Thursday, August 23, 2018

Blind Item #6

This A list reality star from multiple network and cable reality shows is putting her foot down right there on the throat of the executive producer all of you know who already looks ridiculous in the way he kisses her butt. She wants her own show. She wants no more sharing time with anyone else on screen. The last time that was kind of tries, the show bombed, but she is insisting and will probably get her own way.


  1. Bethany/Andy Cohen

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Andy Cohen and Bethenny. I know Tricia and others got there first, but this is one blind I know!

    1. 👍
      Bethany needs a break-any.. or maybe we from her😂

  4. Who the fuck would watch a Bethany show?

    Then again, some you watch the RH of whatever fucking city.....

  5. Oh man, Bethenny - she is indeed a narcistic B* (and the * in my statement does not = Strong!) Last night's reunion proved that she has Andy right where she wants him. She is having her PR team do everything now to get her into a good light - but we all see through it!

  6. I was going to say Kim at first since she said she wants a Kim & Kanye spinoff but Bethany fits much better! I don't watch Real Housewives so I'm clueless on their blinds

  7. This is definitely Bethany and Andy. I wonder what she’s got on him! Also, no spoilers please on the reunion, I like to DVR that shit so I can ignore my family for a whole afternoon!

  8. Mark Burnet and Omerosa?

  9. Bethenny, between dirt on Andy, and generating sympathy for the death of Dennis shields. She just might get what she wants.
    Awful human being, jealous greedy narcissist and i know first hand.

  10. Unknown said...
    ".... Awful human being, jealous greedy narcissist and i know first hand."

    Please elaborate @Unknown. You can't throw that out there like that and not continue on w/ the story. How do you know first hand? Do you work for her? Are you a neighbor? A relative? or are you Jason in disguise? /wink/

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What Glue said! Spill!

  13. BF, 47 years old, no freakin' way, she looks more like early 70's and I'm not talking the decade.

  14. Glue I know her a VERY long time, and I’m a female. This is not Jason.

  15. I never worked for B, I went to school w her.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Boo Hearne - Interesting story - thanks for sharing.

    1. +1 thanks for the share Boo.
      I met her around that time as well,and like you had no clue who she was,only that she was hell bent on making sure everyone knew they would would at some point(fuck me she succeeded in a way with tht partbthanks to Andy Cohen the douche).
      I think what’s most off putting is how clever/smart she thinks she is when in fact... her humor (when occasionally funny) is always at the cost of someone else and mean spirited; just by product of her self loathing.

      Sonja all day erryday-much wittier ,Kinder, and far more beautiful

    2. @Tricia Is Sonja really a sweetheart then? I never knew how to take her. Sometimes I really liked her, felt she was very tongue in cheek but then I saw her with younger men-found her needy and desperate. I don't like Bethany. I think us Brits would see through her shit a mile off.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Amy:)
      Sonja can be a wee bit materialistic which isn’t a good look imo(the monogrammed shoes 👠 huh?), butbfar less condescending about it the La Countess was/tried to be..(will she write an etiquette book about how the behave in the can lol?)And when I watch older episodes /prior seasons I realize I know people she surrounds herself with like that guy “court” the “auteur “ who was and sure still is a poseur,drunk hanger in. That’s what she attracts actually.
      Sonja is the goods ,in the end. Loyal and truly funny.
      Only met her briefly at a party but she is as she appears without airs.

    5. Thank you Tricia, I won't feel so bad about liking her now! Countess de something or other has something seriously wrong with her. I find her almost letchy. Can't put my finger in it.

  18. @unknown Oh gosh I was being silly when I mentioned Jason, hence the /wink/.

    I wanted to know the scoop. You evidently have stories/details...
    I do frequent a gossip site, after all, so I'm all ears to more celeb gossip. /grin/

  19. Oh man it was painfully obvious that Bethenny has Andy wrapped around her finger, he wasn't even trying to hide his obvious love of Bethenny, so much so that Carole ends up saying he's full of shit! hahaha! It was painful to watch, not to mention, Bethenny's eyes were half closed the whole time like she was high, which would make sense because it was filmed before her boyfriend died....

  20. Thank you Boo, Unknown and Tricia for the gossip! I loathe Bethenny and can't wait for the day she gets taken away to the funny farm, ho ho, hee hee...the rest of that old song. lol

  21. These are the gold nuggets I come here for. I'm starting my own company and compared myself to Bethany earlier today in regards to my personality (outspoken, sassy, funny).

    But someone above is right - she can be quite mean spirited and it is not necessary to be mean to be funny - someone tell Chelsea Handler. I can see Sonja being quite nice, she has a softer way about her self.

  22. 2:22 AM

    Up tonight trying to decide whether or not I feel less wonky about returning to New Mexico this weekend. Too much 'stuff' whirling around out there. Hawaiian hurricane, Quakes, oh my! When I mentioned the other day my best friend in Hell's Kitchen was popping Valium like M & Ms, I meant it was because I was driving her nuts. You do not want me as a house guest for more than one day, believe me! She's calling all the animal shelters trying to find a vacant cage for me. So far, no luck.

    I deleted my comment above because it was too mean-spirited. I think my frustration with this subject (a talent-less, not-that-attractive person) is I am old enough to remember the days when only really special men and women ended up having their own television show. It has become a s---fest with the likes of Simon Cowell and others who have nothing to offer. That said, they are why I haven't owned a television in over a decade.

    I love posting on CDAN and sharing my memories, but it takes a toll on me. Yes, I think it's time I wing it back to my little no wi-fi ranch. If something really important happens, I'll find an internet cafe and drop back in to comment. Love you all. Talk to you soon.

    P.S. The N Y Post's current headline is about Elon Musk! It's beginning to look a lot like the end for the guy. Sad. Another dream deferred.



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