Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Blind Item #5

Despite what his PR team has tried to do over the last decade, this former A/A- list mostly television actress who had an iconic role in an iconic show not named Friends, but on the same network, has not supported her ex or anything he has said going back to the first time he almost had his career crash and burn five or six years ago and had to cover his tracks. His PR people leaked a bunch of stories talking about how they are the best divorced couple ever but that is strictly a one sided thing.


  1. Jenna Fisher and James Gunn

    1. This must be it. She needs to talk. She should have years ago. You know she discovered his little sickness. She sold out for press peace. "Let kids be raped, its better than me being hounded"

    2. It's Jenna Fischer, and you are wrong / this item is a lie. Does this look one sided?


    1. "Much like Allen, Polanski, and Sandusky, Harmon and Roiland did nothing wrong."
      -Plotta Poundstone

      See my strawmen even have real straw and corncob pipe

    2. @Geeljire, add Schneider to that list, and your strawman will even have a hat.(or maybe a size XXXL shirt)

  3. Being desperate for attention to the point where you make pedo jokes on twitter... that's fucked up.

  4. Maybe she already talked. He was being investigated by Feds, right?

  5. People have seen that video where he jokes with Jenna Fischer about "breaking in" their infant daughter for anal sex, right?

    Fischer's asking him not to mention their anal adventures because it would hurt her parents: "How would you like it if it were daughter's husband" talking about their anal sex lives. Gunn response is that he'll have broken her in himself by that point anyway.

    Is that funny for some people? Not to me.

    Interesting that the clapper says "lolli love" on it. And that Troma Films Lloyd Kaufman plays a priest in it.

    Growing chatter Disney may rescind Gunn's firing from GotG3, too.

    The pedophiles and pedophile enablers are going to fight this right over the cliff.

    1. @Ddonna, Bob Sagat made a similar joke years before IIRC. Wonder when that will come back to haunt him, or will it be excused since he's a comedian?

  6. He was good friends with a convicted child sex offender, and he obsesses about raping little boys. The FBI needs to start looking into him.

  7. Did anyone see the roasting of Bruce Willis on Comedy Central? Kevin Pollak was taking about Joseph Gordon Levitt being in show business since he was six and said something to the the effect that it meant his parents didn't discriminate about who touched his pee pee. I about fell out of my seat.

  8. Hollywood is really doubling-down on defending the pedo-jokester. They're even rolling out their pet fake conservatives like Holocaust revisionist David Cole to run interference. Wonder why Gunn is such a hill they're willing to die on, and why Disney didn't know that when they fired him in 12 hours?

    Sure is a lot of smoke coming from this non-fire.

  9. Why the doubling down on Gunn?

    Probably because he's a high level satanist is my guess. Or he links back to a ton of other people and that scares them. Or they simply are determined to normalize pedophilia and think this is a good opportunity to do so, especially if Disney reverses course.

    They are wrong, of course. But they live in a filmy bubble and can't see straight.

    1. He can feed authorities higher level people at Disney


  10. Disney: The Mouse Betrayed should probably be required reading

  11. Not sure where I saw it, but it was the day after Gunn was fired by Disney: a simple photo of Taika Waititi, with the caption "NEW HELM OF GotG3"

    Personally, I love the idea of Taika directing something else in the MCU, but boy howdy did not ONE OTHER MCU'r celebrity chime in on the replacement.

    Then, the apologist/stuff my morals back into my pants Pratt comes out with his big letter of solidarity... gimme a freakin' break.

    I do love the fact that Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Tom Hiddleston have all unfollowed Gunn's social media accounts. Don't know if that was of their own doing, if it was a Feige thing, or if oh, I dunno, MORALS kicked in.. but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the Morality Clause Disney/Marvel had the actors sign.

    Either way, Gunn knew in the gaping hole where his heart should be, that eventually his past would rise up and bite his ass.

    I'd like to know, why are all the Hollywood twats behind him, 'lifting him up', when they are wearing Gene Simmons 11-inch spike boots to stomp Roseanne into the ground over a few racist tweets?

    What's good for one....

    1. I would like to see Taika direct everything in the MCU, forever

  12. It's not that they care about Gunn. They're just worried he'll bring others down with him if he's destroyed. The stars supporting him are doing it because the higher ups told them to. Actors are basically trained monkeys who do what they're told.

