Saturday, August 11, 2018

Blind Item #4

Yet another rape victim has come forward and also corroborated the story of another rape victim yet somehow this radio host/pay cable interviewer is still keeping his job. How is this possible. Does he have to rape the wife of one of the executives at the company before they will do anything? 


  1. Why are these now coming to light right after he signed a deal with HBO?......

    1. There were always allegations about him, its not just something recent.

      He's been public about at least two topics amd someone will have to fact check me because it's been awhile. Not intending to mix his allegations up.

      He publicly said on his podcast that when he was first dating his [now] wife that he slipped her spanish fly and went on to ask the question of consent. Along the lines of; if both parties are drunk, is it still rape?

      The bigger story happened around his early 20s. He took a plea deal on a rape case, pleading guilty to contributing to the deliquincy of a minor (something like that).

      He threw a party for someone's HS graduation. A "friend" of his friends (and a girl he met briefly before) came to said party. He gave her a drink and later was rapes by said friends. He told the police he was too young to have bought the alchohol (but really he was of age)

      When it came time to corroperate with the police the girls mother (allegedly) influenced her underage daughter into not cooperating with the investigation, so the DA got people on what they could. There was no DNA evidence clearing CTG, but as part of the plea deal, the case is no longer able to be looked into (says the judge)

      *Short hand history*; underage girl goes to a party. Said girl is familiar with CTG and his friends. CTG gives her a drink and later the girl is raped. CTG takes a plea for a lesser offence after the victim (due to her mother) fails to cooperate. Years later CTG talks about the girl again on the radio causing the victim to say 'enough is enough' and attempts to have the judge reopen the case and look at the rape kit and ctg dna. She claims he drugged her and was also one of her rapist.

      Other women have similar stories, which may or may not be true, but this isn't "random" and CTG often discusses rape allegations on the BC.

  2. Come forward... to a gossip website?

  3. Larry King?

    Howard Stern?

  4. definitely charlemagne

    HBO doesnt give a f

  5. tetsujin's got it. Absolutely.

  6. Hardwick doesn't host a radio show

    1. LOL when people continue to throw out random names after the very obvious answer has been given. Hardwick isn't on radio or pay cable and wasn't accused of rape.

      It's absolutely Charlemagne. He's a radio host, signed an HBO deal, and has been accused of rape.

  7. Even people in the comments of the breakfast club videos (youtube) were calling out CTG for weeks, calling him "charkelly". It's not just the responsibility of your average joe to bring someone down.

    Law inforcement and media have a huge role to play in who gets "punished" and who doesnt.

    My problem with Charlamagne is the fact that he lies a lot (embelishment) and is quick to deflect. At the end of the day though you not only have to have proof, you have to convince judge and jury and hope his lawyer isnt good.

    CTG is not a stupid man, but his past is more than questionable. Just keep supporting victims when they tell their truths, that's all we can do.

  8. Hardwick's not radio. CTG is a maybe. Does Bill Maher do radio? Or is Imus still working?

  9. Wait, could this be a Fox News talker? They're pretty rapey over there.

  10. So there shouldn’t be an evolving in how we as a society view women and rape? You sound ridiculous.
