Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Blind Item #2

The man she had been having an affair with who was now her boyfriend dumped this foreign born alliterate model. She is desperately trying to save her only paying job, but the producers want to dump her. She has no money to pay her bills.


  1. Is this Asia Argento again?

    1. Not a model lol... if so that’s a low bar for sure

    2. I've seen her credited with modeling In stories

  2. Alessandra Ambrosio comes to mind...not sure about job or bf though

  3. Maybe she was still seeing the reporter Hugo Clement that she was seen hugging before Bourdain died.

  4. I think that was the BF definitely... the job?
    Well I would guess drug dealer maybe😉

    1. Agree - who would hire her 😳 But wasn’t she on the Italian X Factor show? I’m sure they want to becrid of her ASAP

    2. Yup CAgal she’s on Italy X factor and they want to fire her.

    3. Wish she’d disappear from public view forever! Filthy mess

  5. Asia argento ia not a model but actress, wouldnt be surprised if Alexandra Ambrossio because only has Victoria Secret and her husband wasnt wealthy enough

  6. I think Asia is an actress primarily and from what people have said about her family money I doubt she's struggling.

    Alessandra had a split this summer I think and primarily just has Victoria Secret. She looks drop dead gorgeous but wouldn't surprise me if they're trying to make more room on their runway for younger models :/

  7. Asia said she was broke,that's why Bourdain paid her settlement. It also explains why he was so cash poor.

  8. Imagine for a second that Harvey Weinstein cast a seven-year-old girl in a movie. Over the years, he kept in close touch with this girl, and we learn that he called her his daughter.

    We learn further that, when the girl was seventeen, Harvey posted on social media that he was in a hotel room waiting for her, that he was sweating and shaking and feeling alive.

    The story continues that Harvey had sex with the seventeen-year-old girl that day, the same girl he'd known and been closely attentive to since she was just a seven-year-old child.

    Now... ask yourself... would there be headlines in all the papers about this? Would the police be pressured to do something?

  9. Makes you wonder how many others she groomed over the years.

  10. @J, agree the only difference bet AA and Harvey are the sheer numbers Harvey wracked up, and you know, his forcible rapes. Oh yeah, and his use of black-ops agencies, threats, and blacklisting to enforce silence. Argento only paid for silence, and it doesn't look like she invested well.

    But, no, go on and revel in the Argento story as if it somehow shows that women sexually abuse on a par with people like Harvey, Lauer, Ailes, Moonves, Hastert, POTUS, Franco, Baio, Spacey, Hoffman, Rose, Franks, Thrush, Wynn, Allen (of course), Schneider, Seagall, Rattner, Singer, ... jesus, I could do this all day, let's wrap up with Roy Moore and Larry Nassar.

  11. J is mouth breathing and slobbering with a semi-erect micro penis while he types that. He hates all women and so jumps at the chance to say told ya so when an instance of this sort comes up.
    Asia is indeed a piece of shit, but if people were paying attention theyd already know it. I believe it was Ddonna who told us here a couple months ago? I also believe there were some who didnt believe it.

  12. Rosie's here, right on time, to try to take the heat off someone who's apparently a scheming manipulative pedophile.

    Look at what a bad person J is, she says. Whatever you do, don't think about the monstrous way Asia Argento molded an innocent seven-year-old boy into someone she could rape.

    Rosie, something's deeply wrong with you.

    And, AppleThief, more logic please. Less hysteria.

  13. Whether you like J or not, defending AA is fucking gross, man. Lets pull back from this 'women supporting women!1' bullshit and just aknowledge that she was a fucking predator when she targeted this kid. She was in her fucking thirties. That is disgusting.

    1. How did I defend her, orangesoda?
      Did you read my entire post?
      I said it yesterday too. Shes a total pos, a satanic piece of shit at that

  14. Wow thats weird. I guess my post didnt go thru, it shows on my end it did?
    No matter tho, I shall copy paste.
    Read carefully tho. ok, woman hater?

    Asia is indeed a piece of shit, but if people were paying attention theyd already know it. I believe it was Ddonna who told us here a couple months ago? I also believe there were some who didnt believe it.

  15. So what does Asia's shittiness have to do with me, Rosie? Now that we all agree on what's been obvious to anyone paying attention for months and months.

    I posted comparing her to Weinstein, another horrible human but one who -- as far as I know -- isn't a pedophile like Argento apparently is.

    Why make it about me, Rosie?

    You're disturbed. Maybe you have some of your own secrets to hide. Horrible ones.

    1. I'm a Sagittarius, we dont fake nor do we hide things very well.
      I am who I am

  16. Not a woman hater since you know, I'm a woman, but I am capable of calling other women out on their shit when they're downplaying disgusting behavior from women. I don't agree with everything J says but he's right with this one so attacking him while acknowledging that this predator is a piece of shit is redundant at best.

