Friday, August 24, 2018

Blind Item #7 - Birdie Blind Item

Here's one from back in the day:

We now know who won't be attending this convention of sorts, which is a kind of live, multi-day shout show. This story concerns however someone who will be attending. It takes place back in the day, at the height of his fame - owing entirely to this one character he played. You'll know him by what he wore.

One day, at a glass and china shop in the valley, the clerk made the mistake of making eye contact with him - you were never to do that. He flew into a rage, shattering vases, hurling crystal angels against the wall, and finally overturning a life-sized glass carousel horse. The flying glass injured staff and customers alike; several of them, including a mother and her young son, had to be hospitalized. The network, of course, made the bad press and charges go away. Apparently, it wasn't the first or last time.


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