to think for yourself"

    HA! If Q is about thinking for oneself, then why do all the Qanoners use the same sentences, same inept arguments, cover for Q in the same exact ways, believe the same bullshit without question...

    It's exactly like those cults which claim to help people "think for themselves" or "become the better you". The exact opposite is true. The cult and Q want all their devotees thinking exactly the same way, spouting the same nonsense.

  69. plot, just because you can't understand something doesn't mean that it is untrue.
    Just like 9/11, the Pentagon and Bldg 7

    Anyways we will find out soon enough and I will hunt you down to rub it in your face.

  70. "just because you can't understand something doesn't mean that it is untrue."

    Or one can admit one doesn't understand something rather than fill in the blanks with horse shit. Coming under the thrall of someone like Q does speak to a certain frustration in not knowing all the answers. B allowing someone as shallow and squishy, so vague as to allow you to form any answer you like, is not a method for solving major quandaries. It's a form of mind control.

    "we will find out soon enough and I will hunt you down to rub it in your face."

    You know what is funny mike, I would not gloat if you were proven wrong. First, it is not you personally who would be wrong. Second, I would hope you could understand why assumptions were wrong and use that information to build better theories in future.

    As far as me being wrong, it wouldn't be the first time.



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