Sunday, August 19, 2018

Blind Item #2

Pretty easy to see what kind of drugs you are on if you are this B list actor and your crack pipe falls out of your jacket pocket and shatters on the sidewalk. His much higher on the list celebrity girlfriend yanked his arm and tried to get him away from it as fast as possible.


  1. pete davidson and ariana grande

  2. Sid and Nancy for Millennials.

  3. Crack is still trashy, right? When did celebrities with access to $$$$ start loving crack? What advantage other than price does it have over the much classier option, coke?

    1. coke and crack are very different experiences. Coke is like a mood and confidence booster, but crack is like a stick of endorphin dynamite. Coke is more social and crack is more “I’m gonna lock myself up in a hotel room and dive headlong into an hedonistic abyss.”

  4. You don't know that enty!
    It could have been their meth pipe
    Unless it was one of those "bodega rose in a vial" this because yeah that's crack

  5. I love how this surely would have been captured by some paparazzi or people on social media would have picked this up (one recognizes ariana grande on the street)yet nobody has. How interesting. Tell me more things that nobody saw enty

    1. I think it’s another couple bc this isn’t how Ariana and Pete are described

    2. +1 yup fake news ...surrounded by people and only one man knows the truth lol

  6. @Thonker

    thonker is part of a group who regularly visits the comments, says this is BS, and yet somehow, shows up every single day without fail.

    if its all made up, why waste your time (which is a lot, apparently) coming here everyday? thats the #1 question.

    1. It's his that fragile you can't take it?...go to tmz if you want that shit..I know your just here for the pedo blinds

  7. Yuck. Who smokes crack anymore ?

  8. Wouldn't Pete be described as comedian rather than actor.

  9. Yo Mama's on Crack Rock... NOT MY MAMA

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He is the Blake Fielder Civil to her Amy Winehouse

  12. Let’s hope this has a different ending than Sid and Nancy’s.

  13. The only thing that happens for sure in this relationship is Pete ends up dead and the narcissistic little bitch walks away saying it's not my fault I lead an addict to his hard drug of choice...he could have said's not my fault..oh well .... I'll just move on...people love me! Ms Grande is a dime a dozen talentless cunt.... somebody try and get that boy to rehab

    1. @ Cl. It's always the womens fault. Your full of shit. He had problems before this and it's his OWN damn fault. Blaming other people for your problems is covert NPD characteristic trait. Enabler, possibly.

    2. Even drug addicts can't be told what to do but I blame your mom for no aborting you and making way for a decent human being who takes responsibility for himself instead of blaming a girl .......where did the old lady touch you to make you hate women ?

    3. Funny, I don't hate women, I do have a general dislike for those who prey on the weak sick addicted who foolish follow those who take zero responsibility for being world class enablers whose personalities necessitates blind adulation from those around then as 4 personal attack watch a family member surcumb 2 addiction watch their soul die but their body hang on 35 years watch everything they ever could have been with and die before u watch the enablers work them 4 self gratification put them in the ground and realize they died 35 years ago their body just died today and u mourn what they could have been not what they were, hate women u fool I love strong women with a sense of self who know that sense of self comes from within oh yeah I am a woman♀️♀️

  14. This isn’t how they’re described tho. Ariana is A List Singer

    1. Agree. Maybe Paris Hilton and her bf??

  15. @notthisagain because there are actually interesting BIs that are not easily disproven by using logical thinking...

  16. On what planet is Pete Davidson considered a B list actor?

  17. @thorne, I'm with you, I want to know too....and I don't really think this is Pete and Ariana either, does he call him a B list actor? He usually mentions something about SNL, I guess he could be an actor but I see him as more of a comedian

  18. In the words of a diva crack is whack. Of course people, even those that can afford the bumps, or even doing the Richard Pryor thing which really isn't so very much removed, are going to chase that crazy, wacky high. Hope whomever gets help.

  19. Pete is her "Fiance" not "Boyfriend" it's not them

  20. Pete and Ariana. Don't even bother hiding, everyone knows

  21. Anonymous5:40 PM

    @Justin is correct. I had a GF who talked me into trying it. By the 2nd hit I was thinking I could just do it on weekends - you can't

    It's the best feeling in the world immediately followed by the worst feeling in the world.

    Been over a decade and a half since then, and I would not touch coke or crack with a 10 foot straw....

    1. I have a friend who tried meth. Figured he could handle it for some reason. He loved it but couldn't get more when he crashed, and he said if he'd gotten it at that time, he's sure he would never be able to stop. Sad.

  22. Who saw it close enough to know it was a crack pipe? How do they know it wasn’t a bowl for smoking pot? Where’s the proof? Lol these blinds are ridiculously made up based off of media stories and then entry simply embellishes them



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