Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former C list celebrity pretty much all of you know even if you wouldn't recognize his face just took care of another loose end. He did it for this matriarch who paid him practically nothing but now can add another character to her next make believe documentary. 


  1. Replies
    1. I think it may have to do with the” robbery” in Paris.... the bodyguard?

    2. Right Tricia. They rehired the bodyguard I think??

  2. Gummi Bear / Brandon Davis? He lost a ton of weight so you can't recognize his face anymore.

  3. Oops. I think Brandon is Greasy Bear, got them mixed up ... well he's one of the bears...

    1. That food God guy, Johnathan Cheban. He looks like he had work done to his face!

  4. Make believe documentary made me think of Whitney. The guy who found Bobbi Kristina dying just OD'd (loose end?). Maybe that all doesn't fit with this, but I'm sure there will be a blind at some point.

  5. Nick the Killer getting rid of OD dealer guy, good call SteveD - Matriarch being Whitney's aunt or mom, the one who seems real high & mighty.
