Thursday, August 09, 2018

Blind Item #4

I am actually kind of shocked this cable reality star is trying to make this big switch from one media to another. His last effort didn't go very well because he kept trying to hook up with the former A+ list tweener television actor turned A-/B+ list adult movie actor. The movie turned out like crap because of it and nearly ruined both their careers.


  1. Replies
    1. He isn't really so much of an actor as he is an old Italian pedo and Page Six fixture so "cable reality" fits, but that's just cultural. Viva Roma!

  2. Max Joseph from Catfish. He directed We Are Your Friends with Efron...

    1. Just some totally straight hetero bros making films over here

    2. Thanks I figured it was that film but almost said Pauly D ... thought maybe he consulted as a DJ...

  3. +1 @Unknown he just announced today leaving catfish to focus on film

  4. I think it's Adam Devine. If it's Zac, the last movies he made were the Greatest Showman and Baywatch. Baywatch flopped and Greatest Showman got bad critic ratings and only won awards for their boring songs. I know Hugh Jackman is closeted and seems to love Zac. The Rock also seems to have a crush on Zac. However, neither of them are cable reality actors. DeNiro sp? Isn't a cable reality star. I think Adam originally was a reality comedy type star. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates was successful though. It made a lot of money. It might be this one, but Enty is wrong on it not being successful because it was. Also Adam seemed to have a crush on Zac. I think all the male actors just love Zac and want him. But Zac unfortunately has a problem feeling loved and developed a drug habit, which I was told that he went back to using.

    1. @Universal Energy
      So you think Zack Efron is so irresistible all straight actors turn gay at the mere sight of him? Projecting much?

    2. They're not straight. Haven't you read this site before? Also, if you believe straight men want to play with their feelings and play pretend for a job, you're wrong. 90%wouldn't. Hugh Jackman has a boyfriend. Adam Devine acts really gay around Zac. Look at any of their interviews together. Zac kissed Bear Grills on his show and Bear is massaging him. And Zac and Rock post comments for each other such as Zac calling him "big sexy." Read before you act rude. I'm not closeted, but I don't think Zac is the hottest gut anymore. He looks old and worn out from drugs.

  5. de Niro has been raging because he knows his jig may be just about up.

    And Martin Scorsese....Remember how young Jodie Foster was in "Taxi Driver"? How about all those kids in "Hugo," including Chloë Grace Moretz, who later went on to play the foul mouthed ultraviolent Hit Girl and the object of lust in Louis C.K.'s "I Love You Daddy"?

    It's actually a very small circle of perverts, once you get down to it. A few hundred, maybe. And you've got to play to get paid.

  6. It probably is the Catfish guy with Zac, but like I said, all the men I listed definitely act like they have crushes on Zac. I'm not just saying so. I like Zac, so I watch what he's doing and who paid attention to him.

  7. Not sure I'd call "Mike and Dave" a success.

    Far less successful than "Greatest Showman," which turned out to be a huge sleeper hit from last holiday season.

  8. Off topic - but the discussion of DeNiro being raging reminded me of that movie Star Dust where he played a closeted pirate named Shakespeare haha

    1. Remember Kevin Spacey's character in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil?" How did he ever manage to play THAT role?

  9. Ok. I just remember Mike and Dave was the top earning movie for the first couple weeks it premiered. I know it was because I'm a big fan of Zac's and Aubrey Plaza. I think this entry is about the DJ movie because it was a legitimate flop. I didn't even see it because it looked stupid. I do think all those male actors and Bear Grills all want to bone Zac though, and maybe some have.

  10. @UniversalEnergy It's Max Joseph from Catfish. Adam Devine is a comedian and actor not a cable reality star. Max was trying to hook up with Emily Ratajkowski during film of "We are your Friends" even through Max is married.

    1. Ok like I said, I think this one is Catfish closet case, but he was trying to bone Zac according to the entry- not a woman. Check it again.

    2. Being married clearly didn't stop Zac and Max before


    1. Even more off-topic: he De Niro was in a film where he had a Himalayan cat.

  12. @UniversalEnergy said: "I just remember 'Mike and Dave' was the top earning movie for the first couple weeks it premiered."

    You remembered wrong. It was a disappointment from Day One. If you look at Box Office mojo, you'll see it debuted at #4 and slipped downward from there.

    Considering the cast, it was supposed to be a big comedy hit. Instead, a significant box office disappointment.

    1. It's budget was $33 million, and it grossed over $77 million. It's not a failure.

  13. Zacmax, the hottest new Hollywood couple
    Even hotter than Prick

  14. yeah, deniro. right. because he fits fucking nothing about the clue. sick and tired of sifting through the bullshit on this site to even see an actual guess.

  15. The blind got the details wrong. It was Emily.

  16. This explains DeNiro DTS. It's pending criminal proceedings.

  17. Why have I been reading this stuff for about a year now and never heard anything about Robert Deniro being a paed?? Where has this come from?

  18. De Niro got busted in France when he was shooting Ronin there, because the production provided him with prostitutes and procurement is illegal in France. He's rumored to be very into black women.

    The pedo rumors have no base, it's just something Trump supporters accuse him of, because he took a very vocal stand in public against Trump during the Tonys.

  19. One MEDIUM to another, Enty. Medium. Do you know nothing of the English language?

  20. Ooooo, look! Anglela's here to spread lies!

    @Amy: de Niro got wrapped up in the UNDER-AGE prostitution ring in France. Don't let evil Angela snow you. de Niro's "very into black women" reputation is likely a cover for his perversions.

