Friday, August 10, 2018

Blind Item #4

This A- list alliterate mostly television actor is sweating bullets rights now. After years and years of looking for a big break he got a huge one and is on a hit and making money hand over fist. He has already been told though if a case moves on to the next stage he will be suspended and most likely fired from his current gig and that his career will be over for quite some time. Meanwhile, a set of writers is working on a season that includes him and doesn't include him.


  1. Replies
    1. I don’t know if you can write a season of The Flash without the superhero though?

  2. Anthony Anderson. Case is moving forward in LA

    1. Good one. I only remember AA from Scream. Lol

  3. Clayne Crawford/Lethal Weapon

    1. Or was he fired already?

    2. Wasn’t he already replaced with Sean William Scott? Which I’m sure will end up in another disaster..

  4. Mark-Paul Gosselaar

  5. So the woman met with him again after the assault ?

    Guessing she was gonna try extortion but then got cold feet and went to the cops instead...

  6. It's prob Anthony Anderson as that news is breaking today

  7. +1 Anthony Anderson
    Is this why they flirted with the "will they divorce?" storyline?

  8. andrea there are several different Flash's. They already played with an alternate flash in one season and I know the comics had more. If they really wanted him out they could probably do something like that but I don't think it would go over well.

    But I agree it's probably not him.

    1. Thanks Ophelia! I don’t watch the show or read the comics myself but that’s interesting to know :)

  9. As Robert Blake taught us, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  10. andrea no problem! It's the show I watch to distract myself when I'm exercising right now haha

  11. I think its Anthony Anderson. I liked him what a dick.

    1. You don’t even know if it’s true relax

  12. Why such hate for Grant Gustin? It's obviously about Anthony Anderson from Black-ish.

  13. Agree with the Anthony Anderson guesses... Clayne Crawford was already fired. Apparently on his day off, too. LOL.

  14. Anthony Anderson he’s been known as a less that stellar man.. Good riddance don’t let the door hit you...

  15. Grant Goodeve, Eight is Enough re-boot

  16. Ha! Gotta say that Mark Paul Gossellar (sp?) is the funniest guess. Could any name be LESS alliterative than his lol?

  17. Anthony Anderson. Hot his first rodeo either. That allegation 10+ years ago was silenced super fast but these things have a way of coming back.

    1. I remember that. Big story for exactly one day, then it disappeared.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anthony Anderson, that piece of shit has been on the radar for a long time, multiple accusations over the years. Hope they give him a cell next to Cosby. They'll be the funniest rapists on the tier.

  20. If it's Grant Gustin, the good thing about the Flash (and pretty much any notable superhero) is there are endless iterations/variations of the character. There's old timey O.G. Golden Age Flash, silver age Flash, modern Flash, Kid Flash, endless alternate universe/timeline/future Flashes, Reverse Flash, Zoom, easy to kill him off and swap him out with another version/alt universe/timeline.

    If it's Anthony Anderson, they'll give him a grabber and try to keep the show running.

  21. Eh, The Flash sucks now, Black Lightning is the best superhero show on the CW currently.

  22. I was wondering why he was not fired yet.

  23. They will only fire him if it was a white woman.

  24. Pretty sad when there are so many perv actors that fit the bill, that a consensus can't be reached among all the names thrown out for this blind.

  25. Can someone please point me to the blinds that state that Grant Gustin is a perve?

  26. I think it is AA - Blackish.

  27. YouToo I don't think there's any thing too incriminating about GG. He was thrown out because he's alliterative, a good spot in his career, but could be replaced on his show.

    To my recollection all blinds about him have mainly been that he cheats on his fiance, hits on a lot of girls, and doesn't get along with Candace Patton who Enty seems to really like.

    And Brayson I'm only on season 2 so it's not too bad yet! I could put up with a lot for Danielle Panabaker though.

    1. There was a blind about GG in the last month or so and how horribly he was treating women on set 😣 which is why I guessed him but I think I’m wrong on this one. It’s Anthony Anderson

  28. But Enty said that he doesn’t write about Greg Berlanti shows since a friend of his works on Supergirl. I’m confused!!! How can there be GG blinds, unless he was lying.

  29. YouToo that's been brought up a lot! I know there are Katie Cassidy and Candace Patton blinds though so maybe he just stays away from Super Girl?

    Even Melissa was a popular guess though recently...or maybe the friend is a source now instead

  30. @Ophelia, yes The Flash was good at first, kind of wandered away though. Tom Cavanagh was a gift to that show, he's carried more than a few episodes.
    And yes Danielle Panabaker is wonderful, even her last name is fun to say. Totally wasted on that show.

  31. Had some time to finally find the post.. I remembered it being pretty bad but Enty didn’t actually directly imply anything bad

    Brayson, you really do love saying her last name! You mentioned it here too ;)

  32. Black-ish lead Anderson. Lots of people on this site love to self-righteously crow about white racism and tiki torches and Trump...but Black-ish is the most racist, anti-white piece of shit show on television. Why anyone would watch it is beyond me. Substitute the word "black" for "white" in any given episode, and the media would melt down calling for heads to roll.


  33. anthony anderson will be doin' time, one time, for a looooooong time

  34. "but Black-ish is the most racist, anti-white piece of shit show on television. "

    Oh really?

    "Substitute the word "black" for "white" in any given episode,"

    Why? The experience of all the races are not equal - be aware I did not say the abilities there, only the experiences. Why do you want interchangeable little pieces to make your perfect bland narratives? What is the fucking point of that?
