Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #2

Apparently this closeted A- list mostly movie actor with multiple franchises is taking a page from the playbook of this closeted former A+ list tweener when it comes to "relationships." Nothing like bringing the family to make it all seem real.


  1. Nick jonas for the tweeeeeener

  2. Chris Pine is vacationing in Italy with "gf" and parents

  3. Maybe they just all like each other!

  4. Chris Pine is douche one and tweener is Nick.

  5. Nice fuschia trunks, Chris.

  6. What "franchises" does Pine have? "Star Trek" and....??? He died in WW.

  7. He is in the Wonder Woman sequel. No clue how they will explain it.

  8. I don't like them much either, Unknown. However, I think Chris Pine as Kirk is hot, hot hot. Way hotter than the Shat ever was, and I adore the original ST.

    1. Aw come on, Krab. How can you not love The Shat: 🌺

  9. I do love the Shat, but Pine is just so charismatic and hot and, uh, I need to go take a "nap" now

  10. Seriously, just how badly are paramount screwing up Star Trek? Discovery is a dumpster fire, the movies are turning into a joke and they hired the worst creative in hollywood to run the ship, alex kurtzman. A man who goes from disastrous f*** up to f*** up without ever losing a paycheck. *Watches the entire DS9 series again and weeps*.

  11. @unknown, I couldn't disagree more about the reboot of Star Trek. I LOVE it. Super fun, great writing, all the magic of the original series with blockbuster appeal. I think Chris Pine is a terrific Kirk and I'm not even a huge fan of his.

  12. F*cking pathetic. Once you've made your money and gotten your fame, what's the point of continuing the worthless charade?

  13. The first film of the new movies Star Trek series was fantastic. They hit the ground running and Pine was fantastic (as were Quinto and Saldana...really the whole cast was wonderful.) The second film? Well, that went full adolescent male fantasy and quit appealing to adults. Oh well. Not watching them anymore.

  14. I like the Star Trek movies and Chris Pine. He gave a great performance in The Finest Hour. Star Trek movies are meant to be total popcorn movies.

  15. The Star Trek reboot movies are a f*cking joke. They should have gone with the Mirror Universe instead, now that would have been interesting.

    1. OK I'LL BITE

      The new movies/cast aren't bad. The worst of any of them was the second with Cumberbatch egregiously whitewashing Khan, the best being the subtle 'Enterprise' callback of Elba's character in the most recent.

      That being said, Discovery was horrifying for its fixation on the Mirror Universe, chiefly the part where the protagonist engages in cannibalism, because hey, this too is now part of the mirror universe. Aren't we evil and edgy?

  16. People are so annoying and stupid. Nobody cares if you’re gay. It’s way more energy and such a hassle to put on this big charade and it’s going to come out anyway that these people are gay. If the three Jonas brothers came out right now, the whole world would say they knew it . And no offense to Chris Pine, but I honestly don’t think that many people care about him at all. Anyway these people are wasting their lives with people they don’t want to be with ... DUMB

  17. @Scandi - Holy guacamole that is bad... thanks for that youtube link.



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