    The US media totally covered up this story, and since it happened before the internet took over, it's largely remained buried so liars like this icky Angela can continue to spin lies about it.

    But here's the story:

  21. The greatest showman was a hit due to HUGE JACKMAN and HUGH ONLY! Notice Zac Efron has NEVER been the MAIN leading man in his movies he is always second billing. Baywatch flopped but Dwayne Johnson got the criticism not Zac Efron. This blind could be Zac but I don't like it how people think he is a big star because he isn't. Even the Neighbours movie with Seth Rogen was a hit because of Rogen not because of Efron. Efron has never headlined a movie on his own which is a huge 100 million plus domestic hit and worldwide box office hit.

    1. That's true. Zac was a big star as a teen, but can't sell movies by himself.

  22. Why do Trumptards always accuse any liberal who criticizes Trump of being a pedophile? It's such a lazy and transparent tactic. And when they accuse pretty much everyone it makes them seem even more crazy than they usually do. Not to mention, shifts attention away from ACTUAL pedophiles.

    Maybe we should call it Pedophile Derangement Syndrome, or PDS.

    In any case, I can't wait until Mueller takes Trump down. Between Rick Gates pleading guilty, Paul Manafort being obviously guilty (and likely to rat on Trump soon), and Michael Cohen with all of his incriminating tapes, it's only a matter of time before Cheeto Hitler has his downfall.

    Can't wait to see how crazy the Trumptards will be then!

    BTW DDonna, still haven't forgotten how you said the Parkland school shooting was faked. No matter how much insider Hollywood gossip you have, you will always be a disgusting human being.

  23. Wed, Feb 11, 1998, 00:00
    "De Niro held, questioned in Paris over vice ring"

    The Irish Times:

    1. February 25, 1998 11:00PM PDT
      "Disgusted De Niro vows self-exile from France"


      Recent "Snopes" post:

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Another article cites his lawyer saying that; yes, De Niro shook some girls hands and aknowdleged meeting them, but that 'things never went beyond that'.

      I can see why people might believe this either way, but legally I don't see much else on him. There certainly was a connection made, but even if he was paying for prostitutes, it doesn't seem to mention the age of the women/girls he met, just that out of 90 or so girls (in the ring) a few were 14/15.

  24. @Cree
    14-15 year old black girls, that's not pedophilia, that's just being an old pervert.In France they say: "un vieux qui aime les fruits mûrs", an older guy into geen fruit.
    Having said that, De Niro is a walking POS. Always has been.

  25. Robert de Niro & Bill Clinton walk into a kindergarten...

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Thanks for the articles, Cree. Yet another example of Trumptards taking a story with an anti-Trump person and adding fake details to make him look like a pedophile.

    What they don't seem to realize is that, much like the boy who cried wolf, when you lie so often you lose credibility. And no one takes you seriously. All of their lies haven't been able to increase Trump's approval rating, which at 41% is extremely pathetic for a president during a strong economy (one he inherited from Obama, of course). And they also won't save him from Mueller. At least it makes them feel better!

  28. TruthSLayer! You're so evil! Karma will out.

    Parkland "shooting"--just another story that....disappeared because nothing added up. Just like Las Vegas!

    Really, all these pro-pedophile types are probably just 2-3 people under different accounts.

    TruthSLayer, LOL. You losing sooooo bad! LOL.

  29. The only one who is evil is the one who attacked survivors of a school shooting. I can't wait until karma comes for you.

    Boy, are you crazy.

  30. The article by The Independent mentioned here mistranslates a lot of things and makes it sound more sensationalistic than it is. It was written at the beginning of the trial, and the writer had a different take when it was over.

    Yes, there was a prostitution ring, and there were underage girls in it, which was naturally an aggravating circumstance.
    If you want figures rather than screaming "pedo pedo" like a moron, the ringleader kept an address book, and 14 out of 89 girls turned out to be underage (15 to 17). So, it was not a child prostitution ring, but a more conventional prostitution ring with some underage girls in it.

    The ringleader would scoop the streets, the shops, the nightclubs or the model agencies to offer girls a professional shooting as a test for a famous cosmetics brand at his studio, and it would turn out to be a nude, explicit session, then he would show the Polaroids to rich clients. The guy wouldn't care if the girls were 15 or 16, as long as they would look legal.

    Here's something by the BBC, which sums up all of this.

    Even the guy who wrote the initial Independent article gave a more balanced view on the events two weeks afterwards, when the court sessions were completed. He also clearly says that the prostitutes were as young as 15. But not younger.

    It looks like that De Niro, who had to spend weeks in France during the production of Ronin, wanted some tail, and had an informal agreement with his French producer to provide him some prostitutes. The producer got in touch with the prostitution ring and paid for the services of a few girls. There was zero evidence that De Niro asked for underage girls or even got one underage girl among the women that he met, but I guess that De Niro was kept under custody precisely to determine if he had.

    And, BTW, that's also how JUSTICE is supposed to work. Even if some high-profile names of johns weren't revealed at the trial (according to the 2nd Independent piece), the judges weren't afraid to keep a world famous actor under custody, ultimately as a witness, and to charge a very influential film producer. Justice is supposed to keep things balanced, rather to validate any tabloid accusation or focus on the most sensationalistic sides of the case. The fact that the ring used some underage girls was never kept a secret (but the names of the girls were naturally changed for privacy purposes) and it made for heavier charges for the accused, but most of the girls were actually legal, so there was no reason to charge their clients.

    Justice is also NOT a bunch of anonymous people on a website bringing the torches and pitchforks to attack somebody in particular based on a single piece that the writer himself amended a few days later. That's called mob mentality.
