Thursday, August 30, 2018

Blind Item #6

There is a battle going on that is much more vocal than it used to be about charging this former A list dual threat actor with murder. It used to be 90/10 for no, but now it is closer to 50/50 in the DA's office. Apparently the only thing really holding back any charge is the case will be really expensive to prosecute and it is really difficult to weed out the credible statements and facts from people and the conspiracy stuff. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The Natalie Wood murder.

  3. Where's Angela Lansbury when you need her? Oh heavens, it seems she's 92 now. That's even older than me. Who else does a good bit of sleuthing these days? I'm so out of touch.

  4. I'm surprised there's not a blind yet about the Cuomo/Weinstein deal.

    Also MDAnderson you've been killing it lately!

  5. pun unintended 0.0

  6. Wagner, 89, will croak soon. Any day.

  7. Classic he said/she too dead to said.

  8. Wagner, Walken and the boat captain
    Those would be the only statements to weed out
    Who else matters?
    Bar employees? No
    Natalie’s dingbat sister?No
    Nearby boaters who heard Natalie’s screams?
    If they are still alive

    1. I cant imagine taking a single word out of Christopher Walken's mouth seriously.

  9. Maybe the DA is hoping that he will die before they have to do anything.

  10. Don't they have a statement from Walken? That should seal it.

  11. If it has come down to 50/50 then it's time to apply more bribe money , after all Hollywood tradition has to be upheld.😎🤐

  12. Per the Hollywood Reporter:

    Christopher Walken remained silent on the 1981 death of Natalie Wood for many years, until one 1997 interview in which he recounted the night’s events and offered up a theory on what may have happened to the actress.

    “Anybody there saw the logistics -- of the boat, the night, where we were, that it was raining -- and would know exactly what happened,” Walken told Playboy Magazine. “You hear about things happening to people – they slip in the bathtub, fall down the stairs, step off the curb in London because they think that the cars come the other way – and they die. You feel you want to die making an effort at something; you don’t want to die in some unnecessary way.”

    “What happened that night only she knows, because she was alone,” he said. “She had gone to bed before us, and her room was at the back. A dinghy was bouncing against the side of the boat, and I think she went out to move it. There was a ski ramp that was partially in the water. It was slippery – I had walked on it myself. She had told me she couldn’t swim; in fact, they had to cut a swimming scene from [Brainstorm]. She was probably half asleep, and she was wearing a coat."

    Walken suggested Wood hit her head before falling into the water and floating away. Initially, he and Wood’s then-husband Robert Wagner assumed that the actress had left the boat to call her children, as she had the night before. The boat was just 50 feet away from shore off the coast of Catalina Island.

  13. Still doubt your going to get on a bingy if you've got aquaphobia

  14. Not to quash the theories on this but a guy I know tragically died in a boating accident a few weeks ago. He was stepping from one boat to another, slipped, fell and hit his head. He fell into the water between the two boats.
    It was night time and the people on the boats couldn't find him. They called emergency rescue but weren't able to locate him (his body) until the next morning. His death was a horrible tragedy.

    It's entirely possible that Natalie Wood's death was a horrible accident.

  15. I knew this and knew it was Robert Wagner then my thunder was stolen!

  16. Funny how once these men are one foot out the door it suddenly becomes okay to prosicute them.

  17. What would bring charges now accomplish? Let it go.

  18. @Liz, but Wagner waited a long time to call 9/11. That's why this was a little more than just an accident.

  19. Why should they let homicide charges go if they are applicable? Do you equate it with stealing a Hershey's bar?

    1. 40% of murders are unsolved.

    2. It’s so obvious that Wagner murdered her. The LASD gave Dennis Davern a polygraph rest which he passed with flying colors. Wagner told Walken and Davern ‘We have to get our story straight.” I just want Wagner to be arrested & convicted of Natalie’s murder before he dies of old age. He’s already convicted of murder, in the court of public opinion! Arrest that old pink-face SOB!

  20. Who are they going to prosecute? If Wagner let Natalie drown, where were the boat captain and Walken? If they witnessed anything criminal they’d be complicit in her death. If they didn’t, short of a confession, they have no case against Wagner.

  21. Wasn't there a blind saying the captain tried to help her but Wagner wouldn't let him and it's weighed heavy on him since.

  22. Waste of tax payer money to prosecute this guy. Captain should have spoke up sooner!

  23. I don't know how they could possibly make a "beyond reasonable doubt" case for this. Too much time gone by and too many conflicting stories.

  24. DA will wind up looking like a schmuck and Wagner sill never do any time. Should steer clear.

  25. Like it matters now ..he got to live his pathetic d lister life

  26. Did you know Wagner was married to Wood twice -- 1957-1962 and 72-81? And now married to Jill St. John. Maybe a d-lister now in a world where Jennifer Lawrence is queen, but a huge star all his life with hot women.

  27. @Dannette,and hot men as well. The Walken interview tells us she, in her most recent film didn't want to be near water.He doesn't say she was drunk,and he mentioned she had a separate room. Not that unusual,but on a boat? I don't think it was intentional, but a lot of drinking and arguing. So is that worth the cost?

  28. Were Walken & Wagner getting better acquainted when Natalie walked in on them, flew into a rage since this had happened before with RJ, and "somehow" ended up in the water of which she had a lifelong phobia? The two actors had everything to gain by synchronizing their stories.

  29. Going with Wagner/Natalie Wood case like many others as the boat captain has been talking to news outlets again.

  30. Yes it matters now. If he's guilty, he got off for decades and deserves to die in jail. If the police covered it up, which I believe they did, then their memories (or if they're still living) need to rot along with him. Someone came forward a long time ago saying that she, and her family, heard a women crying for help right at the time she was in the water. She's speaking up again. Time to put everyone back in the hot seat.

  31. Why is there so much focus on this now? As has been pointed out Wagner is 89. The rumors/theories have been out there for years.

    I just find the timing odd.

  32. Anonymous11:45 PM

    @aoife Because truth always comes out eventually.
    If Wagner wanted to save his wife, why did he tell the Captain to turn off the boat lights?

  33. Supposedly, RJ told Walken to lawyer up and keep his mouth shut right after it happened. I think Wagner was paying his legal fees and throwing money around to keep any charges from coming. The boat captain seems pretty shady to me. A lot of what he says he did at the time, make no sense. He claims she didn't have a coat on then she had one. The whole trip was weird, with Walken alone with the couple for a weekend and lots of drinking.

  34. Wagner's so old that he'll likely die before anything happens. They waited far too long and now it really is too late. The best anyone can hope for is a death bed confession.

  35. @Aoife There is a Podcast “Fatal Voyage. The Mysterious Death Of Natalie Wood” that started in July, 2018.

    I think that is why there is such a renewed interest in her death.





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