Thursday, August 02, 2018

Blind Item #4

This former tweener turned A- list singer/former network reality star has been scaring people closest to her a lot when they see her. Apparently she has been repeating the fact she only has to make it 400 more days. That is her thing. 400 days. She says it several times an hour. 


  1. Replies
    1. Is she refeeeing to the tragic “27”?

  2. And the 27 club..:(

  3. Is she wanting to join the 27 club or is it 400 days until she turns 28?

    1. 20 Aug 2020 she’ll turn 28, and that’s more than 400 days; 20 Aug 2019 is more likely. So it looks like she’s aiming for 27😔.

  4. 400 days until she turns 27, she's 25 now.

    I thought the 27 club was just people younger than 27?

    1. No, a string of celebrities who have all died at 27. Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and Jim Morrison are some examples. Quite sad.

    2. There is a Wikipedia page which links to a bunch of celebrities who died at 27 Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin are another two that spring to mind.

  5. She turns 26 on Aug. 20 -- sounds like joining the club is her life goal.

  6. Were the blinds about a former tweener trying to join the 27 club that people thought were about Selena really about Demi then? I can't remember if they were revealed or not.

  7. @unknown, right?? NBC should address Disney in one of their “the more you know “ ads

  8. is demi network reality?

  9. x-factor, forgot. ugh.

  10. @Boozie it might be referring to her time as a judge on one of the singing shows

  11. This blind sounds like a cringe creative writing project by an angsty 13 year old.

  12. Demi Lovato... I wonder if Wilmer V. is her handler.

  13. Sorry, but Demi L mentioned in the same breath as Janis, Jim M and Hendrix is f'ing laughable.

    1. @Moose. So true! And don't forget Brian Jones, though he never seems to come up in the original 27 Club conversation

    2. Agree @Moose, I thought only cool musicians and singers joined the 27 club...

  14. Just repeating the comment about "remember that blind about the kid channel tv actress who was jonesing to join the 27 Club? We all thought it was Selena but what if it's Demi?" Relevant.

  15. If she's saying she only has to MAKE IT 400 more days, wouldn't the key words be "make it"
    Meaning, shes gunning to make it and NOT join the 27 club? If so, we should be cheering for her

  16. +1,000,000 @Moose

  17. blah blah blah. This blind is dumb and im sure not true. I dont think that is her main concern when shes high or sober.

  18. Anonymous1:45 PM

    oh my GOD Demi, Doris Day is more likely to be associate with the 27 club than you.

  19. @Rosie, no, if she wants to NOT be a member of the 27 club, she’d have to ‘make it’ to her 28th bday which is approximately 748 days.

    1. That’s an extra year. It’s about 400 days til her 28th bday. She will be 27 this month + 365 more days

    2. Wrong. She will be 26 this month.

  20. Yeah, Janis, Jim and Jimi really were organic not manufactured. They were surely manipulated by the suits for records, but their talent and the times kinda blow poor Demi outta the water.

  21. Yes this makes way more sense. If she were trying to be in the 27 club, she’d have less than a month to go. Seems like she’s trying to avoid it. Maybe someone told her she’d be in the 27 club if she doesn’t stop her shit.

    1. Dude she’s not turning 27 this year

  22. wait, i'm confused, i really don't like her music or anything but are you guys seriously suggesting demi lovato isn't talented? because i feel like she's pretty much objectively a very good singer

    anyway the only reason people mention her in that context is because of the sole fact that she's a musician who we are positing will die at 27, there's no criteria that you have to be as legendary as janis or jimi or kurt etc, just that you're a popular artist who dies at 27

  23. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Sad. Demi, go to a church and ask for sanctuary. Then, get far far away from CA.
    These former Disney workers deserve peace and rest; instead, they just get more drama.

  24. For those of you saying Demi is 26, she will be on her birthday coming up. She unfortunately wants to join the 27 club.

  25. You need also talent to join the 27 club, Demi! There are lots of junkies who die at 27 years old but they don't join any club. Well maybe the stupid dead junkies'club.

  26. Demi, Selena...why not both? I have both selections in my deadpool this year, and if somehow they live to see 2019, they will be in next year's as well.



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