    1. Jesus take the wheel. I sort call you a woman hater lolol
      Asia is a satanic piece of shit. Shes a terrible woman, human, ZIE/MIR/HE/SHE
      terrible. The worst.
      Hows that sweetie? Does that look good standing all alone?

  17. Oh, astrology now.

    So that's why you're not all that upset about a grown woman targeting a seven-year-old sexually, but instead think I'm the problem.

    Rosie, get help.

  18. Sparknotes version of these comments: Everyone hates Asia Argento but also each other.

  19. @Ophelia: Nailed it!
    Except I'm developing a little admiration for Rosie, despite having disagreed in the past. Her/His diagnosis of J seems apt.

    Also, haven't seen Geel---- today. Possibly something to do with posting someone's home address?

  20. Absolutely, AppleThief.

    Why, Rosie thinks the fact that I have my own opinions, differing from hers, is the headline today; that I'm the monster and we really shouldn't be bringing up the Asia Argento thing.

    Plus, her vulgarity and idiosyncratic (to put it nicely) ranking of ethical issues aren't really her fault... they're caused by stars and planets millions and billions of miles away.


    1. Uhhhh. You can have your own opinions. Its my opinion theyre stupid and you hate women.
      And my *fault* ? Hmmm I dont find fault with anything i said- I'm honest and say things how I see them(thats how we Sags are). Like this:
      Youre a fucking moronic woman hater. Also, terrible reading comprehension. Abysmal. So add "not real bright" to the list.
      Ill write it a fourth time (follow closely J)
      "Asia Argento is a satanic piece of shit"

      Write back soon

  21. Apple, I was wondering about Geel today too. Yesterday's comment was removed by blog administrator and he's been uncharacteristically silent today - profile might have been banned from commenting.

    The Himmmm rant was all about how dangerous posting someone's information can be to them and their family.

  22. "I'm a Sagittarius" stand back people for the most outstandingly intelligent argument in the history of cdan.

    Wow Rosie, we did not know you were a *gasp* SAGITTARIUS!!
    None of us are worthy of your brilliance. Not now, not ever.

  23. Not Alessandra Ambrosio. She was just photographed August 22nd with her Italian boyfriend who owns a successful clothing line. Plus Alessandra has 2 separate clothing lines operating under various names. I'm certain she has plenty of money coming in. This has to be Asia. In the texts she sent to Anthony Bourdain regarding Jimmy Bennett, she texted him that "she had no money" to pay Bennett. Now with this scandal people are trying to distance themselves from her especially since CNN and TMZ have published those "after glow/sex" pictures of her and Bennett.

  24. Asia Argento is not broke, her father is Dario Argento one of the most important directors in italian cinema history, they are a well off family.

    While she may not have the cash on hand to pay off a 500K sex settlements, she does not have to worry about being destitute.

    Her only job in the works is a low budget movie directed by her ex-husband, so I doubt he would dump her as he needs her name for the movie.

  25. Rosie, the exposure of a pedophile has you very upset. I'm sorry. Sometimes things upset me. Not bad news for pedophiles... that makes me happy. But other things, like when people die in floods or fires, stuff like that.

    So although I'm happy to see Asia Argento exposed as a reprehensible grooming pedophile, and hope against hope she is put into the worst of prisons for the rest of her life, let me respectfully acknowledge that her predicament upsets you and express my wish that you don't suffer too much over the revelations about her sexual abuse of at least one child.

  26. J is always posting misogynistic comments - just ignore.

  27. Wow.

    I've read some history, and seen a fair amount with my own eyes.

    But I have to admit how shocked I am to see the degree of anxiety and thrashing about which the exposure of Asia Argento's crimes is causing some people here.

    So my disdain for this apparent pedophile, this apparent rapist, this true monster, is a problem?

    Kimberley, now might be a good time for you to stay away from the internet for a few days. I suspect more bad news about Asia may come out, and (for some inexplicable but no-doubt unwholesome reason) that has you upset also.

    Odd, usually decent people are in a good mood when criminals are exposed.

  28. Asia Argento is an Italian actress, singer, model, and director. The daughter of filmmaker Dario Argento, she is best known for her roles in the films XXX, Land of the Dead and Marie Antoinette...Wikipedia says she's a model are y'all not reading the stories every one I read says model ...jeez guys old news

  29. I think Bourdain's wife should sue Asia for the settlement money. That belongs to his daughter.

  30. Argento may have been a model if there was a call for fugly ass skank-types. Anyhoo, Bourdain only paid the first $200K of the $380K settlement. She is paying her victim $10K a month until paid in full. So yeah, she needs to work.



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