  13. Satanist? You've got to be insane. Most people who call themselves "Satanists" are atheists who use the term as a tool to stop the spread of Fundamentalist Christian nut jobs who want to turn this nation into a theocracy. There is no Satan, you Twatwaffle, only Christians who use him as an excuse for their bad behavior.

  14. Hey Jami! Thank you for bringing that up, I thought I was the only one that saw hundreds of sick people laugh at a pedo joke. What's wrong with these people?

  15. They're doubling down on defending this unfunny pedo-joking asshat because they want to be in charge of the selective outrage. Outrage is all well and good and fully deserved until it is directed at you and then it's unacceptable and can cost you a perfectly good sinecure. There's a lot of other unfunny pedo-jokers who don't want this shit coming at them even though they are fully deserving. If this guy goes down they might be next so man the pedo-barricades and bar the pedo-door! Then there are the people that owe this guy their job so of course they're going to kiss his ass.

  16. @DDonna

    Those sound exactly like jokes your favorite boys on the chans would LOOOOOOVE!

    Yet it's okay for them, and the guys on Voat, amirite?

  17. Baby Jane, whether you believe satan exists or not, you can rest assured that there are people who serve him and are practicing satanists.

    You don't have to believe in God to be caught up in a religious war. You seem to be able to grasp and promote that line of thinking when it comes to fundamentalist Christians, yet not for those who serve the prince of darkness.

  18. @DDonna

    "Probably because he's a high level satanist is my guess."

    Ur so funny, girl!

    " they live in a filmy bubble and can't see straight."

    They ain't alone.

  19. "There's a lot of other unfunny pedo-jokers who don't want this shit coming at them"

    Seth McFarlane, Stone and Parker...tons of pedo jokes all over their shows, yet somehow no one here believes they are priests of satan.

    Interesting, no?

    1. This is another really retarded strawman because I got on Seth the other day and plot still has this disingenuous fiction of "CDAN is giving them a pass" whenever other pedos are discussed even though we've invited plot to join the party and supply the evidence

      Of course that didn't happen because that would take effort from plotta and here we are

  20. Does she even have a career at this point? It couldn't hurt to speak out!

  21. I'm sure we all notice how prolific Plot-TWISTED is for the pedo-centric posts, but in case you haven't, I'm pointing it out.

  22. Jami, that's the same as Al Franken joking about Rob Reiner's father and friends raping him when he was a kid. Pre-senate of course so it didn't count until he pretended to grab a woman's boobs. The pedophile shit always gets a pass though, it doesn't exist, only grown women can be abused.

  23. It is weird how a few predictable posters try to change the subject away from pedophilia.

    Cui bono?

  24. @DDonna Tarttty He is oddly obsessed with defending the honor of suspected pedos.

  25. What's the skinny on Seth Green and Clare Kramer? Kappy is naming them and claiming they're in on the pedo stuff. He sounds crazy, but Green's 'basement room' is... disturbing.

  26. +10,0000 @Ddonna, Versus and Amartel. Hollywood is RUN BY Satanists, as well as satanism being practiced by the lower cogs. And @Jane, yes Satan exists, demons exist, and God exists too; that is my belief and yes I am a Christian.

    "This is about Seth and Clare being pedophiles and their involvement in trafficking."

  28. I had no clue Jenna Fischer was married to James Gunn at some point.

  29. Gunn didn't take down his quasi-pedo video from his website until the Thursday before this stuff blew up.
    He's a sicko. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem.

  30. As Gee noted, Seth McF is a limited hangout joke's-on-us Hollywood insider bad boy, but still their bad boy.

    The South Park guys are too, but I don't know their show nearly as well--seen maybe two dozen episodes and while they make me laugh some, I don't like them.

    But I think both of them are CIA encouraged mockingbird propaganda, with probably some very deep dark possible deviant secrets, sure.

  31. "But I think both of them are CIA encouraged mockingbird propaganda, with probably some very deep dark possible deviant secrets, sure"

    Of course you do! Cuz you're crazy.

    The simplest explanation is that TV shows are becoming more and more cynical because they are out of ideas and talent. God, just watch the pace of them. All flabby and repetitive. It's easier to throw off an attitude then actually write for a living. The attitude of McFarland, Apatow and the South Park boys is to keep languishing in Man Boy inertia because giving a shit about anything is so UNCOOOOOOL.

  32. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Lisa Bonet, and ex Lenny Kravitz.
    (iconic role: Denise on The Cosby Show)



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