Friday, August 17, 2018

Blind Item #7

According to a "source familiar with the investigation." the way the thing works is this company has employees who trade stolen auto parts for drugs from a cartel. We are not talking about a couple thousand bucks here, but millions and millions of dollars. It would not shock me at all if the CEO was involved. One of his personalities probably thinks of himself as a Pablo Escobar/El Chapo/Tony Montana (using a different instrument of war than a machine gun) type. It would all seem to be kind of a full circle thing if you think about it and how another CEO went down back in the day.


  1. Sandy, I'll be your crying shoulder when this morning dawns🤗

    1. that's truly beautiful

    2. Ahh a softy huh..👯‍♂️

  2. Just like John Delorean

  3. Getting into not really a blind territory.

    1. There's several accounts here who seem to solely post to deny negative news about Musk/Tesla/SpaceX

      What happened to Solar City? No one talks about that one anymore.

    This is already being reported; not a blind.

    1. The reporter is a liar! How do you feel about your TSLA short now, loser?!

    2. "Hansen is a retired special agent and criminal investigator for the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command and former senior investigator in Southern California for the Federal Maritime Commission, Meissner said."

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sobbing on camera. Ugh. Can somebody within reach please slap him?

  6. Of course it's Elon, Wall St Jews have been after him for the past year. He's erratic, likes whores and does too much coke, but fuck off with the cartel bullshit, totally planted by the short selling tribals. He had that crazy bitch Azealia Banks over for the weekend to do a threesome with his current whore for hire, now THAT was a bad decision.

    1. I agree sharks have been circling ..blood..blood..guess they are happy they accomplished their goal nearly

  7. this is about the gigabyte factory in storey county nevada and a whistle blower who brought the allegations of drug dealing and copper theft at the factory, also claims the tesla model 3 was shipped with defective batteries with full knowledge of tesla that the batteries were nfg. drudge had a story on it yesterday.

  8. Lies! Lies! Fake news! Lies! Criticism of the media is anti-Semitic, GOY!

  9. Loved the DeLorean. Will never understand the hate for Musk, especially when you compare him to other CEOs. Remember that blind about that other famous CEO who likes the teen boys at his foreign factories? We got one big blind about that and then not another word. But a few times a week we get blinds about some bs associated with Tesla.

  10. Crazy! You can't make this shit up. An in-depth article about it.

  11. You might even have to start talking about things like the deals made by certain previous administrations with certain cartels and Hezbollah presence in Venezuela and some other things the Cabal generally does not appreciate being advertised

  12. It's because Musk put himself out there as a Silicon Valley celebrity, happily sharing his opinion on all things tech, which made him an idol to many people in that sector and made his companies household names. That's why there's a lot more interest in his wrongdoings than in those of some CEO no one's ever heard of. It's not complicated.

  13. Sacramento has been taken over by ISIS and
    Nevada is the new Mexico.

  14. Yeah, this is another one that makes no sense.

    And enty, your short is still in the red.

    1. How about my Cyberpunk neo-Jesuit Comanchero Muskfic, "E-Pirates of the Llano Estacado"

  15. A billionaire who wants azaliea banks for a 3some is not to be trusted.

  16. Most blinds are just a rehash of that day's headlines now.

    Enty - we would prefer going back to fewer blinds a day but ones that are actually ahead of the MSM and not right in line with it!

  17. another day another elon blind

  18. Morning Lorri said...

    Just like John Delorean


    Think Zemeckis used the Delorean for no reason at all? Ahaaaa-ha

    What is "Back to the Future" Really About? - Part 1

  19. Isn't Musk one of (((them))) too? Or is he on the outs with the kosher kontrol krowd?

  20. What’s the point of ‘blinds’ that are just a rehash of yesterday’s headlines?

    Anyway, this guys case rests on his claim that Tesla was informed of a DEA investigation and they are hiding that from the SEC. The DEA has said in no uncertain terms that under no circumstances would they inform Tesla of an active investigation. So that’s that.

    The other ‘Tesla whistleblower’ just tweeted all his lacklustre evidence, had his lawyer claim he was hacked, claimed his account was suspended, had his lawyer try and get reporters to delete screenshots of his tweets, admitted he wasn’t hacked or suspended, and then blamed Elon Musk for driving him to torpedo his own case.

  21. What do we get, like three obvious Musk blinds a day on average? What are the odds there is that much halfway-true stuff to say about him? I mean, I'm not a fan, but it's relentless, right?

  22. All this effort and the price is still higher than it was 3 months ago.

  23. +1 Sal but now that he's a drug addicted loose cannon who can't be trusted, we'll see.there are questions already out today who is second in command?

  24. Interesting the big names haven't picked this up. Wonder how long they will ignore it.

  25. Kate - You have just dramatically misrepresented the facts.

    The DEA said they would never inform a non-law-enforcement source of an ongoing investigation. The article clearly suggests the local sheriff's office tipped off the Tesla crew.

    Who are you and why are you here? You're not a regular and you are pushing misinformation.

    Go fuck yourself and get out of our house.

  26. tesla/musk/john delorean

  27. Haha. Mr. Musk not only had Ms. Banks over for a conference, he made her wait in the house with the other one for TWO DAYS while he was flying around meeting VIPs in Vegas I think it was (the NYT interview delineated his schedule). The interview also said he alternated b/w tears and laughter. Yeah, nothing weird about doing a NYT interview in that mental state, right Kate?

  28. So hilarious the mental picture of Azaleia Banks on the stand as a witness for the prosecution....

  29. Banks=100% reliable source...🤣😂🤣😂 you can buy crazy too

  30. they ban me from reddit/worldnews for saying that and linking here. i fell a little vindicated every time i saw one blind about elon.



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