Sunday, August 05, 2018

Blind Item #2

I told you a few weeks ago that the convicted child molesting rapper was beaten down by a group hired by one of the parents of his victims. The rapper wants no part of that coming to light so is dropping everything and is willing to take the $1M hit because the alternative would be much worse. More digging into all the victims he has assaulted and molested. He was all for cooperating until someone in his camp learned who was responsible. I guess they read the blind items.


  1. Replies
    1. Not cooperating with police about stolen jewelry.

  2. But what are they gonna do with the stolen jewelry? If they even sell it’ll go right back to him or they’d get arrested and it’ll still go back to him.

  3. So uh
    He just has that money lying about or is this the label's doing

  4. The only thing wrong with this is that he wasn't beaten to death. [Forgive me, Jesus]

  5. 6 9?

    Should be 6 ft Under

  6. Anonymous10:02 AM

    No matter how much it takes that pedophile is getting exposed and he won’t know where it came from Just watch he’s gonna Be Blasted for who he truly is

  7. @Dagostino, I hope so. It's scary to think that his conviction is public and there are still people in the industry working with him. I guess it's no surprise he'd get support from Nicki Minaj.

  8. He should be sharing a cell with R Kelly.

  9. Which other celebs are rumoured to read these blinds?

  10. I watched part of an interview he gave, where he kept repeating "don't test my gangster" as a warning regarding him always stirring up shit for clicks. If you're out there 6ix9ine, someone just bitch slapped you, and you aint gonna do shit about it. gangster my ass.



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